Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1072

The Norwell Fund, also known as the Mercenary Survivor Masonic.

The main role is to provide organizations for the survivors of the deceased with money, treatment, childcare, education and other assistance after the death of the mercenaries to protect their survival rights.

Of course, the operation of the organization requires a lot of money, and the source of money is the mercenaries in active service on all sides.

This is a miracle and extremely sacred account. It is not allowed to be stained with a little bit of pollution. It is also possible that the word “corruption” has nothing to do with it.

With this backing, the mercenaries who have been licking blood on the blade for many years have no worries.

Companions are held hostage. This phenomenon similar to [surrounding corpses] often occurs on the battlefield.

However, captive peers are more inclined to choose self-discipline.

This is the impact of the Nowell Fund, at least no longer making the lives of mercenaries cheap.

That being said …

This is a dark continent.

Everyone’s hand is vital!

Potter looked coldly, using the two corpses as ammunition, while blocking the momentary ammunition, he could also play an offensive and confusing role.

Crush the companion’s body with his own hands, but the rest of the stone wall squad is not relenting.

Concepts such as being buried in the ground have never missed them.

When people die, they are a mess, that’s their value.

Therefore, they simply crushed the companion’s body to ensure that their vision was not affected.

Subsequently, the set of gun lines quickly and very ruthless pulled to Porter White’s body.

“Back back!”

Miao Haier’s indifferent voice was amplified by thought, overshadowing the sound of guns in the field.

The five stone wall squad members who set up the gun line at another place without the slightest hesitation obeyed the order, at the expense of giving up the high cohesion on the gun line, but also to distance themselves from Potter White.

Eyes at the members of the five stone wall squadrons began to leave the attack range. Porter felt that it was a pity that he could only turn the target to the robot that was above the broken wall.

He didn’t want to be kite-controlled, and the main source of fire for the stone wall team was the robot.

Most of the injuries on his body came from the robots of the Stone Wall Squad.

“Breaking down the point of fire will smooth out the disadvantages of the wound. If I drag it for too long, I will …”

Potter turned sharply, moved towards Gray, rushing away, like a war chariot in a deserted state.

“Hard guy, deserved to be the top Enhancer Power.”

Miao Haier looked at Potter White’s move to resist some bullets, but he was sneaked in his heart.

No matter what choices Potter White made in the middle of the battle circle, once he stepped into the [Bear Trap], the only end result was his death.

This is the winner.

The seamless group of thoughts continued to hit the Potter White body, and the firm thought film made a series of violent ripples.

Most ammunition did not work, but some ammunition successfully penetrated Porter’s skin and left blood holes.

The speed of injuries is increasing with the naked eye, and Porter has successfully stepped into the range that can attack Gray.

However, under Miao Haier’s indifferent gaze, the ground in front of Potter’s body suddenly exploded.


Potter Byakugan was suddenly filled with the roaring flames, and then his body was blown out by the impact shock of the explosion.

The explosive charge of the bomb was extremely delicate, so that formidable power was enough to shake Potter without hurting himself.

Potter flew upside down and rolled out on the ground several laps before stopping.

The bomber did not hurt Porter, but blocked a critical close-up charge.

From the explosion to Porter flying out, the Stone Wall team still did not cease fire.

The continuous munitions, like raindrops, frequently landed on Potabund Gundam’s body.

Accurate and very ruthless, there is a sense of impossibility to cease the fire even if Porter white becomes minced meat.

Potter White stood up quickly against the bullet rain, and wanted to get rid of the fire lock of the stone wall team, but the other party was professional, and he used the impact of the munition to put Potter White in the fire strike circle.

This is a very desperate team collaboration type. If the team is playing against the team, it is okay, but Porter is a person and completely beaten.

The stone wall team with only eleven people, it is the effect of the collaboration of more than 100 Mind Power players.

Potter felt that the situation was not good, and he underestimated the opponent’s continuous strength and frontal strike.

“What’s going on? If it’s an instant system, then the continuous output of the munition should be limited, and the single-point strike power is also impossible. If it is an Emitter, because of the constraints of modernized firearms, it is even more impossible to have such a strong firepower. . “

Potter’s face was a bit ugly. He miscalculated the firepower of the stone wall team and lost the opportunity.

Keep going like this, let alone defeat the stone wall squad, you may sacrifice your life meaninglessly.

Potter thought through the joints, retreated decisively, and withdrew from the length of the gun of the stone wall team.

Two stone wall members were killed just now, while the other five retreated, so that there was a serious gap in the fire encirclement, which was enough for Porter to withdraw safely.

Seeing Porter’s move, Kakuzu’s mouth gave a cold smile.

The wolves hunt, when the prey is injured and bleeding, they will wait impatiently for the prey to lose its resistance.

Gray’s insistence on the firing point makes people think that he / she is a fixed-point battery, which is actually not the case.

The high-tech steel feet of the robot suddenly sprayed white fireworks at the bottom, and the brick wall at the footing was dissolved by the fireworks into a high-temperature money pit, and the heavy fuselage floated by thrust.

Gray is a rare top-level master in the modernization department. He can easily realize various modern firearms and even firepower weapons, even this high-tech robot.

It seems that his / her brain hole is different from that of ordinary people, so the difficulty of realizing items is much lower than that of ordinary people, and it is relatively immune to the restrictions of Mind Power.

This kind of person who is born with modernization is extremely rare in the population of 1 billion.

The firearms and even military supplies held by members of the stone wall squad were basically discovered by Gray.

Therefore, Porter wondered the positioning of the members of the stone wall team.

It is precisely because the firearms used are derived from outsiders’ realizable items, so the Emitter Mind Power of the stone wall team only needs to turn their mind into [ammunition], which can transform their high-efficiency lethality.

This simplified process is the key to seamless firepower and formidable power compliance.

Potter took the initiative to leave the gun line, while the Stone Wall squad hung tightly behind.

They have already labeled [chronic death] on Potter White’s body, and then they just need to wait for it and wait for Potter to walk towards the moment of death.

Gray is too strong …!

With each battle, members of the Stone Wall team, including Captain Miao Haier, will admire the power of Gray Mu from the bottom of his heart.

Among the group of Mind Power incarnations, they dare to conclude that Gray is the world’s first incarnation Mind Power!

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