Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1093

There were 2 cracks in the mask.

Those are eyes.

Slender, small eyes.

Pupils are as bloody as small beans.

A little faint red light, glittering in the pupil.

The tone of the mask with the words Humane and Death Line is mixed with surprise.

It was just a small section of obscure syllables.

The mask man’s movements are deformed because of Sambika’s ability.

In the ruins, the copper mechanical life forms can be immune to Sambika’s ability effects, but the mask people cannot.

Therefore, after dealing with the injuries for Yinda, Sambika decisively came to support the Pyorns.

Unfortunately, Miltonston died.

However, Sambika’s eyes at menqi were gradually forced into the desperate situation, using the power of mind to manipulate a virus cultivated within the body, silently infiltrating the mask person’s within the body.

The virus she uses is called the Sky Rabbit, whose name is taken from the pathogen, which is an animal called the Sky Rabbit.

The infection style of the virus is blood contact. Once infected, the muscles will dissolve in a short period of time, and then the internal organs will gradually fail. It is a highly effective virus.

Under the blessing of Zambia’s ability, the infection style is not limited to blood contact, and the viral effect has also been enhanced.

This was also possible because Sambica used a different virus as a material to improve the Sky Rabbit.

She took advantage of the mask man’s focus on attacking Men Qi, sneaking the virus into the mask man’s within the body, and it produced an effect.

This process is difficult, because the masked human body is covered with a strong apparent energy.

If there is no restraint by Menqi, the mask person can cause the imbalance of mental distribution on the body surface in the process of maintaining the offensive, then the virus manipulated by Zambia will be difficult to penetrate the mask person within the body.

Although the virus attack was successful, when Sambika suddenly looked over, the heartbeat became harder to restrain.

Like her type of Mind Power, what she has to do in battle is to use the ability continuously and concealed, so that the enemy’s attention will not fall on her body.

She was convinced that from the attack to the end, she was hiding well, and she completely wiped away any traces and breath.

However, the masker first reacted out of order, then immediately noticed her, and muttered a syllable that she couldn’t understand.

“It’s okay, the Sky Rabbit Virus is working.”

Sambika couldn’t hold back the accelerated heartbeat, so she could only comfort herself so much, and then kept an eye on the mask person who reacted and stayed still.

Although the bright red gaze locked on himself, Sambica showed no sign of flinching.

“Is Zambia’s ability?”

Seeing that the mask man suddenly stopped, Pioyne and Saqiu, and even Qiduo and Menqi, all thought of Sambika’s ability.

Because Sambica used concealment, they didn’t even notice Menci.

“He has been infected with the virus, but it will not be fatal in a short time.”

Sambika quickly explained that when the masker’s eyes came over, she decided to give up hiding.

Her self-protection ability is almost zero. Once exposed, the best situation is to seek the cover of her teammates, but the person who can protect her now


The three people, Saqiu, Pion, and Qiduo, are all biased and have limited frontal combat capabilities.

Menqi’s front battle strength is not weak, but she can’t resist the attack of the masked man and is injured.

In this case, once the masker came at her.


But she had no choice. Since it was exposed, she would go all the way to the end.

In this way, under the gaze of the masked person, her body exuded a slight greenish force, wrapped in several viruses extracted from within the body, and then sent to the masked person who was standing still.

Facing another virus attack from Sambica, the masked man swayed his stiff limbs, but sat directly on the ground.

This reaction made Sambika’s entire group slightly surprised.

But no one can control that many.

Men Qi, who is closest to the masked person, lifted a kitchen knife, just like the ingredients on the cutting board, wrapped in thought, and accurately pierced the key of the masked person.

Although she trusted Sambika’s ability, she still carefully reserved the room and considered the chance to adapt.

2 The tip of the spatula, centered on the target, stabs over the key of the masker.


It’s like stabbing on a steel plate.

Maybe it’s not even scratching. Even if the kitchen knife stabbed the body, the mask man stared at Sambika, and there was no Men Qi in his eyes.

That split second, Menqi just felt covered with a cold chill.

She realized the gap in red fruit.

I used to fight with the masked man in the past, and although he was suppressed, he was not desperate enough to have no resistance.

However, when the kitchen knife only stabbed a few sparks in the mask person’s body, Menqi knew the gap between her and the mask person.

“impossible !”

Men Qi did not believe in evil, and while the masked man was trapped by the virus, he tried his best to launch a stab at the masked man’s body one after another.

clang clang clang clang!

The continuous burst of sparks was like a mocking face, laughing at Men Qi.

This scene was also seen by Pioneer.

“How terrifying the defense, with our current offensive ability, we can’t hurt the opponent at all, the only hope is” Qi Duo glanced at the golden light at the moment gliding ahead of the team, and finally looked at Sambica.

As long as the Sambica virus can continue to evaporate, even if they do not attack the masked person, they can wait for the virus to gradually eat away the masked person.

Thinking of this, Qiduo suddenly looked towards the unknown crystal brought by the masked person, and the red fruit human on the top.

At this moment, three swallowtail butterflies are flying around the core energy, and the surrounding copper mechanical life forms are rushing to the core energy, but they are cut into pieces by the thread.

This scene gave Qi a lot of information.

However, for the time being, she has not thought about using it, but is paying attention to the current situation of the masked person.

If the Sambica virus can solve the mask man

The failure of Menqi’s offense caused Pioyne and Saqiu to give up the idea of ​​killing you while you were sick.

But even so, they still have to do it.

Because the mental defense covered by the masked human body can resist the Incursio of the Zambia virus.

Only a continuous attack can create a weak point in the mask man’s body that makes the virus Incursio.

Suffering from several attacks from Menqi, and the virus Incursio of Sambica, and the Maskless Motionless As Mountains, have been staring at Sambica.

Suddenly he laughed out loud.

The sudden laughter caused Menqi to subconsciously close their hands, and immediately distanced them, looking dignifiedly at the mask man, wondering why he laughed.

At the same time, the mask man raised his right hand like rust, and tremblingly stretched out one of his nails, abutting the mask on the part of Yintang.

“Dead lines are treasures.”

“I found the treasure.”

“So, no energy.”

“Don’t bother.”

The mask man looks at Sambica, speaking in an unclear language, full of excitement.

Even if the virus is already Incursio within the body, he has no worries about his safety.

Nothing else, because he has a solution to the virus.

And the offensiveness of these humans is not a threat at all.

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