Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 116

Nine deaths and still alive have always been synonymous with the jungles of Amaroo. Here, wherever the eyes see, there may be dangers lurking, even if it is just a trivial small insect, it can be deadly.

The pale red ground seems to have been irrigated with blood, and when you step on it, you will leave a light footprint.

The vine leaves and dead leaves cover the ground, leaving not much space, and also providing a hiding place for more living things.

All around is a towering tree, with dense foliage intertwined above the head to form an airtight ceiling, making it impossible to determine the approximate height of the tree.

Here, except for the river that runs through the dense forest, showing yellow of muddy, all eyes are green, and the flowers of Madara color are basically not seen.

Walking in such an environment, people’s sense of time and space will appear unconsciously, no matter how long they walk, the scenery around all around will still bring a sense of familiarity.

Just walked into the jungle of Yamalo, the most commonly seen plant is the arrow bamboo tree, which is also the main material used to build the Yama village.

Fargesia has a thinner trunk, which is one or two circles larger than ordinary bamboo, but its crown is unusually lush, giving the illusion that it can cover the sky.

A group of 3 people walked into the dense forest, and Gold City mentioned by Tonpa casually became the topic at this time.

“In ancient times, a strong empire was born in the Amaroo jungle. That empire used the inexhaustible Gold in the Amaroo jungle to build a capital, whether it is a palace or a shrine, with a lot of gold. “

“Compared to the legend of Gold City, it is Gold Lake that is more convincing. After all, there have been no reports of Gold City ruins, but there is indeed a lake in the jungle of Yamalo.”

Tonpa was deaf, pulling a dead eye, walking through the forest like a guide, explaining the legend of Gold City.

Use some compelling stories to lower the vigilance of these two people, and then slowly bring them into the trap.

This is Tonpa’s intention, but the legend about Gold City and Lake Gold is not a random story, but a real one.

Every year, a lot of people come to the Amaroo jungle from all parts of the world, just from the legend, but most people experience the terrifying place of the Amaroo jungle.

Countless hunters lurking in the darkness, treating humans who broke into the territory as hunting targets, like a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, swallowed up countless outsiders.

Luo and Bu Hajiu each took a piece of jerky and listened to Tonpa’s explanation while chewing, just like the tourists who joined the tour.

“and then?”

Luo chewed on the dried jerky, urging Tonpa to continue.

Tonpa is like a talkative qualified tour guide, continuing: “Gold City implements a monarchy. Legend has it that in the crowning ceremony that succeeds the throne, the heir to the throne will be naked, covered with gold powder, and then walk into the lake. Swim free to wash away the gold dust. “

“In this process, the subjects will throw a variety of Gold ornaments into the lake to show their recognition and acknowledgement of the heir to the throne.”

“This is the origin of Lake Gold. By the way, these all are legends. So far, no one has found a large amount of Gold in the jungle of Yamalo.”

Tonpa was talking, while quietly observing the surrounding environment. This is still the main area of ​​the arrow bamboo tree, and it is also a place where land-line spider crabs are more active. You must find spider crabs first …

“So, how did you conclude that the woman had just come towards Gold City?” Luo swallowed the jerky, smiling at Tonpa.

Tonpa held out his forefinger, and was not surprised by Kaidou: “Although no one has found a large amount of Gold, many people have found some crafted Gold jewelry in the only lake in Yamalo.”

Oh? ”Luo ​​was quite surprised. If this is true, actually a strong proof, but when Sambika inquired about the Amaroo jungle, he did not see the information about Gold City, but did not know the truth.

Maybe, in this vast and dense forest, there really was a splendid ancient civilization, even if it was just a flash in the long history …

If there really is a Gold City, there may be a lot of antiquities that have settled over time in that unseen site.

“The Gold ornaments that are found seem to tell people that there is indeed a Gold City here, so there are many people who are not afraid of dying, and every year many people want to come to the jungle of Amalow to try their luck.”

“Of course, these people’s end is not good, and no matter how many people died in the jungle of Amaroo, you are impossible to see the corpse, because …” Tonpa smiled dangerously, and seemed to scare the children with ghost stories That gesture, said, “Here, even a bone will not be left.”

But Bhajan scratched his cheek and said, “No bones are left. It seems that there must be ferocious dogs here.”

“Mr. Tonpa knows a lot.” Luo was surprised, clapping his palms gently, and applauding friendship.


Tonpa twitched slightly, explaining, “I, this person has a habit of doing homework no matter where he goes, preparedness averts peril.”

“Good habit.” Luo moved towards Tonpa thumbs up.

Tonpa laughed, just then, he suddenly stopped covering his stomach and made a series of GuLu sounds.

Praha asked, “Are you hungry?”

“That sounds more like a diarrhea.” Luo helplessly said.

“Oh.” Bu Ha stunned.

“That …” Tonpa crouched with her stomach crouching, with a slight pain on her face, and said, “I’ll go a little easier, you two and wait for me in front.”

“no problem.”

Luo glanced deeply at Tonpa, took Bu Hayu to the front, and waited for Tonpa to settle the stock in his stomach.

Luo’s eyes turned before leaving, making Tonpa’s heart beat slightly, but when they saw 2 people approaching, they suddenly smiled, quickly got behind and stepped back into a low bush, pretending to be Lift your hands.

He came along all the way, but he was always looking for Luxing Spider Crab. Just now, he finally found one, so he pretended to have a diarrhea, and let Luo and Bu Hayu go to the front first.

“Good luck to you.” Tonpa silently looks at Luo and Bu Hadai.

Fargesia trees are everywhere here, and there are many different large trees. Their common feature is that the crown is dense and covers most of the source of light.

After Luo and Bu Haji walked out of several dozen meters side by side, the surrounding arrow bamboo trees moved without warning. With the attention of 2 people, 4 5 trunks rose from the soil and lifted into the air, exposing a sharp bottom.

A lump spider crab disguised as a bamboo forest …?

looks at 4 5 roots hanging in the air, like arrows ready to go, Luo calmly, said with a smile: “Buha, do you want to eat crabs?”

Bu Ha Ling also looks at those 4 or 5 hanging Farges, which is nodded when heard.

“Then stand beside me and do nothing,” Luo said.

Praying for a moment, Kaidou simply said, “Okay.”

When the words didn’t fall, the dangling arrow bamboo suddenly moved towards Luo and Buhayu from the different directions.

In this case, Bu Hazhen actually did nothing and stood beside Luo.

Tonpa, hiding behind the bushes, watched the scene safely and was ready to escape.

The next second, Tonpa’s face suddenly changed, turning into an incredible expression.

He saw that the feet of the spider spider who could easily string people together were caught by Luo with double-handed with no difficulty.

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