Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1209

There are many perseverances that can only be separated here.

Of course, only the black cat was reluctant.

I wonder how long it will take to come back again, and I wonder if it will bring good news.

Even Luo’s claim to spur alliances is hard to be sure of.

If you can make an alliance with the gatekeepers, you will be happy.

It doesn’t matter if you can’t, there are a lot of obstacles to the way forward, and the gatekeepers are not bad.

All members of the team walked in the shady Medusa Forest.

Without the threat of the restorer and the silver-haired woman, those feather fossils around which need to be resisted with mental energy are nothing.

On the way, everyone also worked hard to admire the magnificent scene of light debris.

This is indeed a rare beauty. Take a look at Bruna, a [battlefield reporter], and take the camera to take random shots at the opportunity.

The team went all the way without stopping, walking from day to night.

A feather fossil released light, and at night, the Medusa Forest was still as bright as day.

After walking for a long time, I found a place to rest for a while and took out cans and mineral water to fill my hunger.

With the interference of feather fossils, the forest is not suitable for cooking and cooking, and they cannot return to the 4-dimensional apartment, so portable food is the most suitable way to fill hunger.

There is a black cat in this moving space, and the weight is completely fine. It is a trivial matter to stay in the forest for a year and a half.

Luo sat under a Tribulus terrestris tree, and white light flowing like a liquid flowing out from the chassis of the Tribulus terrestris tree, formed a circular loop, and there were faintly visible feather feathers swimming in it.

If you don’t look closely, it’s difficult to tell whether the feather fossils are derived from the base of the Tribulus terrestris or float from the shiny ground.

Luo manipulated Nianli to wrap the opened can, as if wrapped in a layer of plastic wrap to resist the erosion of feather fossils, and then sent the meat in the can to Paulie, chewing slowly.

Machi, Uvogin, Nobunaga, and Baha 剌 are sitting beside Luo, while the others are also sitting not far away.

At this moment, Uvogin and Buha 剌 were full of empty cans at their feet, and the black cat was like a vending machine, with a stiff face, and constantly sending new cans to the two food stores.

Not far away, Sheila was holding the book in her left hand, her right hand was turning her pen, her brows gently twisted.

Little beast loves standing behind her, acting as a backrest.

Sarah was on the side, reaching out to the book, and seemed to be correcting Sheila’s mistake.

On the flat ground farther away, Jin was playing with the tadpoles, using the characteristic wings of the bamboo branches of the tadpoles, and he just came up with many shapes.

Tonpa, Lao Bai, and Nick commented from the side, giving opinions from time to time, and even had an impulse to end the sleeve himself. Of course, due to the strength of the uncle, they did not have the confidence as Jin.

Silly Ji looked at his teammates silently, with a harp, stroking the strings, and playing a gentle sound of flowing talc.

Bi Siji held a glass of heated mineral water and came to the side of Si Jiji, passing the water to her.

Perhaps the temperature of the body is too low, and Shuang Ji prefers to drink something hot.

Above the tree trunk, Bruna fixed her body with her tentacles, then put away the camera, replaced it with pen and paper, and painted the scene in front of her on the paper.

When Luo ate the second can, he saw the volley flying over.

“Why do they treat me like that!”

With a look of grievance, she chose to stay, not to be a plaything.

Luo lifted his eyes, his eyes crossed the grieved shackles, and fell on the gold that followed him. Suggested: “You can just ‘muscle’ it casually, just to deal with the past?”

Weaponization means weaponization, which is the real form of puppetry.

“I’ve said it many times! I’m impossible, I won’t do it!”

The tadpole seemed to be stimulated, and the spherical body even bulged like a puffer fish.

Weapons of her type cannot really be casual. After all, it is a “fit” every time. It may be like a pure girl, and in the end, only one object is targeted.

Luo laughed, he just joked casually.

Suddenly, he was in a whim, and asked, “Yes, I almost forgot to ask you, is there anything good in this forest?”

Since coming to the Medusa Forest, it is not a pity that nothing was taken away.

This is the same reason as if you want to take some local souvenirs while traveling.


Speaking for a while, but her scarlet-red eyes shifted to the edge of the orbit, afraid to face Luo.

Luo and others were silent responses at 啾啾.

This cover-up is really bad.

“Really do not have?”

Luo smiles at 啾啾.


My eyes moved from the teleportation of the orbital side to the upper part.

“How didn’t expect before, the restorer would settle here, there is always a reason.”

Luo suddenly turned the topic and touched the chin, his eyes were full of energy.


Golden eyes light up, and once you think of it, it’s very likely.

“What baby will there be?”

Machi glanced at the half-blanked half-blank, and then smiled.

When Nobunaga saw this, he replied, “Maybe you can find a sword.”

“What are you talking about?”

Tong’s tone was a little tense and a little dazed.

Obviously they lied to them that there is nothing good here. Is it because they didn’t make it clear just now that they heard it wrong?

This weapon, which has been sleeping for many years, did not realize how bad his lie skills were.

“Of course it’s a good thing hiding in this forest, so take the lead.”

Luo smiles at 啾啾.

“Ah? Nothing good here.”

啾啾 is still putting up a desperate struggle.

“Uh-huh, we understood, so lead the way.”

Luo looked serious.



After half an hour, the team set off again.

Everyone was surprised when they heard that good things were hidden in the Medusa Forest.

带 Leading the way in front of the team, his face is irreplaceable.

Led by her, the straight line started to shift to the left.

I originally planned to leave the Medu Sha forest directly. Thanks to my whim, I suddenly thought of this crop. Otherwise, I might miss something good.

According to the honesty of the cricket, at the center of the Medu Sha Forest, there is a Tribulus terrestris tree cut off by the waist. The remaining trunk is more than ten times the diameter of the conventional Tribulus terrestris.

Under the trunk of that trunk, there is an entrance to the ground.

In the past, restorers often stayed still on that trunk.

Once, the restorer disappeared, and he was curious and entered the passage under the chassis of the trunk of Tribulus terrestris. As a result, he just crossed the line and was forced to retreat by the terror that spilled from the bottom.


She described the unknown in the passage like this.

“How terrible?”

Tonpa asked habitually.

“Very terrifying!”

啾啾 Expanded the wings of the bamboo branches on the left and right, and drawn a large circle in the void in front of everyone.

“So don’t go there. I didn’t say it before, but also for your own good.”

“Well, that won’t go,” Luo said seriously.


Stopped abruptly.

Then, she felt wronged at each and everyone in the team walked happily, and had no intention of giving up.

Nick walked in deliberately, looking at 只有 with a look that only people who came by could understand, and then reached out pats 啾啾 to show comfort.

After that, he quickly kept up with the pace of the team.

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