Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1049

Along the coastline, the road is unobstructed.

Did not stop and was not in danger.

With the massage of Cookie Miss, the rest time of the team is greatly reduced, and there is no need to worry about excessive fatigue.

It was all the way, but within a month, the team successfully arrived in Chiyan.

“Luo, this is your first landing site on the Dark Continent!”

Looks at the flat scarlet ground in front of her eyes. Sheila can hardly hide her excitement. After looking around 4 places, she is a bit sorry, but she didn’t meet the rock island crab to go ashore and bask in the sun.


Luo smiled nodded and immediately looked for a suitable hole.

Old Bai ran to observe the dragon blood tree up close, and as a vegetarian, Nick inevitably shot the dragon blood tree.

“I miss it so much,” Tonpa said with emotion.

When I first came into contact with the dark continent, how many times I almost scared the urine.

Now starting again, there is serene.

Soon, Luo found the right place to go down.

However, he did not rush to see his teammates full of interest, after all, except for him and Tonpa, the rest of them came to Chiyan for the first time.

Everything here is unobstructed, there is no mountain or water, there is only one scattered tall dragon blood tree.

Coral-derived branches and leaves support a potted canopy, but they are cut off by scissors, leaving a flat section above the canopy.

Exotic trees with such a special appearance will inevitably attract people to stop.

There is no rush to go to the underground world, just for everyone to take a break for a while.

Luo took Machi and jumped to the top of a dragon blood tree.

2 people nestled together, staring into the distance, waiting for time to pass.

In the evening, the distant sky was stained with orange red, and their interest in the dragon blood tree and the land of red rocks plummeted.

At this point, under the leadership of Luo, the crowd entered the tunnel dug out by the underground creatures and reached the underground world where they could not see the five fingers.

“Good smell.”

“It should be the stench of the rotting body.”

“Wait, I’ll look for the light algae.”

As soon as it reached the ground, the stench rushed.

It’s a bit like the rotten smell of a corpse, but the surroundings are dark and difficult to verify.

Tonpa does not indicate danger, so not at all dangerous creatures within the radar range.

After a while, Luo took the lead in taking out the light algae, infused the mind, and emitted bright rays of light, which instantly illuminated all around.

Followed closely by the golden light algae.

However, for a few breaths, everyone held the light algae, making the scene as bright as day, even a small sand can see the score.

A large number of broken bones are scattered on the stone ground in the chaotic stone forest.

Some hair sticks to the black liquid, and there are a few pieces of meat that have not completely rotted.

The source of the stench is the corpses scattered on the surrounding ground.

“The body showed no signs of being eaten.”

Kim couldn’t tell the specific image from the remains, but he could see whether the body had been eaten.

Nobu pushed the frame and said, “This explanation, the thing that kills them is not for eating.”


“It should be bones, but I remember it’s not their area of ​​activity.” Luo looked around.

“Bone race?”

“With our strength, the bone clan is not afraid, let’s go and live directly to each ethnicity.”

Luo glanced, moved towards one direction.

When everyone saw this, they stopped paying attention to the corpses of all around and followed Luo’s footsteps.

The team traveled 100 kilometers away, Tonpa reminded: “A group of things came from the direction of 8 o’clock. They were flying, the number was about 300, and the goal was clearly us.”

Hearing Tonpa’s reminder, the crowd immediately entered the fighting state.

Luo took Allah from the black cat space and looked towards 8 o’clock.

Within a short time, I heard the sound of wings flapping, quite dense.

A few seconds after the sound came, clusters of black shadows came, but it was a creature with a bat-like shape and mostly bones.

Between the open wing skeleton is a translucent periosteum, no organs can be seen on the skull, there is not even a mouth, there are only durian-like spikes.

This group of flying bones was attracted by Luo’s scent.

Within the body are full of slaughter factors, without the slightest hesitation moved towards Luo entire group to launch an attack.

white jade general

Luo stepped forward, and General White Jade made his appearance.

He waved his arm and cut across.

General White jade made a move and cut it out.

When Blade Aura flashed away, the group of flying bones was chopped into pieces in an instant.


Seeing that Luo had killed the attacking bones in person, even the specific appearance of the bones had not been clearly seen. Everyone shook his head slightly and converged.

Get rid of the obstacles, and the team continues.

If the journey is smooth, it will only take a week from the entrance to the residence of the tribe.

As Luo said, the Bone family was born solely for slaughter.

They kill any creature that appears in front of them, not for survival and reproduction.

On their way to the tribe’s residence, Luo encountered many waves of bones.

Among them, the number of bone clan that hit once reached 2 1000, but it could not pose a threat to the team.

Not to mention the presence of Luo, even the 7th rhythm of the sound of the prince can also solve the coming bones.

With such reliable teammates, and Tonpa’s investigation circle, no matter how many bones came, they were all beheaded by the team.

A week later, the team successfully arrived at the huge trapezoidal boulder, which is lying on the ground, where the tribal residence is located.

The dwellings of the ethnic groups are in the internal space of the stone, relying on the hardness of the stone to resist various dangerous creatures in the underground world.

Located directly under the stone, there are one big and one small 2 doors.

“The door is open?” Jin far away saw the open stone gate.

Luo also saw it, and his gaze was immediately fixed.

He knew that the stone gate of the tribal settlement was closed all year round and would only open when entering and exiting.

“Looking at the past.”

Everyone walked towards the gate of the residence of the tribe.

As the distance draws closer, there is no movement coming from the open stone gate of the tribal settlement.

When Luo saw this, her heart was slightly sudden, and she had a bad feeling.

At this time, they were carrying bright light algae, just like a big light bulb in the night, and their visibility was horrible. Then the clansman impossible who should be standing beside the stone gate did not respond.

Until everyone came to the stone gate, the rays of light from the light algae poured into the narrow channel.

Several pieces of clothing were scattered on the ground in the passage, no sound came, and the atmosphere was full of silence.

According to Luo’s description of each race, the scene in front of them makes everyone look at each other in blank dismay, I wonder what happened.


Looks at the clothes scattered on the ground, Luo’s complexion changed slightly, and he suddenly looked towards Tonpa.

At this moment, Tonpa was shocked.

When he arrived in front of the stone gate, his reconnaissance circle was enough to penetrate the not-so-empty interior of the stone.

However, his circle of thought did not sweep any one by one clansman.

Hearing Luo shouting his name, Tonpa came over, nervous: “No, there isn’t any one.”

“no one!?”

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