Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1205

People on the dark continent are unaware of what is happening on the 6 continents.

Sword grass plain.

The night sky is full of stars, pulling the bright Star River, but no trace of the moon.

The starlight fell on the grassland moving with the wind and was covered with frost.

Above a hollowed-out ground, a bonfire was raised.

The fuel is the rhizome of sword grass, which is flammable, but sharp grass leaves are not suitable for fire.

On the edge of the flat ground, there are many blades of sword grass.

These blades of grass are so sharp that they are named.

With a slight breeze, you can divide the ordinary person’s body into two.

But with the defense of Mind Power, it can easily resist the sharp sword grass.

Above the bonfire, a piece of meat about the size of a cart was hung.

The oil stains flowing out of the flames slid down the bonfire pile along the edges of the shiny meat pieces, and the spices evenly sprinkled on the skin of the meat pieces were baked at a high temperature and immediately exuded a deep aroma.

Before the campfire, Dong Fulisi sat cross-legged casually, the hood on his head was removed, and his short gray hair was exposed. His face was covered with traces of years, but his eyes were bright and old. His face was out of place.

On the other side of the bonfire, the Skeletons were sitting in critical condition, sometimes cautiously glanced at the Torich who was focusing on the meat.

Changing to any one person will be attracted by this deep-roasted barbecue, but the skeleton’s favorite thing is not meat, so choose to ignore it.

From the giant beast in heaven to the recognition of the other party, at this point, the skeleton said only one sentence, and there was no chance to speak again, and Dong Fulisi only said a few words.

oh? ”

“sit down.”

“Wait for dinner.”

So, the skeleton man sat very cooperatively, and then looked at Dong Fuli to vacate a flat ground with a thunderous momentum, and then familiarized himself with the skills that can fix his eyes, and took one from the hind legs of the bird. Bifurcated nodules and skewered a large piece of meat.

Until the night came, there was this scene.

From the start of the fire until now, Dong Fuli Shi didn’t say a word, and the skeleton man didn’t dare to breathe. Even more how was to ask Dong Fuli Shi’s purpose.

Maybe this is life.

Before absorbing the silver-haired woman, even if he had a subconscious thought to speak, it was just a skeleton collision sound when his teeth were knocked up and down.

However, after he absorbed the “nutrition” of silver-haired women, he hoped that the Strength level would be improved. Even if he was incomplete, he could make a sound through red light, not to mention now that he completely absorbed the “nutrition” of silver-haired women. Now, speaking a complete syllable is like drinking water.

Because of this, the moment he saw Dong Fuli, he shouted his name subconsciously.

If he didn’t call out his name, Edom Ricoh’s behavior would probably let him go.

All I can say is that this is indeed fate.

At the time when he was in the United States and Sha forest, he absorbed the broken arm of the silver-haired woman is an inevitable result, so he mastered the technique of making sounds through red light and then communicated with Luo. It was also an inevitable result. Taxi …

Pā tà.

The oil stain dripped into the fire and exploded slightly, the fragrant fragrance spreading.

Skeletons looked silently at the burning fire, thinking sadly, that it was really bad luck recently.

In the past, when the dark continent “runs”, how has it been so passive?

How many years are not human beings or human beings who are weaker than him?

But what happened recently? First met Luo, who was terrible in strength, and then finally recovered his freedom, but here he reunited with Dong Fuli?

The Skeleton Man is very clear that whether it is Luo or Dong Fulishi, he is the existence of not afford to offend.

Therefore, even if he is not willing to be 100, he has to adapt to the situation, obediently cooperate with each other, and put himself in a completely passive situation.

After a while, Dong Fulisi, who had been sitting for a long time, suddenly moved and pulled out the barbecue, not afraid of the hot temperature, and bite off a large piece of meat.


The brightly colored skin of the scorched butter made a slight crackling sound, the gravy suddenly overflowed, and the rich aroma accompanied by high-temperature white smoke drifted all around.

Dong Fulisi took one sip after another, without any pause, biting a piece of meat from the freshly roasted meat, as if the temperature had no effect on him.

For a long time, the eating habits of the stereotypes make skeletons interested only in bones.

However, Dong Fulisi’s heroic eating appearance evoked the insect-eating insects of the skeleton people.

In just one minute, the freshly roasted meat was cleaned up by Torich, leaving a bone.

“The best tasting time is always the moment when the ingredients turn delicious.”

Dong Fulisi whispered to himself, and immediately threw the bones at the skeleton man, who caught it subconsciously.

“After dinner, let’s talk.”

The skeleton man 愣愣 looks at Dong Fulishi. After half a ring, he looks down at the bones in his hands, his expression is bitter, but the skull face cannot be seen.

Without a pause, the skullman obediently pressed his bones.

What didn’t expect is that the taste is surprisingly good. The spice blended by Dong Fulishi is so arrogant that even the bones taste?

Dong Fuli quietly looks at Skull Man 3 2 and swallows the bones, and then slowly asks: “How did you know my name? How did you recognize me? It ’s okay not to answer, I wo n’t be right How are you.”


The skullman rang in silence.

The familiar meaning of the words clearly did not convince him.

Therefore, he explained very cooperatively: “I know your name from a human team because they are looking for you. The reason I can recognize you is because I have seen you before, but you Did not notice me. “

Dong Fuli Slightly nodded, the fire was reflected in his eyes.

“A human team …”

He whispered, another human team emerged in his mind-the team of Bijand.

“In that team, there is a man named Jin who should be your offspring.”

Compared to the killing intent Rin during the day, Dong Fulisi, who sits cross-legged now, is like a twilight old man who is used to sitting out in the yard after dinner at dusk. There is no threat at this time.

Even so, Skeletons didn’t dare to slack off.

“How to conclude?”

Dong Fulisi asked with a smile.

The skeleton man shook his head.

“Bark, recover.”

Dong Fuli then said 2 words that sounded irrelevant.

The red light in the skull’s eyes suddenly fluctuated.


Dong Fuli asked.

“Well, they call it lichen.”

After hearing the words, Dong Fulisi closed his eyes slowly, and then slowly opened them again with a smile on his face.

He suddenly got up, but it scared the skeleton.

“Finally … here.”

Dong Fuli looked up, and starlight carved into his eyes.

Through a piece of lichen, the identity of the so-called offspring was truly confirmed.


4 Dimension Apartment.

Long sleepy Luo finally woke up.

The good news is that the headache symptoms have disappeared.

Luo opened her eyes and spit out one mouthful of impure air.

Waking up immediately, my thoughts sink into the white smoke font space.

The black and white chantings representing the memory of the restorer are still hovering there.

Luo is focusing on those memory chants, hesitating to start absorbing the second wave immediately.

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