Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1079

When the masker stops making noise, as long as he does not move, the presence will drop to zero.

It’s hard to feel the slightest breath from his body, like a rock on the side of the road can be seen everywhere.

However, the killing intent emanating from the inside to the outside, even if it is very quiet, is like a street lamp in the night, which is very conspicuous.

Maybe he noticed the masking killing intent, and the footsteps from the passage disappeared.

The mask man looks at the dark passage, hitting from the very beginning, he has no intention of hiding.

So he took the initiative to walk into the passage.

The three swallowtail butterflies followed, and the rays of light from the body became brighter.

Inside the passage, a man with a short figure, a watermelon-shaped hair, and pockmarked on both cheeks, was standing by the wall.

He wore a night vision goggle, so even without the rays of light brought in by the three swallowtail butterflies, he could see the masked person walking in.

The man was named Matthew and was a member of the Younger team.

Feeling the killing intent from the masked man, Matthew’s complexion was slightly dignified, and in a breath, he switched [wrapping] to [hard] and entered a combat state.

At the same time, he raised his hand and struck the brick wall 2 times with a light 3 strength.

He then faced the masked man, his knees flexed slightly, and double-handed made a hug pose.

His behind, mind power shows a 3-layer humanoid illusory shadow.

looks at Matthew and prepares to attack, while the masker walks slowly, raises his hand, and scratches the mask with his nails again.

Crunch … crunch …

There is a room at a distance from here.

A small amount of spar is embedded in the walls, providing faint brightness.

There are 2 people standing on a pile of copper blocks.

One of them was short and wore a mushroom cap.

The other, wearing a Japanese-style fisherman’s clothing, has an exaggerated chin, and has the sense of sight of a strong sailor.

Both of them are Bi Yang De’s players.

The man with the mushroom cap did not know where to take out a round rainbow lollipop, cooked it to remove the wrapping paper, and then smacked the lips and licked it.

“She Shell Luo, how many times have I told you that the smell of lollipops is a hidden danger that cannot be ignored!” The man in the fisherman’s costume was rather unhappy.

The person known as the shell Luo special disapproves, calmly said: “Jie Luo Mu, I have told you many times, my hearing range is far better than the scope of the smell.”

Hearing the words of Shell Luo, Jay Luo jumped out of several intersections on his forehead.

Suddenly, Luo Luo expresses positively, looking towards a certain direction.

Seeing Luo’s special move, Jay Luomu was very alert.

“Matthew encountered the enemy over there,” Shell Luo said.


Jay Luomu picked up a huge spar on the ground and went in the direction of Matthew.

Shell Luo bite out the lollipop and then followed Jao Luomu.

who am I?

Where am I?

what should I do?

I wonder when these doubts arose.

Maybe it’s time to see things.

But I’m pretty sure I don’t have eyes.

Furthermore, not even the body.

However, I can see 10000 things in the world, I can hear the insects cry, and I can touch the heat and cold.

I realized that I should be a form of life, in the sense, also called a living thing.

When I learned to think, the initial doubts were not solved, but became more complicated.

I didn’t know what to do until I encountered a certain life form.

At that moment, two words popped out of my mind.

So, without the need, I eliminated those life forms.

Perhaps because I followed the instinctual guidelines, I used something outside of me to fill the Void itself with its inherent form.

I have no need for food, nor do I slaughter for pleasure.

But there are some things that need me to clear them up.

Then I encountered that life form again, so I came here.

It is clear to me that there is a clear concept of domains among living things.

So I can’t go underground, I can only wait here.

didn’t expect, the same life form appeared again.

So I attacked them.

But I do n’t understand why these [things] came to besiege me?

The scarecrow wondered at the copper mechanical lifeforms swarming from all around.

In the air, Luo entire group looks at the restless copper mechanical lifeforms scurrying towards the scarecrow standing on top of a low building.

The question mark at one end floated above them.

From the time the Crow group attacked them to the current riot of copper mechanical life forms, everything was unfathomable mystery.

If not, the Crow group should have been released by the Scarecrow.

If it weren’t for the Crow group, they wouldn’t have noticed that there would be a scarecrow in the copper mechanical life group.

The action mode exhibited by the copper mechanical life forms at this moment not only puzzled the scarecrow, but also puzzled the entire Luo group.

The reason is actually very simple.

The scarecrow’s sudden release of attack is equivalent to scatter in the field of copper mechanical life.

As a result, the copper mechanical lifeforms listed scarecrows as enemies.

“What’s happening here?”

Looks at the riotous copper mechanical life body swallowed up the scarecrow like an ant colony, and his face was white and aggressive.

Not to mention old white, others didn’t figure out the situation, 愣愣 looks at the copper mechanical life form a mountain bag where the scarecrow stood.


Suddenly, Bhajan pointed in a certain direction.

There is a low house with an entrance.

It was originally blocked by a copper mechanical life, so it was invisible.

Now the life forms of the copper machinery are all led by the scarecrow, so that the scattered ruins gradually show up.


Sa Ling’s eyes brightened.

“We can take advantage of it.”

The words didn’t fall, and the mountain bag made of copper mechanical life suddenly burst apart.

Countless copper mechanical lifeforms flew out and shattered in the air.

Big slaps of Crow shuttled through the debris, flying quickly around the circle track.

As soon as the surrounding copper mechanical life body was hit by Crow, it was like being hit by a truck, and it flew out directly.

Within a short while, the Crow group cleared a vacuum zone around the scarecrow.

Despite this, the endless surroundings of copper mechanical lifeforms still rush to the Crow group without fear of death.

But the Crow group forcibly created the effect of the storm circle, ruthlessly destroying the copper mechanical life forms that came forward.

The original mechanical life of copper, which has a fair hardness, is extremely fragile in this brief moment.

looks at this scene, Luo entire group no longer hesitates.

While the Scarecrow has attracted the hatred of all copper mechanical lifeforms, they will take advantage of the underground ruins.

The Scarecrow noticed Luo’s entire group’s move, manipulated the Crow group, and slammed open the siege of the copper mechanical life form, and jumped up, driving Crow in a straight line until the black panther black cat.

Seeing this, Luo took out a hidden weapon made of a ridged stone from his pocket, wrapped around a sufficient amount of thought, and immediately threw it out.

The diamond weapon hit the leading Crow body with precision, and suddenly a stone of countless birds destroyed the Crow group that was connected in a straight line.

The Scarecrow forcibly drove part of Crow to attack Luo entire group, resulting in a gap in the defense line, which was once again surrounded by copper mechanical life forms.

Luo entire group stopped watching, and decisively entered the underground ruins through the exposed entrance.

As soon as they entered the underground ruins, the copper mechanical lifeforms that had piled on the scarecrow body were defeated again by the Crow group.

The Scarecrow stomped Crow and chased Luo entire group.

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