Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1252

Five penetrating wounds were fatal, and the neck was almost broken, with a little skin and flesh attached.

Such a serious injury did not affect the action of the flat face.

He succeeded in avoiding the victory of Yang De, but he could not avoid the high-temperature steam from all directions.

The scorching aura of air, like 1000 jacks, weighed heavily on his body.

The pain that has increased due to ability constraints continues to torture his nerves.

[After death]

This is his ability.

As Beyond thinks, it is both rogue and disgusting.

As long as the flat-faced person selects the target, the target can be pulled into a parallel space at the moment of launching the ability, so that the two sides are in a situation where the brave men meet on the narrow road.

As a user of ability, a flat-faced person has a natural advantage. Any damage caused to him will marry the actual effect of the injury from reality to fantasy.

For example, if a flat-faced person is cut off in the battle, as it should be by rights, he in [reality] will lose one leg of mobility, but under this ability, he Even if you have one leg missing, you can still walk intact.

Since the [actual damage effect] is grafted into [illusory], the consequences such as a major bleeding will not be presented in his body.

While taking damage, he can reflect the random damage [average damage] to any enemy body of randomly, but because he sets the number to one person, no matter how randomly, he can always ensure that he hits the same person.

As a cost, flat-faced people can only passively take damage, and the [pain value] will fluctuate according to the [will value], and will only rise without falling.

That is to say, once he bears the [pain] that he can’t bear, the pain between Jain and Na will instantly increase by 5 times to 1 times or more.

The violent pain naturally affects the will.

And his ability to [immune to death] is based on the [will value] to set the upper limit.

The burning effect brought by the high-temperature steam made the flat-faced person suffer a high amount of pain in an instant, so strong that his will was as strong as he could not help screaming.

In previous battles, his will remained unaffected, even if he withstood powerful physical strikes many times.

Now, the situation is broken by the burn pain caused by the high temperature.

Than Yang De’s cold-eyed looks at the flat-faced person’s body is unbalanced, and it was supposed to make up for 2 injuries, but now it seems unnecessary.

“This is the worst combat experience I have ever had.”

Bi Yangde closed his hand and stepped back a few steps, his face was full of screams.

He stood just a few steps away, coldly looking at body with a flat face burning a flame.

Reasonably, his ability also tends to the [rebound] principle. In theory, it is completely restrained by flat-faced people, so this may be one of the reasons he feels bad.

Another reason is that the battle was completely unskilled.

After a while, the screams of the flat-faced person gradually weakened, and the unbearable body swelled slightly like a dolphin, but the consciousness covering the body was decreasing.

Than Yang De looked indifferently.


The flat-faced person’s body exploded and turned into finely divided flesh and bone residue.

Bi Yangde was closer and was splashed with blood and blood.

He didn’t respond at all.


Than Yang De slightly shy.

The surrounding environment does not change at all, he does not at all break away from the parallel space.

“Still alive?”

Bi Yangde’s eyes narrowed, and he felt the surrounding conditions carefully.

Just when he was in doubt, a black grievance suddenly appeared from the ground covered with blood and meat.

“whispering sound.”

Bjord coldly snorted, raised his right hand, and blocked the black grievances that flew in.

The grievances hit the palm without pain or itch, but turned into a black gas, hovering around the palm, like a mark.

Resentment after being killed, expressionless than Yang De.

This is not his first experience.

As long as he does not close the pores and enters the state of [absolute], there is a grudge, regardless of the strength, it is impossible how much the storm has broken out.

Of course, this is always a trouble. Fortunately, Courlie in the team knows how to read, so it is not a big problem.

After the grievance was attached to Bi Yangde’s palm, the ability effect finally disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, Bi Yangde returned to the real cusp tree forest.

As soon as he came back, he saw that the team was setting fire to a strange thing that looked like a crab.

“Captain is back.”

Pariston immediately noticed Bijand’s return, and when he saw Bijand’s rather severe injury, his eyelids were slightly drooped with some surprises.

Jiu Ji also noticed Bi Yangde’s injury, but as long as people return safely, everything is fine.

She tilted her head and looked towards Paris Stone, calmly said: “Captain is back, haven’t you shot yet?”

“No rush, no hurries, after all.”

Paris Stone smiled lightly, raised her hands, and her mind was surging.

“Besides, if the prey does not come in actively, how can the trap start?”

Listening to the words of Paris Stone, Jiu Ji was silent.

Regarding Paris Stone’s ability, she only knows a few things, so it is difficult to determine the appropriate shot timing for Paris Stone.

“It’s the same type of thing again, it’s really troublesome.”

Than Yang De watched for a moment, he roughly saw the details of the strange thing, he felt speechless.

To have battle strength without battle strength, it is the ability of the disgusting person.

Bjord shook the head and headed straight for the team.

“Captain, are you okay?”

Curry and the others worry about looking at Bjord.

“It’s okay, I just got sick.”

Bijand extended to the hand and asked, “Can it be solved?”

Kurli looks at the grievances on the palm of Yang De, eyes reveal grave expression, said solemnly: “It should be possible, but wait for the day.”

“Just solve it.”

Compared with Yang De nodded, he knows that Curry’s method of removing thoughts can only be performed under the noon sun. Even if it cannot be completely eradicated, as long as it can weaken the grievances, he can solve the follow-up matters by himself.

“Can’t this guy handle it?”

Than Yang De’s gaze shifted and landed on the crab monster body.

“It can’t handle it temporarily, it can absorb or teleportation any kind of damage, but Paris Stone’s ability should be able to handle it,” Hatoki whispered.


Beyond looked at Paris Stone, who was mobilizing.

Set, trap, prey.

A few keywords are roughly a picture of Paris Stone Mind Power.

The launch conditions seemed troublesome, but once the launch was successful, the enemy could instantly fall into the abyss.

In short, since Paris Stone is confident, just wait.

Moreover, like this kind of lack of active offensive enemies, just happens to be Paris Stone’s dish.

……… ..

A woody area more than ten kilometers from the war zone, a chunky silhouette stands on the sharp top of a tooth-tip tree, Motionless As Mountains.

The silhouette is not far from that of human beings. A pair of severely protruding eyes are born on the face, like chameleons, and are turning frequently.

“Speaking long ago, the guy who can get the restorer’s body, even if it is a human, must not be to be trifled with.”

“Kill! Kill! Kill!”

“Kill a chicken, you know how to fight and kill all day, can you use your brain?”

“Kill! Kill! Kill!”

“Stupid thing, don’t bother you.”

silhouette is talking to himself in 2 tones.

“Fail, just fail. Anyway, you have already positioned it. If you want to withdraw directly, or look at it …?”

silhouette hesitating.

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