Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1129

The black disc speeding from above makes the look of the Younge entire group become even more dignified.

Than Yang De silently looks at the distant black disc, and after a moment said solemnly: “Leave here.”

The voice didn’t fall, so he turned around.

Grave expression is difficult to dissipate on the weathered face.

Teammates followed Biande in silence.

Who can conclude that everything we see today is still a one-sided Kakuzu of the dark continent?

In a certain period in the future, maybe I can see something more exaggerated.

With a strange and heavy mood, Yangde’s team was far away from the ruins at the fastest speed.

Team members lost more than half, but as a result, it was acceptable.

However, they are acutely aware of the unknown and immense danger that lies ahead.

The same suffered a heavy loss, also in the other side of the association team.

The dark continent revealed to them the real horror side, the flying black disc, and the amazing long-range beam shooting of formidable power, all made them express their fear and heavy expression.

Netero’s life and death are unknown, and Qi Duo is the Deputy President, who will not let Captain take over.

She led her teammates as far as possible from the danger zone, but did not intend to escape the ruins directly.

Under the premise of ensuring safety, pay attention to the movement of the black disc.

What exactly is that, they do n’t know much.

The mission of this trip can only end in failure.

After that, Qiduo has to consider to let his teammates live as much as possible.

Therefore, she took a certain risk and chose to stay in the ruins because she wanted to join Luo’s team.

Over the ruins ground, the black disc brought heavy shadows, shrouding Demon Beasts such as Red Shadow, and also dragged Luo into the edge of danger.

Regardless of whether it was the gatekeepers or Luo, in the face of the threat from the black disc, they all fled.

The goalkeepers know that in the absence of large appliances, they cannot compete with the black disc.

And Luo them, there is no reason to entangle with the black disc, to directly avoid danger, is the most sensible choice.

The black disc is making waves above the ruins, and the Energy beam from time to time emits the ruins into a mess.

Before the spear flower’s teleport cd improves, Red Shadow and other Demon Beast can only flee in the bombing area.

Looking at Luo, they are much more relaxed.

When the black disc launched the attack, Luo responded faster than the Red Shadows. They stepped away from the attack range of the Energy beam, and since then, they have thrown the danger firmly behind.

With the support of lichens, Luo didn’t care about the consumption of power at all, and brought them gold, and used Emitter’s Teleport skills directly and continuously, maintaining a safe distance from the black disc.

The black disc emitted about 30 Energy beams. The ruins were bombed into scorched soil over half of the distance, and the gatekeepers were killed and 2 members were killed.

After that, the black disc no longer emits Energy beams, but just follows the gatekeepers and Luo.

The black disc stopped the long-range attack, but Red Shadow was not surprised at all.

Energy is limited, and it will be less with a little, so the black disc impossible consumes Energy unscrupulously.

However, judging from the 30 or so Energy beams previously emitted by the black discs, they seem to have sufficient energy.

“Time is almost…”

Hong Ying glanced coldly at the behind black disc, then looked towards Luo and Jin ahead.

The current situation is no longer able to support them to retake Gu.

Without the mess of this black disc …

Hong Ying was unwilling, but now had no choice.

After a moment, an eyeball plant suddenly appeared on the ground in front of them, emitting liquid rays of light.

The red shadows are moving at a high speed, and the timing of the eyeball plant appears perfect. After the conversion ability, they directly wrapped the red shadows from the high speed.

Then, the rays of light dissipated, and the red shadows disappeared out of nowhere, and they were teleported to the gatekeeper’s home far away.

On the other hand, although Luo and Kim didn’t know the reason why the black disc suddenly stopped attacking, it was no longer important.

They escaped the ruins, merged with Nobu, who was coping near the entrance, and entered the 4-dimensional apartment together.

In this way, the pursuit of the black disc ended in failure.

Lost his target, the black disc, like a flying saucer, hovered over the ruins without moving.

In the distance, Qiduo saw that the black disc suddenly stopped, his expression moved slightly, and she immediately greeted her companions to leave.

She thought of Agility, guessing that they might have entered the 4-dimensional apartment.

As a result, their risk of staying in place will become high.

Anyway, as long as there is [the return of the letter] of Crook, Luo can always grasp their approximate location.

Before that, we must ensure the safety of the team.

The team of the association also started to leave the ruins. At this point, the three parties previously in the ruins were almost dispersed.

However, underneath the collapsed ruins, there are still unknown scarecrows and Netero with a last breath.

Everyone gathered in the 4D apartment.

Luo’s return brought the Small Fox beast that was attached to the black cat back to the room, so he lost sight of the outside.

It doesn’t matter in this regard, after all, 4D apartments are an area of ​​absolute security.

Gu’s reading power has bottomed out, and basically can’t turn out any storms, and was previously innocently taken away by the black cat. At this moment, the soul is not guarded, and looks at without threat.

Even so, Luo set up a circle of God’s word and sealed it in the circle.

The black cat seemed to regard himself as a man who was a goo, and stood beside him, occasionally sticking his tongue out and licking Gou’s cheek.

As everyone knows, as long as Goo is alive, it is a time bomb.

Assuming that Go is huge in a 4-dimensional apartment, it is estimated that the mechanism of breakthrough Mind Power can directly destroy the entire 4-dimensional apartment.

Due to this potential risk, Luo tends to kill Goo as soon as possible.

Teammates who share the same ideas as Luo, but not a few.

However, judging by the performance of the black cat … it is estimated that the first objection will come out.

After all, the situation of the black cats, and the ability of the rest of the team to pass Nick, is also known.

“Luo, don’t you woke up the black cat? It’s not a good thing to continue letting him go like this.” Bi Siji came to Luo and whispered.

At this time, Tonpa also came together and whispered, “Luo, long pain is worse than short pain. Let this evil situation end as soon as possible!”

Luo looks at side Tonpa and Bisji, it can be said that the two of them have the best relationship with the black cats in the team.

However, now looking at them, living off is a group holding torch.

The point is that their suggestions are correct, which is cruel for black cats.

Luo glanced around and fell on the black cat body.

As Master of Mind Beasts, he knows the attitude of Black Cat better than others.

That goods, this time is serious.

Luo scratched his forehead, wondering what to do about it.

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