Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1241

Reality or fantasy, if you want to further verify, you have to return to the ground to check the situation, and the time they fall from the ground to here is more than 40 minutes, how deep is the depth of the big pit under the ground.

You know, the gravity that was pressed down from the top of the head was just like stepping on the accelerator to speed up their fall Speed.

If you want to return to the ground from here, you need to climb at least an hour.

This exaggerated depth, without a reasoned scene, is the key point to question.

If it wasn’t for the label of the dark continent, there would be no need to think about it, and the scene and experience would be regarded as a fantasy.

Here comes the problem.

Suppose this is a fantasy, then, should we give up the exploration of the unknown?

The floating Akashi head, the fresh heart of the weathered bones within the body, the little man with a structure similar to the human body inside, and the low platform everywhere on the flat ground …

Luo, they don’t care if this is a fantasy, even if they are dreaming, they have to tear the tulle of that [exquisite beauty’s woman] body before leaving the dream. Only with a good eye can it be worthwhile.

“Don’t worry, I will protect you in case of danger.”

Luo raised his hand, the perfunctory pats of the black cat’s head, and then walked towards the nearest low platform.

The black cat was deaf and blindfolded, and it turned Byakugan over.


Don’t take me as a shield when you get there, I’ll be moving.

The black cat shook his head slightly, thinking that I was not stupid and sweet, only a stupid person would believe your evil.

[Tentatively I didn’t feel any danger. 】

The black cat glanced at the environment all around, and after hearing that many information about the beast, he suddenly began to question his resurrection mechanism.

Previously, he was determined not to die, because he thought that if he died, it was tantamount to deleting the number and re-leveling, and that result was not what he could bear.

But now, he suspects that once he hangs up, he may directly fling the soul flew away and scattered.


The black cat was following Luo’s footsteps, and suddenly felt a look of envy.

Looking at the source of the gaze, it was a puppet suspended in the air.


Black cat with a question mark.

When I saw the black cat noticed herself, she staggered her eyes and kept up with the people who had gone to the front.

“Isn’t this product being … envious? Is there something wrong !!!”

The black cat 愣愣 looks at the 啾啾 who flies past, there is a kind of impulse that runs over and presses on 啾啾 ‘s shoulder, and then shouts out that the jerk is actually a demon.

Forget it…

Forget the past.

The black cat changed its face in a second, adjusted its mood, and lazily followed.

The crowd came to a low platform.

The platform is oval in shape, with a height of about half a meter, and it is brown in color, with silver traces like long needles, spreading out irregularly.

Like the skeletal heart just now, the stump of the low tree stump was filled with weak gas.

Luo wrapped a layer of field on the right hand and immediately touched the low platform.

The white smoke font does not give identification information, but gives the option of absorption.

Luo naturally impossible chose to absorb, retract his hand, and released [Circle] to probe the inside of the lower platform and found that it was a central control structure.

Jin Hedong also released the [circle] probe, without Luo’s clarification, he also knew that the inside of the platform was hollow.

“open to take a look?”

Luo asked for comments.

Kim and Dong were nodded in succession.

Seeing this, Luo gathered thoughts and chopped on the platform.

That thin, hazy air volume couldn’t resist Luo’s thoughts at all, and was cut in half by with no difficulty.

The two-part platform was knocked down on two sides, revealing a spherical space inside.

The inner wall is still brown, but is engraved with a series of small and dense silver unknown fonts.

Luo their three people are veteran users of God Words. At a glance, you can see that this silver font has nothing to do with God Words, it is just an unknown unknown text.

Dong Fulisi squatted down, with rays of light floating in his eyes, looking at a series of words on the inner wall of the looks at the spherical space.

Regarding ancient writings, although Luo and Jin had contact, their accomplishments were limited. They could not understand these silver texts. They could only focus on the East Ricoh body. It is expected that the East Ricoh people who have lived for 100 years will recognize these words. .

After a while, Tofulix moved towards Luo and Jin shook the head, signalling that he could not read the text.

Luo was a little disappointed, but that was no help.

“Here is the ruin …”

Luo looked down towards the silver text inside the platform.

“Still a grave …?”

Looking up slightly, looked towards the bones lying on the ground not far away.

In that hazy breath, the bright red heart was quietly living inside the bones.

“It doesn’t matter what it is? The most important thing is where the treasure is?”

The black cat hurried out of focus.

Did they come here for treasure?

The words of the black cat can be said to wake up the dreamer.

They immediately switched to archaeological inquiry mode, but forgot that they were looking for the treasures.

Luo took out his mobile phone, took a few photos into the platform, and then restored the platform to its original state with effort.

“Let’s find them separately.”

Put away your phone and glance at the surrounding environment.

There is a lot of space here, although only low platforms and a lot of bones can be seen, there are clues to the subtleties.

Anyway, the bones, platforms, and pumice stones that I have seen so far cannot be called heavy treasures, and even babies can’t be called.

The crowd spread out in four places and launched a carpet search.

The black cat looks away, everyone opens his mouth, sticks his tongue out like a frog, rolls a pumice stone into his mouth, and chews it up, a omnivorous animal.

“It tastes okay.”

The black cat swallowed the pumice stone, licked his lips, and wandered freely, occasionally rolling down a pumice stone with his tongue and eating it as candy.

He walked across several low platforms, and [accidentally] broke several bones, circled around in a purposeless way while watching Luo’s situation.

If the Skeleton comes down here, it will definitely be a joy.

The black cat looked down at the bone that turned into a powder, and took a sigh of disapproval, blowing the gray powder to fly.


The powder spread, and a thin silver wire appeared on the ground.

The black cat subconsciously reached out and fiddled.


The silver wire was cut by the claws.

The black cat startedled and retracted its paw like an electric shock.

Immediately afterwards, the seamless ground in front of him suddenly lifted a rectangular slab, standing in front of him, scaring him to eject backwards like a conditioned reflection.

“I was scared to death!”

The black cat landed, and silver eyes stared at the slate that suddenly stood up.

When he wondered what it was, the slate seemed to be being washed off the coating, and the sand and gravel above the top fell downward, exposing a crystal-like transparent layer.

The black cat saw short black hair through the notch that exposed the transparent layer of Crystal.

As the sand and gravel continued to fall, the face under the hair was also revealed.

“Isn’t this a coffin?”

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