Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1239

Invisible gravity, like a seamless 1000-gram jack, made Luo’s resistance pale.

Obviously there is no mental fluctuation …

It’s not just the invisible gravity that is pressing from above, but also the vanishing foothold.

You know, they could hear the movement of the organ and the slight vibration from the bottom of the foot the second before.

But the next second, the ground disappeared out of thin air without any warning.

Luo tried many times to stop the whereabouts, without exception, all failed.

On the other hand, Dong Fulisi and Jin also did the same, each using their own means, but all were suppressed by the invisible gravity.

Despite being in a different state, the three were very calm.

The black cat was hiding in the back of Luo’s hand, and was extremely comfortable.

The puppets that accompanied them were desperately flapping their wings, but they were useless.

Even her dangling character has failed, how can fan wings help her fly out of the abyss.

“How to do?”

She was a little flustered.

The three of them dropped side by side with different weights, but the speed of the drop was the same.

all around the silence is dark, and there is darkness above.

It looks like an abyss, the only source of light is the light algae of their body.

Can’t handle heavy gravity, but at any rate can use mind force freely.

With this guarantee, even if suppressed by invisible gravity, they will not fall directly to death.

“It’s a bit strange.”

Luo sat cross-legged in the air.


Golden nodded.

Strange places are not just one place.

Dong Fuli calm looks at 2 people, like an outsider.

“Jin, use power over me,” Luo suddenly said.

“it is good.”

Kim used abilities against Luo.

In that moment, the figures of two people disappeared at the same time.

A few seconds later, they reappeared out of thin air, still standing side by side with Dong Fulishi and Xi.


Kim glanced at the crickets and Dong Fuli near him.

Even if the game ends early, there is no teleportation in their position, and even more strangely, there is no fluctuation in mental power around them.

So what caused this situation?

“Is there a decrease in qi?” Luo asked.


King should say a word.

He forcibly ended the game and returned [Admission Fee] not at all paid in advance.

Luo heard that, touch the chin thoughtfully.

It makes sense to make good use of the ability of gold, even if you can’t return to the ground directly, at least you can open up the distance.

However, when they came out of the game space, they were still parallel to Dong Fuli.

Thinking of this, Luo carefully sorted out what happened when they fell.

The disappearance of the ground without warning is strange in itself, let alone other seemingly weird factors.

“Is it … an illusion?”

Luo gave a guess.

“Illusion?” Golden Eyes flickered. “Do not rule out this possibility.”

There are so many strange things on the dark continent. There must be a lot of creatures like maggots that can manipulate hallucinations.

In itself, there are no fluctuations in mental strength around it, but [gravity suppression] and [fixed position] have occurred, which is enough to plan many problems.

If it is an illusion, many places can easily make sense.

But is it really because of hallucinations?

If they are hallucinations, when were they?

Aside, Dong Fulisi didn’t say a word. In fact, he encountered this kind of thing for the first time. However, in the current situation, they are not in danger for the time being.

If he wants to do something, then finding a breakthrough from it is not impossible.

However, he wanted to see how Luo and Jin responded.

[More than 80% of the possibility of hallucinations Gundam. 】

Dong Fuli also tends to this point, but it may also be a reality.

The 3 people steadily dropped a ball. From a distance, it looks like a light ball that has fallen into the abyss.

Regardless of whether you are experiencing hallucinations or reality, as long as you can use mental power, you have the power to protect yourself.

Luo changed her posture from sitting to standing and focused on spiritual control.

The thin thought circle pushed away from his body, slowly expanding its range.

“Is it round …”

Dong Fuli looks at Luo’s move.

In this case, it is also possible to use [Circle], after all, they are falling, and [Circle] is exploring the road ahead. If anything is encountered, they can be immediately noticed.

In addition, [Circle] will “see” the ground faster than the eyes, which can create ample preparation time.

Luo releases [Circle] and controls the range to within 100 metres. In this way, the loss of mental energy can be reduced.

After all, he hasn’t fully figured out the current situation, let alone how high they are from the ground.

In an unknown situation, mental strength is the only means of life-saving, which must be reasonably distributed and used.

At present, it is the biggest problem they face, but they don’t need to worry, they just need to protect themselves first.

The fall continued, very quickly, ten minutes passed, and the [circle] not at all released underneath returned to any object.

Luo didn’t reduce the scope of [Circle], letting the mind continue to consume.

“There are several apartment entrances and exits that need to be eliminated, but you can stay here for a limited time. You can no longer set up entrances and exits to avoid burdening Nob.”

I think so, but in times of crisis, it should be used, there is no effort to worry about that many.

At present, it is not yet possible to set up a 4-dimensional apartment entrance.

“I’ll see … when will it fall?”

Time passed and half an hour passed.

[Circle], which has been maintained for about 40 minutes, has not yet returned any items, but Luo they saw a lot of source of light suddenly appearing underneath, like the Star River in the night sky.

Seeing this, Luo immediately expanded the range of the circle to 500 metres.

“En? Ready to land!”

It expanded to [round] above 500 metres, and soon touched the hard ground.

Split second, Luo speed of light retracts [Circle], and instead uses [Realm], pulls them to his side, and hits most of his Qi under his feet.


With a loud noise, several people fell heavily to the ground, shaking out a large amount of dust, and the unknown gleam of the stars was drawn into the dust by the airflow.


A [round] quickly expanded from the smoke and dust, and stopped after two hundred meters, and then quickly retracted into the smoke and dust.

“Is it all right?”

Luo first surveyed the surroundings with a circle, and then asked Jin about them.


Jin, Dong, and Xun all signaled that they were all right.

“Gravity has disappeared …”

Luo looked up at the area covered by smoke and dust, and immediately used the field to disperse the smoke and dust, but did not move to the faint light ball floating in the air.

At this time, the black cat came out from the back of the hand and said curiously: “So are we in reality or in a fantasy?”

No one answered his question.

Luo raised his hand and fished, holding the egg-sized, but very weak objects of rays of light in his hand. The hand was slightly heavy and quite textured.


Something that emits faint rays of light, looks like a stone, has an irregular round shape, slightly like amber, but has a low degree of dialysis, and only the surface is translucent.

Luo frowned, spreading five fingers.

The stone-like thing spread on the palm of his hand suddenly floated into the air, as if in a state of weightlessness.

“Luo, come here.”

King’s voice came from quite far away.

Luo heard the words and immediately hurried over to see Jin standing in front of an incomplete skeleton.

Guangzao’s bright light shroud the bone, reflecting a little silver awn.

Luo glanced at him, his eyes tightened, locked on … the heart inside the bone chest.

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