Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1116

Perhaps it was because Netero insisted on not using the 100-style Guanyin until the last minute, or because of other reasons, Bi Yang did not make up the last knife, but left directly.

He knew that Netero had no chance of surviving.

That deadly palm, but directly hit Netero’s half of the heart.

If it weren’t for Netero’s Enhancer Mind Power, it would have been a long time to die.

However, Bi Yangde never thought that his approach gave Netero a little hope.

And that hope, Netero at first not at all realized.

He laughed at himself because of failure, and served the old man because of failure, except that he did not immediately think of the 2 items that the body brought.

It wasn’t until half of the vitality was lost, and when his knees were weak and he knelt down, he began to realize the unwillingness of him. Then he thought of burning fairy grass and lichen.

Netero’s half-closed eyelids were forcibly held up in vain, and the dull eyes gave a hint of light.

He found the possibility, like a drizzle on the dry earth.

Although slim, it is the only hope.

“Burning, Burning Fuck …”

Netero exerted his last strength, and in the blurred vision, took out the entire burnt grass and shivered into Paulie’s mouth.

Instead of chewing, swallow it directly.

Afterwards, he closed his eyes like a fate and lay down on the ground, curled up into a ball, like a lonely old man in his old age.

The first is the loss of strength, and then the temperature. For example, if you are in the world of ice and snow, you will feel cold and you will not feel the presence of your limbs.

Hearing is gone, and vision is swallowed by the cold darkness.

In the end, even the existence of the body is not felt.

The heart finally stopped beating.

Consciousness, from vague to near annihilation.

That split second, the shadow of death came over.

Netero’s eyes were completely darkened, losing all its shine.

However, in the cold darkness, a ray of flame suddenly lit.

At this moment, the effect of burning fairy grass is fully exerted, turning into a stream-like warm current, flowing into Netero’s limbs and 4 skeletons, and finally converging to the chest.

The half of the heart that stopped beating suddenly grew a small scarlet granulation, and between the twists, it also showed weak signs of beating.


In the dark eyes, a candle-like luster in the wind floated.

Consciousness gradually returns.

A whole plant of burning fairy grass directly caught Netero’s life.

However, Netero’s injury was serious after all. When the burnt grass was effective, it was like a water pump that sucked away the remaining thoughts of Netero within the body.

In this case, Netero will face 2 kinds of situations, one is to die by exhausting the mind, and the other is to die if the mind is not enough to recover the injury.

But right now, the effect of burning fairy grass, forcibly pulled Netero back from the Gates of Hell.

“It turns out that death feels like this …”

Things in Netero’s eyes are slowly changing from obscurity to clarity.

For some reason, the original pasty thoughts are as clear and clear as a mirror.

The lost energy was not recovered at all, but Netero still took out the lichen with very slow movements and ate it.

The clear effect of two precious materials made Netero see the hope of life.

At this moment, in addition to being thankful for avoiding a catastrophe, Netero is grateful …

He is grateful for the lichen and burnt grass provided by Luo!

Biyangde left here, but it was absolutely unexpected.

How could he have imagined that Netero would have two rare combat materials, lichen and burnt grass.

How could he think, because the difference in thought gave Netero hope of survival.

He wouldn’t think of it, and he would never think of it.

From his standpoint, there are too many things that should not happen.


Less than the battlefield of Yang De and Netero, the performance of both sides is very stable. Although Gray Mu played a strong fire suppression, the association is not completely vegetarian.

Headed by the Enhancer Powers, the association erected a steel line of defense, which quickly brought the fighting distance closer and killed Grayham’s long-range firepower advantage.

As the fighting distance got closer, the association finally got rid of the suppressed situation.

Relying on the attack formations organized by Yinda and Da baboons, Xun played 5 5 with Byangde’s team.

Regardless of the association or the side of Yang De, each Mind Power player has his own Magical Powers, applying his skills to the extreme and putting himself into a fierce battle.

In this kind of scuffle, the association side has the most sense of Yinda’s existence, and the younger team side is the mechanical girl Mary the most dazzling.

Vigorous, strong Strength, super fast Speed, superb skills!

It was just one person who stopped Yinda and Da Baboon from fighting with two Enhancer masters.

“This girl …”

After the Da Baboon was kicked and kicked back by Mary, he took a quick look at the congested area on his elbow, and his eyes were full of grave expression.

I have never heard of such a powerful No. 1 person in the Association, and he looks very young.

On the other hand, Yinda is also dignified.

Even if I forcibly reversed the inherent impression of Xiezhuan, I never imagined that there is such a strong master in Xiezhuan.

And not only one …

These people in front of them are all members of the Association!

There is so many powerful members in the association that most members of the association have been despised by!

After Mary took the lead to restrain herself and Da Baboon, the association finally managed to play the advantage, and the eyes at were about to be sent back.

However, after the fight, we can deeply realize the horror of this young girl.

Both Yinda and Da baboons are inferior in size to Budha, and are over 3 meters tall.

The two of them stood in front of Mary, like the contrast between an orangutan and a little girl.

But Mary, who looks the same as a little girl, did not fall in the slightest against the two Enhancers, Shangda Baboon and Yinda, and also gave the team a lot of room to play.

As the baboons and Yinda were held by Mary, the manpower association, which was already inferior, began to show its weakness.

If it weren’t for somebody on Biede’s side …

At the edge of the battle circle, the university professor Courley, wearing mosquito-repellent glasses, tilted his head at times, and from time to time, rubbed out 2 bullets and drew it to the parisstone in the battle circle. A few black lines slowly dangled from his forehead.

“Pariston, you …”

“en? What?”

“Aren’t you Emitter?”


“Then why are you playing here? No sense!”

“But I’m not Enhancer ~~”


Looks at Paris Stone, who doesn’t even know it at all, Cullie’s face is black.

He couldn’t join the battle because his battle strength was weak.

But Paris Stone is different. Although the positive battle strength is not very strong in the team, it can also cope with one of the battle strengths in the association casually.

But this guy is good, open and aboveboard’s paddling here!

Courly felt helpless, but fortunately his teammates had obvious advantages, so they didn’t care about Paris Stone’s behavior, but always kept an eye on the situation.

After a while, the situation was still deadlocked.

There were no casualties on either side, after all, they were elites, and even in the melee, it was not easy to succeed.

Until the arrival of Bijand, the situation changed drastically.

“how come!?”

Everyone on the association’s side showed an unbelievable expression.

The arrival of Bijande shows the end of President.

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