Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1108

In a 4-dimensional apartment, Netero faces a choice.

He is lucky and hopes that Bi Yangde will also suffer losses.

Or, admit defeat and return to 6 continents.

The nature in the heart actually favors the latter.

Just being pulled by reason, there is no one-sided.

If they went back so sloppy, Potter’s sacrifice … would become worthless.

Netero’s silence made Luo see that he still had room for struggle.

However, Luo did not continue to persuade.

Because Netero is a very opinionated person. As long as he makes a decision, it is difficult for others to reverse his decision.

But if Netero knows that there are tigers in the mountain and wants to go to Tiger Mountain, then Luo has to find a way to leave Zambia.

And if Netero dropped down and asked for their help, Luo wouldn’t agree.

So far, Luo has no conflict with Biyangde’s goals, and Biyangde’s team is strong. Therefore, under the premise of insufficient reasons and motivation, Luo did not want to play against Biyangde’s team.

At best, it can only provide some material help to Netero.

Netero’s silence not at all lasted too long, he looked up, and then looked towards the plantation area that was strictly guarded by Nick, a very lightweight teleportation topic: “It seems that you have been very good in this period of the dark continent. “

“Well, we found a lot of Nitolomies and herbs that can cure 100 diseases.” Luo slightly nodded, in addition to these two, there are also many harvests, but he will not go into detail after one.

Netero’s face suddenly froze and turned into an incredible expression.

In contrast, there are so many of them.

Before coming to the Dark Continent, everyone had a deep understanding of the [Disaster] of the Dark Continent, and naturally would not let go of [Hope].

At this moment, I heard that Luo had already succeeded in Nitolomi and vanilla, and the quantity prefix also used the word [many].

Are the plants in the planting area …?

People subconsciously looked towards the plants in the planting area.

There is a continuous distribution of abundant life aura, the key is that there are a lot of them by the planting area.

If those things are really Nitolomi and vanilla, their value is already inestimable.

“Those are Nitolomi and vanilla?” Netero opened his eyes.


Luo followed their eyes and looked towards the mature Nitolomy.

“It’s … incredible.”

Netero took a deep breath. Since the history of human ferry, how many times have failed so badly, they have not been able to find one of them [hope], didn’t expect Luo. They have got so many [hope].

“We’re going to take a look at World Tree next.” Luo looks at the plantation area.

“Is World Tree …”

Netero tilted her head to look at Luo’s side.

He thought to himself, Luo, they were more like hunters.

Feeling inexplicable in my heart, my thoughts changed slightly, and I suddenly wondered, was it right or wrong to devote myself to opposing the exploration of the dark continent?

This thought lasted less than half a moment and was rejected by Netero.

He is not wrong. The dark continent is a real taboo. If human beings are too arrogant, they may lead to overwhelming disaster.

“So what is your decision? Go back to the 6 continent, or continue to find trouble with Young?” Luo suddenly switched the topic teleportation to Young’s body.

Netero said with a bitter silence, said with a bitter smile: “I’ve come this far, I don’t want to just give up.”

Luo sighed, “I think so too, but don’t expect us to help you.”

Hearing Luo’s words, Bisji moved slightly, but said nothing.

Jin’s face was calm, making it hard to see what he was thinking.

And Netero didn’t respond, and actually, a lot of eyes changed slightly, and couldn’t help sighing in the heart.

She originally thought that if the President wanted to continue to execute the mission, then she could seek the assistance of Luo entire group. She has reason to believe that as long as Luo joined the group, they would definitely be better than Biyangde’s team.

Unfortunately, Luo’s attitude was resolute.

Netero shook his head, said with a bitter smile: “You’re really welcome.”

Luo shrugged, immediately looking upright, said calmly: “So, you have decided?”

Netero did not answer, but looked at Qiduo at a glance.

When he came to such a field, he would have to make a decision afterwards. It wasn’t his decision alone, but to follow the opinions of his teammates.

Luo looks at the silent Netero, the answer was already in his mind.

This old stubborn.

Luo shook his head slightly and looked towards Nick, shouting, “Bring a Nitolomy.”

Nick heard that he jumped out of the planting area and took a Nitolomy from the inventory, then came quickly.

Netero’s entire group’s attention was not attracted by Nitolomi in Nick’s hands.

Golden-yellow rice, overflowing life aura.

This is Nitolomi, which can increase lifespan. Presumably, once it is dropped to the 6th continent, it will make the world’s top rich people fight for blood.

Luo took Nitolomy from Nick and then handed it to Netero, calmly said: “eat it.”

Netero heard the startled, first glanced at Nitolomy, then met Luo’s calm eyes, not at all, then took Nitolomy handed over by Luo.

He thought he had a good relationship with Luo, but how easy would it be for Nitolomé to take over?

Looks at Netero indifferent, Luo is not surprised, and then said: “This is what Lin Nie meant, the last time I returned from the dark continent, I gave her half a Nitolomy, but she was thinking about that It would be more valuable to use Nitolomy in your body. “

Netero’s eyes moved, Lin Nie …

Beside, everyone looked silent at Luo and Netero.

People in the association are surprised.

King them, they feel nothing.

Maybe this is the embodiment of rich and imposing.

“President, you take it,” Bissie said suddenly.

Netero glanced at Bi Siji, and immediately looked towards Luo.

A moment later, Netero reached out to take Nitolomy, and the life aura assaults the senses flowing from his fingers shocked him spiritually.

looks at Netero took over Nitolomy, and Luo seriously said: “The change in our eating of Nitolomy is very weak. If it is you, the effect should be obvious.”


Netero was speechless and suddenly looked forward to the effect of this Nitolomy.

As a person grows old, with years of persevering exercise, he may be able to maintain his body at a higher Power.

However, the potential and apparent volume decrease or decrease with age.

This change, synchronized with human aging, may also be related to cell division.

What effect will it have?

With expectation, Netero swallowed Nitolomy.

Luo looks at Netero, eating Nitolomi, thinking about how to turn Sambica over.

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