Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1219

The moment the mindlessness went out of control, everyone’s heartbeat accelerated at the split second.

Seeing at that massive amount of mental energy that had been gathered for 3 days and 3 nights turned into a turbulent wave in vain, coming from hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Until Nianli passed through the body and headed towards the other side of the passage, the people reacted.

“It’s okay, am I okay?”

Nick touched his body, fearing his face.

Looking back at the others, they were astonished.

The wave of mental power came suddenly, and they had no room to respond at all.

However, such a terrifying wave of mental power did not harm them.

How is this going?

The people were shocked and confused.

“Those thoughts, although there are many, are not malicious, so they did not hurt us.”

Luo Rin looked towards the wave of deliberate thoughts of leaving.

Mind Power people only need to inject a little bit of malicious thoughts into the inside of the ordinary person, so that the ordinary person can become a vegetative person and even die on the spot.

In contrast, as long as the idea of ​​injecting ordinary person within the body is not malicious, it will not have any harmful effects.

This is thought, which rises with thoughts and dies out with thoughts. It can become sharp between thoughts, and soften between thoughts.

And those subjective thoughts drawn by the word of God are like pure white snow, as long as they are not affected by Evil Thought, they will not become blizzards.

“It turned out to be…”

“Just scared me.”

Old white long put out a breath.

That amount of thought is not a joke, if it is hit in the front, it is estimated that the split second will turn into fly ash.

“As far as the results go, it’s good.”

The nodes containing the gas gathering characteristics were destroyed, and the god character was still running, but they no longer took away Luo’s thoughts.

Overall, luck is good.

As long as the time is not urgent, it is sooner or later to parse the word of God.

Luo briefly explanated the situation to his teammates outside the light curtain, and then continued to focus on parsing the gods and try to get out early.

In order to operate the deity, only the most vulnerable nodes can be used, which is the weakness of the deity.


The imagination gathers for 3 days and 3 nights, and its number is amazing.

Although not aggressive, it is rampant like a headless fly.

They pass through the channel and gush out from the ground exit, forming a towering mind fountain.

When sprayed to a certain height, the mind turned into a dandelion, scattered toward all around waves, and then fell slowly from the air, and finally fell on the Tribulus terrestris in the nearest area.

Suddenly, a strange scene happened.

The dandelion-like light spots infiltrate the Tribulus terrestris like ripening agents, so that the scattered white branches grow at a speed visible by naked eyes.

Such a natural phenomenon has attracted many creatures.

The forest of Medusa Sha, which was once dead, was lively in vain.

Several silhouettes came at this time.

They looked up at the huge group of thoughts blooming in the air, their eyes were full of surprise.

“Someone early bird catches the worm?”

The burly wind murmured.

Suddenly, his complexion changed slightly, his head looked towards his shoulder.

Two long chanterelles got out of the inside of his clothing, climbed over the shoulders, bowed like snakes, and stared directly at the huge chanterelles in the air, showing a strong sense of greed. .

“This is just life strength, not ‘stand-in’. Don’t worry.”

Seeing that the two groups were eager to move, the gale quickly explained and soothed.

The explanation seemed to have worked, and the two groups clung to the wind’s shoulders calmed down.

“Dick, check the risks.”

After appeasing the 2 elders, the gale looked towards Tick.

“Slightly wait.”

Dick double-handed together, making prayers.

An idea was born in his palm.

A gleam of light flickered through the fingers.

After a while, his double-handed split, and a double-sided star-painted card was suspended between the double-handed.

Dick’s right hand turns, holding the floating star cards in his hand, and then faces them towards the gale.

On the Star River above the card, there are 7 larger stars arranged in a spoon shape from top to bottom.

A star at the bottom, just like a real star, is glittering with rays of light.

“Risk is one star.”

Tick’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“Is it just a star …”

In the line, the little woman with a sharp voice was surprised.

Others looked at a star on the card that was glittering rays of light, and immediately looked towards the involuntary power of the sky.

If someone had the early bird catches the worm and made such a big noise, how could there be only one star risk.

However, the facts are before them and they cannot be tolerated.


Gale trusted Tick’s ability.

Since risk is a star, it means there is no danger below.

They crossed the flat ground and went down the aisle from the entrance.

Hole **, Bisji they are still watching Luo and Jin in the light curtain.


Nobunaga stood relatively backward, and suddenly noticed something, turned abruptly, and the right hand climbed over the handle.

“There is a situation.”

He stared sharply at the entrance of the passage.

There was silence, but there were several breaths being baring fangs and brandishing claws.

Nobunaga just reminded others that they were aware, and turned around, looking towards the entrance of the passage when they came, and immediately entered the combat state.

After a moment, a slight footstep came from the channel.

The crowd looked slightly dignified.

Inside the light curtain, Luo and Jin were immersed in analysing the word of God, and did not notice the situation outside the light curtain.

A few seconds later, several powerful thoughts first came to everyone’s sight.

“No wonder there is only one star, but why are humans here?”

The gale stepped out of the passage, and looked coldly at the humans standing in front of the light curtain.

“I’m still thinking about whether Dick’s ability is deviating. It seems that I have been more concerned.” The tallest silhouette sneered.

They stepped out of the passage one after another, and looked coldly at the crowd standing outside the light curtain.

The slightly squeaking sounds fell into their ears, only bird words that they could not understand.

“This group of guys…”

Everyone is wary of looking at a group of uninvited guests who look like humans, and the term “humanoid” pops up in their minds.

Five of them are of different statures, all dressed in a dust-free white clothed, I do n’t know what kind of material to use.

The body is similar to humans, but there are many differences in local details.

The exposed double-handed was dark, and there were many horizontal stripes protruding from the body surface, spreading over the arms, legs, chest and back. Because it was covered by clothing, it was impossible to see what it was. It’s a bit like putting several speed bumps on the body.

More eye-catching, or their eyes … no white eyes, no pupils, pure black.

Compared to the shape, the amount of apparent air mass that envelopes their body is truly terrifying.

“At least … not part of Ant King.”

Noble’s face was so solemn.

The three best battle strengths in the team are all trapped in the light curtain.

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