Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1145

If Norbu could improve the 4-dimensional apartment to the point where the restorer couldn’t get Incursio in, it would certainly be Luo’s opinion.

But in that case, it is no longer an improvement but an overthrow of the essence.

Nob thought that Luo wanted him to enhance the security of the 4-dimensional apartment, but the result was not, he couldn’t help but wonder.

“I hope you can make a spare key for a 4-dimensional apartment.”

Luo dismissed Nob’s speculation, and instead offered to call out Nob.

“spare keys……”

Nob habitually pushed the frame down.

In fact, he had long thought about the spare key mechanism.

However, because he is extremely insecure, he was able to develop the ability of a four-dimensional apartment. Even the master key that controls all entrances and exits has to be handcuffed on the wrist when it is realized.

From this detail, Noble’s personality can be seen, so it is difficult to create a spare key.

Of course, Luo is also very clear about this. Otherwise, it is a very reasonable phenomenon to create a spare key with the mechanism of a 4-dimensional apartment.

However, the phenomenon of rationalization will be different for different users.

Luo looks at Nobu, softly: “Can you do it?”

Noble pursed his lips. In fact, he didn’t dare to pack tickets, but he didn’t want to disappoint Luo, but only brace oneself. “Yes.”

“That’s good, you don’t have to worry, you can take it slowly.”


“Well, you go to rest first.”

Nob nodded, turned and left.

After taking 2 steps, he suddenly stopped.

Luo saw his movement and couldn’t help keeping his eyes on Nobu’s back.

Nobu slowly turned around to meet Luo’s gaze, hesitantly said: “I might be able to make a spare key in a short time.”

oh? ”

Luo glanced over surprised look. He thought it would take a lot of time. After all, improving Mind Power is not something that can be done with the touch of a mouth.

“But correspondingly, there will be an unavoidable constraint,” Noble continued.

“Are you thinking?”

“Well, if I want to create a spare key in accordance with the rules, it may take a long time, and it may not be possible. Although I don’t want to admit it, it is related to my personality defect.”

Nob’s gaze was low, and this was the first time he had faced his shortcomings in front of people.

“Theoretically, it is very difficult for me to create a spare key without a sense of security.”

Speaking of which, Nob raised his hand and realized the master key of the 4-dimensional apartment, which was also realized together with the handcuffs on his wrist, which were linked with the master key.

In the past, when I saw this handcuff, I didn’t feel anything, but when it came to related topics, the handcuff became quite dazzling.

Nob looks at the master key connected by handcuffs, whispering: “But if it is based on the premise of trust, it should not be difficult for me to make a spare key that can be used.”

Speaking, Nob looked up and looked towards Luo who was listening, his tone became serious: “But the spare key created will become a special product and only be used by specific objects.”

Luo raised an eyebrow and asked, “Are there restrictions on the use of specific objects …”


Noble’s eyes flickered aside, explaining: “It is a very common phenomenon in society to give a spare key to a close person? Basically this is the principle.”

But Nobu does not have Special to explanation. This phenomenon usually occurs in the male and female bodies who are about to confirm the relationship.

“It turned out to be.”

Luo didn’t think of that many, touched the chin, his face looked astonished.

This makes sense, conforms to the user’s own personality, and corresponds to the vows and restrictions of Mind Power.

“Thinking carefully, it’s kind of troublesome. So, who among the people here is eligible?”

“only you.”

Nobu cautiously looks at Luo.


Luo dumbfounded.

Putting restrictions on the use of limited objects, only one qualified person, then it is very embarrassing, the role equivalent to the spare key can not be exerted at all.

But this is also no way, considering Nob’s emotions, Luo did not entangle on this issue.

“That being the case, please make a spare key for me first.”

“Maybe, I can make it now.”

Noble looks down at his double-handed.

“En? Then you try to see.”

Luo was slightly surprised.

Nobded heard that nodded, first removed the realized master key, then mobilized the mind to converge on double-handed, then closed his eyes, so that the mind was immersed in the imagination of the spare key.

That being said, he wasn’t sure if he could do it.

As Luo said, try to see it again.

Nob’s mind slowly imagined the outline of the spare key.

As his imagination increased, the mind group gathered on double-handed was slowly changing its shape.

Aside, Luo watched intently, and saw with his own eyes that the mind group in Nob’s hand was gathering into shape at a slow speed.

It is not easy to realize an item. Even Mind Power, an innate skill stranger like Kurapika, took a lot of time to successfully realize the chain.

However, Nob has the experience to instantiate the master key, so the difficulty of rebuilding the spare key becomes very low.

About ten minutes later, Nob’s mind group gathered in the shape of a key.

Looks at this scene, Luo slightly nodded, appreciate it.

The form of the key came out, and although Nob closed his eyes, he felt something.

“The next step is to use Luo’s imprint …”

Nobu complied with the thoughts in her head, and guided her mind to gently scour the keys on her hand.

While performing this process, Nob suddenly developed a subtle feeling.

It’s as if a knot in the head is loosening …

He was curious and wanted to get in touch with the appear indistinctly shackles.

Just then, the spare key was successfully realized.

Nob’s eyes opened sharply, and the spare key in his hands subconsciously looked towards was very similar to his master key, except that there were no handcuffs attached.


He whispered to himself, the strange and fuzzy feeling just now, disappear without a trace at this moment.

Instead, it was joy.

In fact, he didn’t expect to do it so easily.

Maybe it’s because this spare key was prepared for Luo.

“Luo, try it.”

Nob passed the spare key.

Luo nodded, quite expecting to take over the spare key.


The interior of the black disc is bright and monotonous.

A platform with a singular rune, on which the scarecrow lies, bound by 100 feet.

Around, there were about ten humanoids with exotic animal figures on their masks, of which two humanoids had no patterns on them.

One of the two humanoids is the 2-footed Master. Since he revealed the 100-footed worm, the mask is blank.

As for the other one, like the newborn, it is blank and has no pattern.

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