Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1046

The so-called fiction is a customary term for those who are Mind Power.

That is, from nothing to everything, from the inside to the outside, from the virtual to the real, to materialize something that exists in the imagination out of thin air.

Although the ancient texts read so far can only be regarded as the first stage, the amount of information contained in it is enough for Sa Ling to be shocked.

The information previously read shows that the existence of gold and silver ingots is closely related to the ancient cities.

Whether it is human beings using gold or silver ingots or gold and silver ingots using humans, the hero who built this ancient city is undoubtedly gold and silver ingots.

But is the gold and silver bar really a plant that ancient humans brought from the outside?

Sarah didn’t know.

To be precise, she is not sure which statement is right.

Ancient writings engraved on the roof indicate that gold and silver ingots were brought by ancient humans from the outside, but what remains on the paper indicates that gold and silver ingots are a product from scratch.

The arrival of Sarah surprised everyone.

After all, Saling had been immersed in the interpretation work some time ago, and she didn’t even come to dinner.

“Any progress?” Looks at Saling who came to the scene. Luo didn’t answer the question, but asked a question back.

Saling glanced at her teammates who were gathered together, immediately facing Luo nodded, while Bruna, who was squatting on her shoulder, jumped slightly and jumped onto Luo’s shoulder.


Bruna greeted Luo with a smile, following Luo.

Luo first raised her hand and touched Bruna’s delicate head, then looked towards Sa Ling, and asked, “What did you read?”

“It’s still information about bullion, actually you guys, what are you doing here?”

“I asked Sheila to help identify the seeds found on Alcatraz, and wanted to see if they were the same type as the gold and silver ingots,” Luo explained.

“Seeds of Alcatraz Island?” Saling’s eyes were puzzled.

“It’s a long story.”

Luo glanced at Jin. Regarding Udi, he didn’t mention it to his teammates. Only Jin and Lin Nie and the black cat knew the existence of seeds.

With this in mind, Luo talked about the process of getting Udi while everyone was here.

After listening to Luo’s explanation, everyone then fully understood the whole sequence of events.

“Luo, do you remember the plants we met in a valley?” Tonpa suddenly thought of the stubble.

“Remember, it’s a plant similar to Hai Aoi.” Luo nodded.

With Tonpa’s reminder, Bi Siji quickly thought of the group of sea Aoi plants similar to the gatekeeper. Just thinking about it, she shivered.

What I saw and heard at that time was really have one’s hair stand on end. It is estimated that no woman can tolerate that kind of thing breaking into the field of vision.

“Will that thing also be a borderline plant?” Tonpa guessed.


Luo squeezed his chin.

At that time they wanted to enter the valley to explore, but they were shut out by the sea Aoi plants.

In the area of ​​the valley where the end is not visible, it is reasonable to say that there are many ways to enter, but in fact, the sea Aoi body has sealed any entrance that can enter the valley.

This statement is not exaggerated at all, because covering the mountains and plains are creeping sea Aoi plants, completely seamless and drillable.

Similar to this kind of plant guarding somewhere, Luo they met a lot in the dark continent west.

The most impressive one is the Aoi plant.

At that time, safety was paramount, and things that were not sure were never done.

Therefore, at that time, several people in Luo as it should be by rights were persuaded by the sea Aoi plant.

But now it’s different. If you go to the valley again, Luo can surely break the blockade of the Aoi body in the sea.

“Gold and silver ingots should have nothing to do with what you call a fencer plant.” Sa Ling said.

“Well, not the same type,” Luo nodded, then asked, “what do you read this time?”

Saling was silent for a while, and she said, “According to the ancient written records on the paper, the gold and silver ingots seem to be the mental product of ancient humans.”

“A mental product?”

Nob frowned, while the others looked surprised.

Luo’s response was rather bland, with a thoughtful expression.

“The product of mindpower, according to us, is the materialization of mindpower. If it is according to the ancient human, it is the materialization of supreme strength of yang.”

“What is the supreme strength of yang?” Bu Hazhen was fainted.

Tonpa glanced at him, shook his head slightly, and explained, “Supreme strength of yang is mental strength.”

Praha asked, “Ah? But the names are different.”


Tonpa sighed: “We call Qi the mind force, and ancient humans called Qi the supreme strength of yang. Do you understand this?”

“It turns out!”

Abha showed a stunned color.

Saling looks at the crowd full of surprises, saying: “This is what I read out. Although I don’t want to admit it, I really don’t have the confidence to prove that what I read is correct.”

“Because in any way, gold and silver ingots are native plants of the dark continent, not something embodied by the mind.”

After hearing Saling’s words, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

In fact, it is difficult for them to accept that gold and silver ingots are the product of mental power.

For example, Luo made the black cat into a male form, and then strengthened Bisji’s cookie Miss. No matter how many times he came, the cookie Miss would not be pregnant and have children.

To put it another way, there is a man who reads beasts and cookies Miss bang bang bang bang, and it is absolutely possible to reproduce offspring.

Because no matter how much they look like humans, they are still mind beasts, which is a fact that cannot be changed.

But gold and silver ingots can reproduce. From ancient times to the present, they have always occupied the ancient labyrinth city.

What’s more, the previously read content shows that human beings use gold and silver ingots to reproduce fruit, constantly extract metals, and then build this gigantic metropolis.

From the available information, there is no basis to support the claim that gold and silver ingots are mental products.

Besides, even the parties responsible for interpretation did not believe it, let alone a bystander.

“Bad luck Crow is the beast left over from the death of the ancient Mind Power,” Luo said suddenly.


Everyone was surprised.

Anyone who has read the hunter’s book knows what bad luck Crow is, but Rick doesn’t mention it at all.

If you think about it, Luo just keeps track of what he sees and hears, and he doesn’t pay attention to details.

“Tonpa, what’s wrong with you? His face is so ugly?” Old Bai was surprised, and suddenly noticed something different about Tonpa.

“No, nothing.”

Tonpa smiled bitterly, forcibly suppressing the unconscious painful memories in his head.

Lao Bai smashed his mouth in confusion, and did not continue questioning.

At this moment, the black cat came out of the back of Luo’s hand, and smiled at Tonpa with a sensuality.

“Don’t, please, Master Cat!”

Tonpa’s eyebrows moved instantly, and the acting eye-level eye contact was exerted.

Luo didn’t notice the hidden interaction between Black Cat and Tonpa, at this time he was thinking about the difference between bad luck Crow and gold and silver ingots.

If the two were left over from the death of Mind Power, he would have no reason to absorb the bad luck Crow without any response to the gold and silver ingots.

However, he did not think that Saling’s interpretation was wrong, although this was a unilateral statement by ancient humans.

It’s just that he has always held some speculation about the ecosystem of the Dark Continent.

And bad luck Crow and gold and silver ingots may be two of the scaffolds to demonstrate that conjecture.

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