Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1114

The same is true.

Even a punch in the middle is not enough to kill Bi Yangde.

However, it is not unscathed.

Bi Yangde slipped from the wall to the ground, his chest cavity was slightly concave, and his hair was covered with blood.

“You’re quite something, old fogey.”

Biyangde swerved his head towards the ground, spewing a spit of blood, and immediately got up, looking towards Netero’s direction.

The two sides opened a short distance, and the source of light dropped from the crack was limited, so that there was only fuzzy darkness at the end of the line of sight.

However, both sides can feel angry at each other.

“Did you find a weakness in this war alone?”

Than Yang De strode forward.

That punch hurt him without affecting his battle strength.

After all, he is the top-level Enhancer Power,

It’s just that he didn’t expect that Netero had an insight into his weaknesses.

What’s more didn’t expect … it’s Netero’s return to the past.

Slightly condensed than Yang Demei, killing intent is more prosperous.

He didn’t know the reason for the change, and he didn’t need to figure it out.

The only thing that surprised him was that Netero, with a small amount of information, found a way to attack his ability.

After taking more than a dozen steps, Bi Yang De’s head suddenly appeared a word-3-Star level incurable hunter.

“Is she?”

Than Yang De thought.

But soon, he stopped thinking about it.

He strode into Netero’s vision.

The whole body was covered with dust, and the long beard and breasts were stained with blood.

Netero feels pity that looks at rather embarrassed, but not weaker than Yang De.

He knew that the punch in the middle of the impossible would kill Bi Yang De, but also didn’t expect, the impact would be so weak.

If it’s Peak’s punch in his prime …

However no.

Netero squinted his eyes and put on an offensive posture.

Seeing this, Yang Different said indifferently: “Why, don’t you plan to use 100-style Guanyin?”

Netero didn’t speak, and the momentum slowly climbed.

Than Yang De frowned slightly, also ready.

The abandonment of the 100-type Guanyin by Netero is enough to make him stand by.

His powerhouse journey originates from Netero.

From beginning to end, we have always carried forward the concept and have never changed at all.

So, when Netero turned his way, he sneered.

But now, Netero is back, standing on the same path as him.

But even so…

The age gap between you and me is the cruelty of reality.

Just then, Netero moved again, still a punch of 1000 hammer Hundred Refinements.

Without giving any reaction time, he was sent directly to Bijand’s chest.

Than Yang De had no consciousness of dodging.

He simply didn’t think about hiding, and in fact he knew he couldn’t completely avoid this fist.

Simply don’t hide.

Resisting the attack is the prerequisite for counterattack.

Relying on skin is rough, flesh is thick, he resisted Netero’s this fist better than Yang De.

Anti-trauma not at all happened.

Because, Netero’s boxing speed is too fast, making Yang De too late to operate.

Speed ​​is the nemesis of Yang De’s ability.

If the attack can be faster than Yang De’s consciousness and reaction, then the ability to counter injuries naturally does not work.

After all, if any kind of Mind Power is to be powerful, it must bear the corresponding constraints.

It is stronger than Yang De’s anti-injury ability so there is no solution, so after he turned on the ability, it was impossible to act on the whole body.

Under the premise of limited ability, just like the principle of using a shield to block arrows, you need to capture the trajectory of the arrows before you can lift the shield to block the arrows.

The difference is that Biyangde can not only block the arrows, but also return them in the past.

It was precisely that Netero was aware of the weakness of his ability, so this time, Bi Yangde relied purely on the fleshhy body and Nianli Power to resist the straight punch of Netero.

This fist still caused Bijand harm, but also gave Bijand a chance to fight back.

He jerked out double-handed, clasping Netero’s right hand wrist against his chest.

Use 2 hands to hold one hand. Correspondingly, the empty door is exposed.

This is a risky move, highlighting the adventure spirituality of Younger.

Netero did not hesitate at all, and decisively drove the left fist and hit Bi Yangde’s neck.

If it is better than Yang De, then this fist will win.

If he withdraws from Yang De, he can also get the chance to continue his pursuit.


The fist hit Biyangde’s neck without hindrance.

In the flow of mental power not seen by naked eye, a sharp circular trajectory was drawn.

The thought power from Netero’s fist was injected into Biyang De’s thought power, and then came back like a sea wave, acting on Netero’s fist.

Suddenly, more than ten wounds cracked on Netero’s left fist, and blood arrow shot out.

That is, than Yang De’s ability.

Netero pupils shrank.

Within three moves adapted to Speed?

It’s impossible!

“Looks like I guess.”

Than laughed heartily.

He prejudged the position of Netero’s attack and then arranged the anti-injury area in advance.

If you guessed wrong, Netero this fist is enough to cause him deadly damage.

Of course, this is not entirely a risk. After all, before making this move, he pressed Netero step by step, making Netero’s options less available, which increased his chance of guessing correctly.

The successful hand, compared with Yang De’s pursuit, double-handed slammed the force and unceremoniously tore off Netero’s right hand arm forcibly.

Immediately, Netero groaned and deng deng stepped back.

Than Yang De’s expression was cold, he shook off his broken arm, strode forward, and leaped forward to Netero.

The cold, vacant look slammed into Netero’s eyes.

Than Yang De 5 fingers close together, straight out.

He was prepared for Netero to call up the 100-style Guanyin to defend.

Unexpectedly, the 100-style Guanyin not at all appeared.

Struggling to give up …?

The palms that were closed together drew into Netero’s body without any hindrance.

A blood arrow goes through Netero’s back.

Netero’s body shook, and calm looks at Biyang De, close at hand.

“Why not use the Type 100 Guanyin?”

Beyond met Netero’s calm look.

Netero coughed, frowned, and a lot of blood flowed out of his mouth, sighing, “I’ve lost.”

Is this the reason?

Bi Yangde was silent for a while, took a step back and pulled his arm back.

With a pu chi sound, blood pours out of the big hole in Netero’s chest, as if he wanted no money.

The lost blood, like Netero’s strength, made him whole on the verge of collapse.

Than Young’s silent looks at the vitality of Netero.

2 people just stared silently.

After a while, Bijand coldly said: “You have failed too much.”

Words are like swords, cut on the veteran body that is about to die.

Netero closed his eyes slowly, and said to himself, “Yeah, that’s a failure. It failed to completely kill the risks hidden in your body. Compared to Yang De, you are different from Luo, not the same …

When eyes opened again, Bi Yangde was gone.

Netero laughed at himself.

I thought …

Sure enough, people have to be old.

In this way, I can only hope that the environment of the dark continent will defeat Bi Yangde …

The so-called master tricks are fatal.

Winning and losing will be decided in a short time.

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