Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1160

The forest of Medusa Sha is a vast gray-white stone forest.

Looking down from a high place, the close and numerous gray and white spikes greet the eyes, like a Titan. A large number of iron tribulus are scattered here, and various gray and white spikes are randomly crossed together. , Full of deterrence.

When I came to the sky above the forest of Medusa Sha, it was very stressful.

Imagine falling from the air, it will only be scalp tingling.

“Here is the forest of Medusa …”

“Not the same as imagined.”

“Oh, what kind of forest is this?”

Old Bai’s tone was full of resentment. He also thought that tobacco materials might be found in the forest, but now it seems that the estimate that can be found is a lot of lime.

Nick, a vegetarian, was also very disappointed at this time.

Forests are usually rich in pure natural vegetarian dishes, but here, let alone vegetarian dishes, you can’t see a touch of green.

Goo casually glanced at the people who were paying attention to the forest of Medusa Sha. Differently said: “I don’t know much about the forest of Medusa Sha. I’d better be careful.”

“Without your reminder, we also know to be careful, in other words, how do you think that thing came from below?”

Lao Bai pointed at the top of a gray and white Tribulus tree, where an eagle sculpture about the size of a truck stood.

It is true to see the sculpture, but it feels not at all so simple.

“Who has spared pain in the ass and then made the sculpture?”

“Maybe a living thing?”

“You mean, that eagle is playing 123 Woodman?”

“I didn’t say that …”

Everyone followed Lao Bai’s guidance, and they all found the eagle standing on the stone forest.

That gray body color is consistent with the underneath Tribulus stone forest, but the appearance of the eagle is lifelike. If you don’t look closely, you will really think it is a living creature.

“Anyway, you have to land. It’s better to look over.”

The black cat slowly fell towards the position of the stone eagle.

The landing speed is very slow, so that there is plenty of time to find a suitable landing point.

However, as the distance gets closer, you can see that the gray-white spikes such as antennas are criss-crossed, and there is no point at all.

Luo took a closer look and found that the density of spikes was surprisingly high. If he wanted to land directly in the Medu Sha forest, he would inevitably be strung into a bottle gourd.

If you want to go on, you can only make a hole in the criss-crossed gray and white spiked pile.

However, Luo was not in a hurry. He controlled the air mass and let the black cat hover in the air just above several meters from the spikes.

When everyone wanted to take a closer look at the gray-white stone eagle, they didn’t want it. The gray-white stone eagle moved without warning, flew its wings into the air, turned around in a rapid turn, and actually rushed towards the black cat.

In terms of size, the black cat is more than twice the size of the gray-white stone eagle. I really don’t know where the gray-white stone eagle is confident.

Everyone calmly watched the gray-white stone eagle fluttering, and noticed that the stone eagle was constantly strewing a lime-like powder while shaking its wings.

Eyes at Shi Ying came, Luo shot.


A ball of light shot out from the palm of the palm, rising in the wind, and was precisely placed on the body of the gray-white stone eagle, turning it into a tight cage, and firmly controlling the gray-white stone eagle in the air.

Above the black cat’s back, he glanced at Luo with no trace of it.

Traveling together for so long, she hasn’t figured out Luo’s abilities yet.

Yesterday I saw Luo use a pattern, and today I will see Luo use another pattern.

I always feel that Luo’s ability can lead to many ways to use it.

Just like now, just throwing a chanting group, you can fix the gray-white stone eagle in the air.

This is the first time I’ve seen Gu in more than 3 months.

Luo flipped his palm and pulled the restrained gray-white eagle to his eyes.

A closer look, Shi Ying’s body was lifeless, let alone mental energy.

Those eagle eyes were not even glorious.

The rest of them looked at Shi Ying, wondering.

This is the stone sculpture, right?


Luo signaled Bruna to establish a communication channel.

When they first arrived, no matter what kind of creature they were, they could be used as a source of information, even if they could catch one.

Bruna was lightly nodded, and stretched out her tentacles to rest on the head of the gray-white stone eagle.

However, the tentacle had just touched Shi Ying, and it was collected like an electric shock.

“Is it okay?”

Luo asked quickly.

Others also care about looks at Bruna.


Bruna shook the head, looked towards Stone Eagle’s eyes full of doubts.

“What happened just now?”

“When I met it, my head was full of harsh noises, and this was the first time I encountered this situation.”


Luo frowned. If Bruna’s ability did not work for Shi Ying, then this Shi Ying would have no use value.

“Otherwise, let me try again?”

“it is good.”

Luo hesitated for a moment, but finally agreed to Bruna to try again.

However, before Bruna hadn’t moved, he concentrated attention completely looks at Bruna, always guarding against accidents.

With everyone’s attention, Bruna’s second attempt to build a communication bridge failed.

That kind of noisy voice, let alone communication, it is difficult to hold the soul.

Bruna can hardly describe the uncomfortable feeling, like when two people are linking wheat, the continuous fried wheat on the other side is completely non-stop.

Unable to establish a bridge of communication, Bruna, the party, was not sure what was going on, and Luo, they were even more likely to know.

Moreover, guessing is meaningless, so Luo very strangled and killed the stone eagle imprisoned by the realm.


The stone eagle’s body is 40% 5 cracked, without blood, only a large number of fragments and gray powder.

“It really is not a living thing.”

Luo raised his hand, and fetched the eagle’s eagle head from the air, and let the remainder of the eagle fall into the forest.

Seeing Luo’s huge eagle’s head, the crowd could not help but come up and observe the cut surface on the eagle’s head closely.

“It’s a rock, it’s pretty hard.”

Uvogin tapped the eagle’s head and made a dull noise.

heaven knows how the stone eagle moved, but just now I didn’t see any flow of thought.

After the observation, Luo gave the eagle’s head to Xiao Ai for identification, and then controlled the air mass to let the black cat land.

After approaching the criss-crossed gray and white spines, Luo only released the field from a long distance, and opened a big mouth as easy as blowing off dust, allowing the black cat to pass through the mouth and fall to the forest of Medu Sha in.

I thought that the light in the forest would be very weak, after all, the denseness of the thorns on the top would be too scary.

However, the ground of the forest exudes milk-white rays of light, countless light debris, rising from the ground-light of the milk-white, like countless firefighting Fire Insects flying, like It is a rewind catkin snowflake.

The scenery presented in front of everyone’s eyes is breathtaking.

However, the bright and beautiful surface often hides lethal danger underneath.

Before clarifying the details of these milk-white rays of light and light shavings, Luo used the realm to protect everyone.

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