Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1096

Loud noises pass through the tortuous channel.

The further away, the weaker the sound.

There is a very audible team member Luo special in Yang De’s team.

He heard immediately when the voice came.

However, the voice was not too faint, so the teammates heard it too.

The difference is that Shell Luo can simulate the appearance of the scene from the sound.

“I don’t know whose back of the brain has been hammered and is very strong.”

Shell Luo licked a lollipop and looked towards the direction of the sound.

Although the sound came from there, the architectural passageway inside the site is extremely tortuous, making it difficult to determine the true direction.

“Not too far away,” Miao Haier calmly said.


Shell Luo pulled out the lollipop that Paulie had in his mouth, and seriously said, “Compared with the hammerman, the one who was hammered is more horrible, because he was not injured in a strong fist hammer. If I were to say, at least it would be slightly fractured, right? “

Listening to the words of Shell Luo, the crowd couldn’t help looking towards Paris Stone and Beyond.

A glimmer of light appeared in Paliston’s deep eyes, and his thumb pressed lightly to his chin, saying, “Assuming that the message heard by Shell Luo is correct, the person who made the noise may be Netero’s team and kill the horse. The unknown existence of the repair. “

That sound has nothing to do with copper mechanical life forms.

If the copper mechanical life forms are excluded, except for them in the ruins, only the Netero team and the unknown existence of Matthew are killed.

“No matter who it is, it has nothing to do with us, right?” Kulli pushed the mosquito coil glasses lightly.


Hornby glanced at the copper mechanical lifeforms suppressed by Gray, said solemnly: “Although Gray is present, this group of troublesome guys is endless. If you drag here for too long, you may be caught. Live and die. “

“That’s right, but this is also an opportunity, right?”

“what chance?”

“An opportunity to kill the Association team!”

“It’s too risky and we should get to the ground as soon as possible.”

“Yes, and the voice does not have to come from the association team.”

A voice raised different opinions.

Some advocate leaving as soon as possible, and some advocate seizing the opportunity to kill the association team.

The former is the best choice for the situation at hand, while the latter is based on uncertainty.

Normally, anyone will choose the former.

However, there are too many abnormal people in this team.

Paris Stone looked towards Gray Mu, who was removing copper mechanical life forms, said with a slight smile: “Gray Mu, add an hour to the original plan, are you sure you can hold it?”

“no problem.”

Gray’s mechanical sound came from the cockpit.

“Okay.” Paris Stone narrowed his eyes, looked towards Silent Biyangde, and said seriously: “I think Netero’s team is always a trouble.”

At this time, the team members all looked towards Biyangde, waiting for vital opinions.

Facing the eyes of everyone, Bi Yangde with a beard, thinking about the struggles during this time, and the battle with the association team.

Netero has the ability to track the movement of its own team. If it is not resolved, it is indeed a hidden danger.

Thoughts here, than Yang De has the answer in his heart

After hearing the sound, Luo entire group quickly passing through the passage stopped.

At their behind, the wreckage of the copper mechanical lifeform stretched to the end of darkness that could not be seen.


The black cat is a little uncertain.

“I seem to hear it too.” Tonpa frowned.

“There is no doubt that there was a voice, but it came from the depths of the site.” The skeleton said in a firm tone.

Luo couldn’t help but look towards the skeleton, said with a smile: “Your ears are good.”

As he spoke, he fixed his eyes on the bare head of the Skeleton.

The skeleton man smiled awkwardly and made a ka-ka sound of skeleton collision.

“Go, go see.”

Luo glanced and hardly hesitated to move on.

The top of the front of the passage was covered with vines, and dozens of sharp black shadows burst out suddenly and attacked Luo.

The iris of the field swept towards those dozens of black shadows, and before they disappeared, they were divided into countless fragments, which were distributed to the left and right sides of the channel, turning into silent wreckage.

The attack from the life of tiny copper mechanical machinery was nothing but a trivial episode.

The players had no objection to Luo’s decision and quickly followed Luo’s footsteps.

Compared to the hesitation of Yang De’s side, Luo’s side is very straightforward.

The reason is that Luo’s team is equipped with sufficient lichens, which can effectively restore mental energy and stamina, so there is no need to worry about being alive and tortured by the endless copper mechanical life forms.

After the sound disappears, as throw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea.

For the full 2 ​​30% of the time, there is still no new news.

It may be that the later sounds are so small that they cannot be transmitted.

It is also possible that no new sound was produced afterwards.

Without voice guidance, Luo had a hard time determining the location, but the impact was not significant.

The structure of the site can greatly reduce the difficulty of finding the sound location.

The team moved forward in silence, gradually moving towards the location of the sound source.

After a while, a small noise came again.

Want to come, the sound source is a little far away from them, or for some other reason.

As we went deeper, the number of copper mechanical life forms encountered on the way increased significantly.

But no matter how much the number increases, they all fall apart in Luo’s realm.

The black cat was marching fast, and reluctantly snatched a part of the energy spar from the scattered wreckage.

On the one hand, the taste of the spar is okay, and on the other hand, Luo explained that he should save some.

The sound from the depths is not frequent, and the interval is slightly longer.

It’s hard to hear what is going on alone.

However, the voice came clearer and clearer, indicating that the team was getting closer to the location of the sound source.

At the same time, the density of copper mechanical living bodies is also increasing with the speed visible by naked eye.

Just a moment ago, they passed a 3-fork channel, and the copper mechanical life body running out of the channel was like a toothpaste squeezed out.

This analogy is not exaggerated.

Facing the attack of copper mechanical life forms, Luo entire group did nothing to destroy it and destroyed it at the fastest speed.

About ten minutes later.

The team came to an entrance to the bottom.

Luo looks at the downstairs, I can already hear the sound similar to the copper block being smashed by a hammer.

Underneath, someone is fighting a copper mechanical lifeform.

Everyone glanced at each other, almost all thinking of the hunter license.

After groping at the underground site for so long, everyone knew the structure of the site, knowing that going down from here is an empty flat land similar to a room, which is equivalent to a main road.

If it is that terrain, once it is surrounded by copper mechanical life forms, it will be a very difficult situation.

“Nob, if there is a situation later, you know what to do.” Luo looks at deep in the entrance with frequent noise.


Nob nodded.

Without Luo’s specific explanation, he also knows what his position is.

In the event of a battle or danger, he will quickly set up the entrance to the apartment and then immediately take the non-combatant into the apartment room.

After Luo said, she looked towards Sheila and continued: “also you.”

Several of the Sheila who were not members of the main battle were silently nodded.

“Go, get ready for battle.”

After a simple arrangement, Luo hurried down the stairs, followed by the team members.

The stairs are not long but steep.

Moments later, Luo was the first to reach a main road with a flat terrain.

In the distance, Netero’s unique and unmatched golden Guanyin broke into the eyes of everyone.

At the same time, copper mechanical lifeforms emerged from the various channels and swarmed towards the area where golden Avalokitesvara was located.

Seeing Netero’s golden Avalokitesvara, Luo was not surprised at all.

The hunter’s license found on the upper level of the site is very new, either on the Netero side or on the Biyangde side.

With some psychological preparation, naturally I will not be surprised by the existence of golden Avalokitesvara.

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