Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1023

King’s randomly played game map is desert, so the rules of the game and the cost of failure are related to water.

To win, you have to go through a long and tedious game process, and it is not friendly to the lizard Demon Beast who has no game experience.

However, one of the constraints of Jin’s ability is to give opponents some innate advantages, plus the physical advantages of the Demon Beast family, so the Lizard Demon Beast actually has a good win.

Unfortunately, Lizard Demon Beast’s opponent was gold, and he eventually lost.

After leaving the space, the lizard suffered the cost of failure and was in a state of severe dehydration. Although not fatal, it also lost the power of World War I.

The black cat rushed over and didn’t give the lizard Demon Beast a chance to resist. He bit his body in a few bites and swallowed it raw.

“Don’t say it, these Demon Beasts taste awesome. If they can be processed and cooked, they will be better.” The black cat licked his lips endlessly.

“Go on the side.”

Luo didn’t want to hear the black cat say something about eating Demon Beast alive.

“What about Giles?” King asked.

“I don’t know.”

“There should still be one Demon Beast in the ruins. He may be looking for that Demon Beast.”

Tone barely fell, and there was a loud noise in the distance.

Looking through the sound, I saw smoke and dust permeating the sky, and the shape of gold and silver ingots was faintly visible.

“Looking at the past.”

The smoke and dust in Luo’s distant place made a few gestures against the empty air, and signaled the members of the 4D apartment not to come out.

At the same time, the stronghold of the gatekeepers.

Within the stone house, many Demon Beast’s faces were covered with haze.

Not only did they see the same race defeating the entire group of Luo was defeated, they also saw the black race that swallowed the same race alive.

The impression is self-evident …

A labyrinthine building collapsed, and the hard walls shattered into pieces, dumping on the ground and making a loud noise, while raising a lot of dust.

In the smoky dust, silhouettes roamed among them, but they were wandering gold and silver ingots.

Suddenly, sparks burst into the smoke, and the sound of iron traffic came.


Uzumaki, each and everyone with severely damaged heads of gold and silver, emerged from the dust and smashed against the walls of the maze building, turning into a pool of flesh and mud.

“Troublesome, messy people!”

A charming female voice came out of the smoke.

Immediately afterwards, Ding Nose single-handed pinched a human’s head and walked out of the smoke, with a gloomy look towards all around the wandering gold and silver ingots.

The human being pinched in his hand was the soldier carrying Jin Kerry. Not at all died at this moment, but he was dying and dying.

“It’s all because of your messy group that failed to kill the remaining 3 humans before the house collapsed.”

Ding Bi’s tone became fierce. He opened his mouth full of fine teeth and bit the soldier’s human skull with a mouthful. He smashed his head and swallowed it in his stomach within a few minutes.

At this time, several gold and silver ingots attacked her.

Ding Nose opened his mouth to bite off a large piece of meat on the soldier’s body. At the same time, he swung the three red long tails behind the buttocks and swept them on the head of the ingot gold and silver ingots.

A few rounds later, Ding Bi swallowed up the soldiers, and immediately slaughtered the surrounding gold and silver ingots, and the smoke and dust from the collapse of the building were scattered thoroughly.

Ding Bi looked back at the ruins of the house, thinking that the remaining 3 humans were buried in it. It should be impossible to survive, but for insurance …

After having this concern, Ding Bi acted as a relief worker, shaking his tail and sweeping away the huge stone on the ruins.

If humans are found, they must be replenished.

After a while, Ding Bi swept away the large stones piled on the ruins, and some fault space gradually appeared.

The red long tail rolled on an exposed slate, shook it a little, and threw it aside, exposing a narrow fault space.

The sun shone in and shrouded in a human body wearing a white coat, but it was Norman.

At this time, Norman curled up in a narrow space, his body trembled and his mouth murmured lowly.

In front of him was a slate, and there were many pieces of glass scattered underneath, and a gleam of green juice exuding from the bottom of the slate.

Norman stared at the green juice absently, like a spiritual disorder, and kept talking to himself.

Tiny nose looks coldly at Norman, behind tail raised high, hanging over his head.

Immediately afterwards, a tail suddenly became long and stabbed at Norman, which was curled up in the fault, but in a short time the momentum was retracted, it was retracted to behind, and a strong wall of tails was erected.

At this time, several shock waves exploded on Ding Bi’s tail standing on the behind, causing an explosion.

However, Ding Bi’s body was not shaken, and Norman in the fault had no response to the close-up explosion.

“It’s you……!”

Ding Bi quickly turned around and saw her eyes shrink when she saw her human attack was Giles.

She didn’t see any serious injuries from Giles’ body, and she didn’t think Giles could escape from the ancient claws.

What’s happening here?

Thinking of this, Ding Bi’s heart sank a little, but she didn’t have the time to think deeply. He controlled a tail of behind and plunged into the fault to roll up the murmured Norman, hanging beside him.


When Giles saw Norman, his expression changed.

When he shouted Norman’s name, the fox Demon Beast in front of him, cold-blooded and decisively twisted Norman’s body into several sections, and the blood stump fell to the ground.


Seeing this scene, Giles’s eyes sank, but there was no impulse to attack.

“It’s pretty calm.”

Ding Noi laughed.

Giles clenched his Zen stick, attacked unhurried, and watched Demon Beast the fox.

After seeing Luo entire group dominate, he ran to find teammates who might be alive.

Originally walking around in the maze, people did not find it, actually encountered many gold and silver ingots.

Afterwards, he heard the sound of the building collapsing, and immediately arrived, then sneak attacked the fox Demon Beast standing on the rubble pile.

What didn’t expect is that there are indeed alive teammates in the ruins, but they were killed by Demon Beast right now.

Despite his anger, Giles remained calm.

He now has a deep understanding of the power of Demon Beast.

After Ding Bi strangled Norman, he saw that Giles was not easy to attack, so he followed, thinking about what was going on with his companion.

The confrontation between the two sides was broken after Luo entire group arrived at the scene.

Ding Bi saw a few humans around her, her heart suddenly shaken, and she had a bad feeling.

Is it … the ancient claws are all destroyed? how can that be? The ancient claw is a Warrior with battle strength in front of the clan.

“This is the last Demon Beast in the ruins.” Luo stared coldly at Ding Bi, and quickly glanced at the collapsed building ruins, saying, “The destruction of a building of this size cannot be underestimated.”


Golden nodded.

They all know that the material of the ancient labyrinth is very hard, and it is not so simple to collapse, and the ruins before the earthquake like this should have been collapsed by Ding Noi, a fox.

This shows that Ding Bi’s strength is only strong.

Ding Bi also understands the common language. After hearing Luo’s words, nothing is revealed.

The collapsed building was not hers at all, but the [secret] hidden inside the building, but she would not be stupid to explain.

Just, what should I do next?

Ding Bi’s thoughts turned quickly, thinking about what to do next, but the members of the same race who were watching the battle at this moment had already sentenced her to death …

Everyone in this place did not notice that a large mountain was slowly flying above the ancient maze city, and the direction was exactly moved towards the maze city.

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