Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1165

For the first time, emotions were revealed in the pair of spherical eyes of the spherical creature.

It’s curiosity and doubt.

Her intelligent seems immature enough to draw common sense from some details.

So, when Luo deliberately left three human stone sculptures, the spherical creatures were surprised.

“Why kill them?”

Luo looks at the first vocal spherical creature, asking tentatively.

The spherical creature was dumbfounded, as if it had received information that could not be processed, and even the flapping wings stopped, so that her tumbling body fell towards the ground.

When Luo saw this, she secretly thought of the opportunity, and her body rushed out.

He wanted to take this opportunity to solve this spherical creature.

However, the spherical creature once again showed the speed of terrifying. When Luo was moving, she suddenly moved, and backed away, letting Luo’s sneak attack blow.

After avoiding the sneak attack, the spherical creature seemed as if nothing had happened, and there was still curiosity and doubt in those eyes.

Luo looked up at the spherical creature re-flying in the air, brows tightly knit.

Just now, the spherical creature escaped the sneak attack and gave him a feeling of [exclusion].

In fact, coupled with previous attacks, this feeling is also vague.

No matter how fast Speed ​​is used to attack spherical creatures, each spherical creature can retreat in time.

Her method of avoiding the attack was not to the left to the right, or to the up and down. Until now, she stepped back and opened the distance.

“Why not kill them?”

Spherical creatures look at Luo, repeating the previous question.

Luo is also looking at her, silent.

Multiple attacks have failed, and I have to admit that the speed of this spherical creature has indeed reached a terrifying realm.

Even if he can constantly attack spherical creatures, what at first can’t do, no matter how much time it takes, the result will be the same.

Difficult and difficult, it is no longer enough to describe this spherical creature of unknown origin.

Sometimes, Luo even hoped that the spherical creatures would actively attack them, so that there would be a chance to touch the spherical creatures.

Facing another question from the spherical creature, Luo chose to ignore it and returned to the queue.

“Why not kill them?”

Spherical creatures do not show maliciousness, but like a good rare treasure, they persist in seeking the answer.

With his eyes, Jin asked Luo what to do next.

He also wants to deal with spherical creatures, but his ability cannot work for spherical creatures, otherwise the intelligent manifested by spherical creatures, as long as she is pulled into the game space, it is estimated that the battle will end in less than 5 minutes.

Luo shook his head slightly towards Jin, while watching the spherical creatures, while looking at the bound human stone sculpture.

Killing human stone carving in situ is probably the best option.

However, Luo knew from his heart that he did not want to destroy the three stone sculptures that were once of the same kind.

What kind of struggle humans have to survive on the dark continent, Luo has learned deeply from many channels.

So far, how many normal humans have not evolved towards humanoids on the dark continent?

Luo doesn’t know, but he thinks there must be little left.

I can’t get information from the human stone carving body, and I don’t want to kill the human stone carving.

Therefore, Luo drew three [God Characters] with round frames on the ground.

The obscure black symbols are arranged side by side in a circular pattern with a mysterious law, and fall into the milk-white rays of light, forming a strong sense of existence.

These three god characters are used to restrain human stone carvings. They do not last long, only about one day.

[Baha’i] They put the human stone carving into the god character, the power effect is produced, and the invisible air wall tightly binds the human stone carving.


Luo glanced at the entangled spherical creatures and proceeded deep into the forest.

That spherical creature, it started to chatter and throw out the problem that has not changed.

Why not kill them?

No matter how many times the spherical creature asked, Luo remained silent.

Despite being ignored, the sphere creature does not seem to know what anger is, but just keeps asking.

She didn’t realize that she had kept a good distance, and was drawing closer unconsciously.

Luo originally wanted to irritate the spherical creature, and then when the spherical creature actively attacked, he looked for a gap that could accurately counterattack.

However, Luo found that the spherical creature was not angry at all. However, Luo also found that the spherical creature was moving closer unconsciously.

This is a good sign for Luo.

The existence of a spherical creature is just like a blade hanging above her head. Regardless of whether she is threatening or not, the team can feel relieved only if it is solved.

The Luo entire group went further and further, and gradually disappeared in the sight of human stone carving.

And the childish sound from the spherical creatures is also getting lighter and quieter, until there is no sound at all.

The three human stone carvings are honestly standing in the midst of god characters.

After about 3 hours, a silhouette came from among the flying debris.

It was a tall woman with long silver hair like satin, hanging down to her waist, her body undressed, and only a few white stone leaves covering the main part.

The woman’s body is unusually hot, but she has only narrow eyes and no nose and mouth.

She walked among the light dust, and the light dust made way for her, unable to attach to her body.

The woman came to the human stone sculpture, looked down at the god character at the foot of the human stone sculpture, and strange eyes of light appeared in her narrow eyes.

“Oh, the spell.”

The woman stretched out a slender white hand and gently brushed over one of the human stone carvings.

Without any movement, the human stone sculpture was silently turned into a powder, falling into the rays of light of the milk-white on the ground.

“Moving my collection should always pay a price.”

The woman looked down at the slowly disappearing goddess, and then slowly looked up, as if she could see a ray of thought heading deep into the forest.

The effect of the ability of the god word is canceled in advance, and the user’s within the body will be automatically returned without the thought of squandering.

But it is worth mentioning that this kind of mentality that returns to the most primitive state and does not have any harmful properties, even if you use Ning, you can’t see it. You can only use the keen sense to go to the flow of Sensor mentality.

However, this inexplicable woman seems to be able to see the power of returning.

That’s something that Mind Power people can’t do, even if it’s tactile to go to the Sensor, it’s extremely difficult.

“I want to see you soon. Humans who know how to use the spell …”

The woman chased her mind.

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