Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1040

Before making any decision, you have to prepare 2 heads.

The removal of the spar may attract all copper mechanical lifeforms in the nearby area.

Of course, it may not be attracted.

Regardless of the outcome, the preparation is always good.

Bijande decided to take the spar, but he was not clear about the specific role of the spar.

However, as a team entering the dark continent, including the Hunters Association and Luo’s teams, the staffing of each team is very similar. The essential one is the personnel responsible for the delivery and transportation of materials.

The Hunters Association has Tocalino.

Luo’s team has Nobu and Black Cat.

Beyond’s team is Hornby.

The “refrigerator” Bi Yangde said just now is the ability of Hornby to carry materials, and it is also a special appliance that has been realized.

Of the three teams, in terms of storage space, Noob was the strongest, followed by the Black Cat, and then Hornby.

Therefore, even if Bi Yang De is not clear about the role of spar, as long as Hornby ’s [refrigerator] has enough space, it is not impossible to dig out the entire spar.

“Gray, don’t overdo it if there’s a situation later.”

Beyond Yang De’s gaze was deflected, and he looked at a robot close to 3 meters high.

“To understanding.”

The robot named Graym replied, and immediately removed the normal steel arm shape, and realized 2 steel arms with special appearance.

Near the shoulders of the two steel arms, an exposed cockpit was erected, and the palm became a muzzle shaped like an Eleen machine gun.

After the special arm was realized, a mass of thoughts emerged at the back of the robot, and a round semi-hood like a firepower platform emerged out of thin air. A large firearm was also assumed above.

When he was ready, Graym looked at the men in camouflage not far away and said, “Come up.”

Immediately, three men in camouflage clothes came out, two jumped on the steel arms and sat in the exposed cockpit. The last one stood on the fire stand behind the robot’s head.

Excluding these 3 camouflage men, there are also 7 in Yang De’s team.

They are a well-known mercenary squad active in war all year round. They are called Legendary mercenary squads.

They once shined in a famous civil war in Lupo. Although they were on the disadvantaged side, until the end of the war, not only the meritorious merits, but the death rate was zero.

The number of teams is eleven, collectively called [stone wall].

The team is just as its name suggests. After the data of Lupo’s civil war came out, some of the top mercenary teams in the industry put the [stone wall] team on the altar.

Gray is the firepower of the [stone wall] team, and the players sitting in the cockpit and standing on the vitality platform are Emitter Mind Power players. They use them to provide mental power and then convert them into powerful long-range firepower strikes.

This is a rather rare team-based Mind Power and a real weapon for the [stone wall] team.

Even if he was recruited into the team by Bi Yangde, Gray’s firepower value is still the first in the team, but in terms of comprehensive battle strength, he / she can only rank third, because the second is the girl Ji Ji.

Although the entire [stone wall] team was included in Biyangde’s team, the person responsible for coordinating the reconciliation team was still Captain Miaohaier.

Miao Haier is a man with long golden hair, slender eyebrows, and ears as well. If it is not for human characteristics, he will inevitably suspect that Miao Haier has the Demon Beast fierce fox gene.

The main thing is that the ears are too long, similar to a fierce fox.

“Take your time. If it collapses here, we can’t run away.”

Miao Haier took a light picture of the glass cabin window of Gray Muna’s capsule.


Gray should do it.

Paris Stone looks at them, said with a slight smile: “It’s reliable.”

Miao Haier glanced at him without saying anything.

Although he was convinced of Paris Stone’s ability, and sincerely acknowledged his status as the No. 2 person in the team, Muhaier did not like Paris Stone in any way.

I don’t know how to describe that feeling.

It’s like a thorn stuck in your throat, it won’t hurt, but it’s hard to get stuck in it.

Parison’s eyes turned, looking at the huge spar hanging in the air.

Than Yang De looks at the stone wall team that is ready for battle, and then let the rest of the team stand separately and ready to engage at any time. As for the logistics personnel with weak battle strength in the front, of course, they are placed in the safest position.

“Well, I’m going to start dismantling.”

One step ahead of Yang De, the strong right hand arm emerged with rapids-like thinking, like a sharp knife.

He came to the area to the right of the spar, looked at the many slender spikes in front of him, grinned silently, and waved his arm to pick up.

The fierce vigor suddenly shot out from the waving arm, from the bottom right to the top, with no difficulty to cut off the slender spikes across the front.

The momentum of the severed spar spikes headed towards the ceiling, but disappeared out of thin air just before touching the ceiling.

It can be seen that Bijand’s control has reached its peak.

Part of the spurs supporting the spar suspended in the air was interrupted by Bi Yangde, but the spar continued to transmit [water drops] outside the room, and there was no movement from the outside, everything was as usual.

Moreover, after the spar was interrupted by the spike, not at all continued to transport water droplets outward.

After waiting for a few minutes, Bijand continued to interrupt the other spikes.

After spending about 30 minutes, Bi Yangde finally put the spar suspended in the air on the ground.

From the beginning to the end, there was still no movement from outside.

Even so, everyone did not relax their vigilance.

“Hornby, put things in.”


Hornby immediately realized a 2-door household refrigerator, which looked ordinary and looked quite cheap.

After calling out the refrigerator, Hornby opened the door above the refrigerator.

Bijand was shrouded in thought, and he lifted the removed spar with his bare hands, and shoved it into Hornby’s refrigerator.

I saw that the refrigerator that opened the door was like Doraemon’s pocket. It actually sucked in the spar that was tens of times larger than the refrigerator door. There was a sense of Shizuku using the vacuum cleaner.

“knock off.”

Hornby used to say a mantra, and immediately removed the refrigerator, turning her mind back into the body.

The spar was put in the refrigerator, and the only source of light was lost in the room.

But soon, a few thoughts lit up in the darkness.

A member of the stone wall squad threw a number of thoughts toward all around, sticking to the wall, and then the shape of the thought group changed, and it continued to burn like an oil lamp, bringing sufficient light to the room.


When the room was bright, there was finally movement outside.

The sound is faint and the expansion is far away, but the sound is dense and there are a lot of expansions.

“It looks like we have to find a second Safety Sector.”

Bi Yangde looked towards the largest entrance in the room, but within a few seconds, copper mechanical living bodies poured into the room in clusters.

The spar was removed, so the copper mechanical lifeform rushed into the room.

As a result, everyone is mentally prepared.

At this moment looks at the copper mechanical life body pouring into the room, and everyone responded calmly.

Gray’s firearm muzzle fired at the most dense copper mechanical lifeform.

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