Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1102

Humanoid is the name given by the skeletons themselves.

It refers to those human beings who seek a path of evolution in order to survive.

Over time, it has essentially nothing to do with humans.

However, in terms of appearance, human characteristics remain.

Just like the masked man in front of him, his body is like a telephone pole, and his limbs are thin and thin like a tree root. In terms of overall structure, it still belongs to the human frame.

Luo looked towards Skeleton, Bruna’s tentacles are assumed to be between them.

“Are you sure?” Luo asked.


“How to tell?”

“The strength of life strength cannot be reached by humans.”

“that’s it?”

“Almost, if you want to say something, there is another reason, that is feeling.”

Skeleton man looks down at the mask man who has not given up struggling, calmly said: “He and I are the same, I have this feeling, in fact, I have told you before, many races on the dark continent are Humans have evolved. “

“Including the humanoid bone family in the underground world, also the predecessor like me is a human being.”

“No matter what we encounter, no matter what process we go through, we can no longer be called humans in essence. Even the clansman that you mentioned is beyond the scope of humans.”

“I sometimes wonder if this is evolution or degradation?”

Perhaps it was the central point of the topic, and the words of the skeleton people suddenly increased.

Listening to the skeleton people saying that many words, what reason does Luo have to question the basis of the skeleton people’s judgment?

Therefore, he regards the masked person as a humanoid, and then he can always torture a lot of information.

The communication between Luo and Skeleton was based on Bruna’s spiritual chat room.

Therefore, the onlookers had a faint weird feeling besides the fog.

“Survival of the fittest, advance or retreat, is actually evolution.”

Luo glanced at the skeleton man, and then continued to weaken the mind of the mask man.

Regardless of whether the mask person is human or something, as long as Bruna is present, you can communicate with the mask person.

On this basis, Luo wants to squeeze the intelligence value of the masked person into a thoroughness.

The silent look between Qi Duo looks at Luo and the Skeleton Man, also Bruna put the tentacles on the body of 2 people, and later thought that Luo said that he would torture information from the Mask Man body.

If you connect several pieces of information together, you can get an answer more or less.

Bruna, has a psychic-like ability?

Qi Duo was thinking so much.

The situation is completely stabilized.

Over time, the number of copper mechanical life forms coming from all around has decreased significantly.

This is explanation, the copper mechanical life form is indeed attracted by that core energy.

As for the information on core energy, we must start with the mask man.

It took half an hour until the last copper mechanical life body on the site broke into pieces.

Almost everyone in the rest of the association collapsed.

This kind of tense spiritual and high-power continuous battle is very burdensome for spiritual and body.

It is a blessing to be able to survive.

From this moment, the battle was completely over.

However, Luo is still weakening the mind of the masked man.

This weakening lasted for half an hour, but the potential thoughts of the masked person have not bottomed out.

It is hard to imagine that in a lean body, there is such an exaggerated potential thought stored.

This is really not something the human race can do.

As the copper mechanical life forms that are no longer resistant to incoming attacks, the idlers are watching Luo’s actions to weaken the mind of the mask.

Only the black cat went to the battlefield to search for a complete energy crystal.

Just like eating candy, Paulie stuffed one after the other.

It took another 5 minutes for Luo to remove the potential thoughts of the Masked Man.

With the disappearance of the last thought of the masked person’s body, the three swallowtail butterflies bound by Machi also disappeared.

Without the blessing of the mind, the mask man who has struggled for more than half an hour is completely dead.

As if losing vitality and energy, the thin body became dull for a while.

After Luo’s careful confirmation, he pulled out Allah, and then removed the god’s word on the ground.

“Machi, tie him up.”

After hearing Luo’s words, Machi skillfully pulled out the thread and tied the mask person 5 with a very professional method.

Seeing that the masked person completely lost his resistance, Netero turned to Luo, seriously, “I have a lot of questions to ask.”

It’s not just him, including Qiduo, they also have a lot of doubts, but just because Luo is doing things, he never bothers.

“Go to the 4D apartment.”


Luo then asked Noble to open the entrance to the 4-dimensional apartment again.

Association hunters who are familiar with Nob’s abilities were originally surprised, such as Netero …

However, when they entered the 4-dimensional apartment, including Netero, they were shocked by things in the room.

Not to mention the Association Hunters who are not familiar with Nob’s ability. As soon as I entered here, comparing this experience over the past few months, I just felt that this ability was invaluable.

In other words, what is so rich life aura?

Netero had many doubts that Luo needed to explain, but Nitolomy, which emits a strong life aura, and vanilla, which can cure 100 diseases, directly distracted his attention.

In other words, everyone on the association’s side was taken out of sight.

Nick immediateely stood in front of the planting area and glanced at the Netero entire group with vigilant eyes, like an old hen protecting her chicks.

“These … are all from Luo’s trip?” Netero guessed.

Luo eyes looks at Netero They are following Nitolomie’s [hope], instead of actively calling back their soul, but let Bruna reach out his tentacles again to help him build a chat room for communication.

At this time, even Kim came over for fun and asked Bruna to bring them a [Internet cable].

Lao Bai also wanted to come over to make fun, but Luo was directly proposed by the chat room, after all, many injured people also need him to treat.

Among the members of the association, in addition to Da Baboon, Yin Da, Pion, Menci, there were also two limbs attacked by copper mechanical life forms, then rusting and breaking.

Among them, Pioyne’s injuries were the lightest. For example, members of the association such as Menki had arms and broken legs, while Da Baboon and Yin Da were more serious.

It was all given to Lao Bai for treatment, and the mechanism of [the means of the fool] must have taken a lot of time.

Bruna divided a lot of tentacles and landed on everyone’s body.

The Skeleton glanced at Sergey, who was not involved, and asked, “She is also a human being, and it is best to let her come and watch.”

“You said that Sergei is humanoid too?” Sheila was surprised.

“Isn’t it?” The Skeleton asked back.

“Of course not! Sergey is human!” Sheila retorted directly.

Seeing that Sheila’s momentum was so vigorous, the skeleton people originally wanted to go back hard, but considering the current situation, they chose to keep their mouths low-key.

Luo glanced at the Skeleton Man, and if it was based on the Skeleton Man’s judgment criteria, he would surely put Siji in the category of humans.

However, even if she was resurrected, Luo didn’t think she was human.

Just then, a cold and angry voice sounded in the chat room.

“My same race … will tear you up!”

That is, the voice of the mask man.

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