Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1229

They know terrifying about the power of the new moon, but how can they not be expected, this kind of person can actually use the power of the new moon to such an extent?

The power of the new moon, also known as the power of the dead, is the crystal of Strength gathered by countless negative emotions. It is difficult for even the most determined person to use this Strength in full.

So, how did this human do it?

Startled, shocked, puzzled, and … hard to describe the anger.

“That’s why the risk changes, and it’s still 7 stars, gale, we might as well …”

Tick ​​solemnly looks at Luo with a black mind under his body, and wants to propose a retreat first, but he stops at half of what he said.

He knew very well that it was too late to get out of the house.

Gale also knew this, so he didn’t go to talk to Tick to say half of what he said.

“Akali, come back.”

His energy storage is not over yet. It was originally used to deal with Dong Fuli, but now …

Hearing the gale, halfway into Akali without the slightest hesitation, turned to the smoke that had previously remained in place.

At this time, she is still in the streamer form. Under the condition that the mobile speed is enhanced, it cannot block physical and energy damage.

Therefore, before Akali reversed back, the gale did not hurriedly threw away the accumulated wind mass to avoid spreading to Akali.

In the streamer state, Akali Speed ​​is very fast, and within a short time, it turns back into smoke and immediately becomes a solid.

Immediately, the strong wind opened with rage, and double-handed swayed forward, and the huge gigantic wind masses that had been stored for a long time immediately flew forward.

The wind group had just left the gale’s body, and it had grown several times again.

Once the compressed Energy was released, the entire cave was suddenly filled with mental fluctuations from the gale.

In front of the passage, Dong Fuli and the Skeletons looked at the big move released by the gale, their eyes changed, didn’t expect the gale to hide such a trump card.

If this trump card is released against them, in a situation without warning …

Dong Fulisi groaned silently, but the skeleton man trembling in fear glanced at the surrounding environment, and according to his terrain, if the strong wind was used to target them, it would really be called heaven and earth. Avoid inevitable situations.

Fortunately, this trump card is for Luo.

The skeleton was thankful, pitying Luo again, and then quietly moved his steps backwards.

He managed to escape a death robbery, but did not want to experience the taste of death again.

Furthermore, the horrible Energy contained in those wind groups, in his opinion, even if Luo became more horrible now, it is unlikely to resist this wave of damage.

The energy fluctuations of the wind group are extremely alarming.

Luo also did not expect that the gale could release such a terrifying mental attack, the pupils shrank, and they jumped back violently. Before landing, they released the field backwards, included Tonpa, and immediately pulled to their own behind.

After finishing preparations, Luo contracted the field and put all his efforts into mobilizing a large amount of black thoughts, gathered in front, forming a black Uzumaki that was spinning fast.

Many winds blocked off any dodging space, strikes above black Uzumaki.

Two Energy head-on collisions immediately caused a violent explosion.

The rest of the wind group crossed the Luo entire group and hit the rock wall in the cave. After an extremely brief silence, the Energy condensed together suddenly burst out.

Suddenly, the rock wall was cut by countless long knives at the same time countless times, causing the hard rocks to become flakes and fall to the ground like feathers.

The Tonpa people hiding in Luo behind looked back at the scene where the wind mass kept cutting the rock wall like a cutting machine, only feeling a chill emerged from the bottom of their hearts, and there were 4 limbs and 100 bones in a blink of an eye.

If they were hit by a wind mass, they would be cut into countless slices in less than a second, right?

Thought of this, let alone Nick, Tonpa was almost scared.

The crowd cautiously clung together, looking at Luo who was standing in front of the wind group.

Fortunately, Luo’s ability can defend against that kind of human attack.

Suddenly in the air, looks at Luo’s back, his eyes are complicated.

The duration of the wind mass is related to the duration of the gale storage time, and it also affects the formidable power.

For a full 20 seconds, the wind mass had not disappeared, and the rock walls behind Luo had been cut out of deep giant gaps, and thin slices of rock were piled up as high as the hills.

If used in a biological body, the results are self-evident.

Blond swears that he is so big, and this is the first time that he has seen this kind of hurting Mind Power.

The horrific wind group behind has not disappeared, and the wind group of strikes on black Uzumaki disappears after ten seconds.

During the period, the wind group not at all cut off any point of Black Uzumaki Energy, which actually caused multiple explosions, but as a result, they did not cause any damage to Luo.

Except for the wind mass blocked by Luo, the other wind mass was still struggling to attack the rock wall, and pieces of rock fell like a shower.

This scene fell in the eyes of the gale, and seemed extremely ironic.

The big move he managed to save was still resisted by Luo.

In contrast, Akali, they are silently looking at the intact Luo entire group.

They teamed up with the gale for a long time. They had seen the wind group released by the gale, and they successfully smashed a behemoth from inside to outside, including blood vessels, into countless thin slices.

At that time, the wind storage time was less than half of this time, and even if there were multiple wind groups hitting the behemoth at that time, the volume comparison between the two was equivalent to elephants and ants.

To this day, the shocking scene is still deeply remembered in their hearts.

So, they couldn’t understand how Luo did the Motionless As Mountains to carry down a wind mass without damage.

Not to mention them, even if the party is a strong wind, it is not clear why when the wind group and black Uzumaki stalemate did not exert their ability characteristics, but instead formed an explosion?

The human side’s silence, not at all in exchange for Luo’s silence.

“Nobunaga and Budha are given to you.”

Luo calmly tossed a sentence, and rushed towards the silent gale and the others.

At the entrance of the passage, the skeleton man stopped his footsteps and opened his mouth to Boss. It was hard to hide the shock.

Dong Fuli glanced at him, and immediately attacked the rear of the humanoid.

Originally, he was ready to deal with five humanoids, but didn’t expect that the human named Luo had such strength.

As a result, it is possible to leave all 5 human groups.

If you can do it, you must not be sympathetic.

Dong Fuli’s killing intent was first shown, and the shadow-like mentality surrounding him was reduced, but the aura was still not to be underestimated.

Eyes at Luo and Dong Fuli came in front and back, and a few shadows of the hearts of several people in the gale settled.

This book is from

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