Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1273

The existence of grievances after death can usually be covered by the word [curse].

Generally speaking, regardless of whether the grievance is strong or weak, it takes a period of [development time] to produce effects when attached to the target body.

This attack style that gradually erodes the spiritual body of the target body is the phenomenon that best reflects the nature of resentment.

However, after all, there are many obvious gaps between Demon Beast and Mind Power.

There is no need to say more about the difference between potential and apparent energy, and there is a clear gap between the effects of resentment after death.

The grievances that occur after the weasel’s death, when attached to the Luo body, can be transformed into layers of thin ice, which can directly produce substantial damage effects.

From this we can see how exaggerated Power was after the death.

It is just that in front of Luo’s means of removing thoughts, no matter how strong the grievances are after death, they are treated equally.

They know the details of Luo, and they don’t feel strange, they can only envy Luo’s ability with emotion.

Of course, they did not think that the weasel’s post-mortem resentment can form such a powerful formidable power. There are other factors in it, not the difference between Demon Beast and human Mind Power. of.

Luo easily resolved this post-mortem resentment of Power, which fell into the eyes of the fox and became an incomprehensible phenomenon.

In the fox’s cognition, this post-death curse attack is a disgusting thing that requires exhausting efforts to get rid of.

You must know how many enemies he fought with in order to compete for the site in the “Buried Burial Post”. The whole process to the result, the most impressive is always the cursed attack produced by each enemy after death.

The various forms of post-mortem curse are as disgusting as they are disgusting, but why can this human get rid of it so easily?

Special is still a revenge guy like Weasel, you can imagine the power of that resentment after death.

Moreover, they spent a lot of time in this “burial burial post”. They usually feed on [complaints] and use [corporal essence] as the capital of strength. Only after accumulated over a long period of time will they come down. There are them today.

Not to mention that humans can kill the weasel with a single stick. The physique that has been assimilated by [resentment] for many years, how can we let the weasel’s resentment exert a terrifying effect after death?

The fox was deeply puzzled, only to find that the head of humanity was becoming more and more difficult.

Although considering that we can continue to use that human to solve other opponents in the “Buried Burial Post”, I can’t help but feel cold as soon as I think of the perceived consequences.

After all, the strength shown by this human being has exceeded the scope that can be used.

Whenever any trace of risk becomes a reality, the consequences will certainly be terrible.

The fox didn’t even dare to go deep into the imagination, because Luo’s strength caused some shadows to him.

“Even if I want to stop … I have to keep an eye on them, at least to find out if they are coming for ‘treasure’, and then make plans later.”

The fox was scared, but he still had the courage to make some decisions.

What motivated him to do so was the [treasure] in his mouth, which was almost the basis of his roots and something worthy of his life to guard.

Inside the venue.

Tonpa knew nothing about foxes hiding in the dark.

He didn’t notice it, let alone the others.

Luo absorbed the grievances generated by the weasel, consciously entered the white smoke space, and found that Energy, which had only increased by about 3%, was not as good as the two soul thought groups absorbed that time, but it was better than nothing.

After the weasel fell to the ground, Bu Haji immediately came over.

He is going to check if the weasel is worth eating.

“Well, the meat is elastic.”

Bu Habi’s eyes were slightly bright, and he was already thinking about how to cook the weasel.

Nick came quietly, glanced at the deadly weasel, and sighed in his heart.

I wonder if it was within the body that was doped with some of the weasel genes. Nick had a bit of pity for the weasel, thinking that saw that the situation was far from good, he had to run quickly, so reckless, who was crying when he died?

Shaking his head slightly, Nick glanced at the surrounding environment, with an indelible shadow between his eyebrows.

Ever since he came to the stones pile, he felt uncomfortable, but he didn’t know how to describe it.

In short, it is very agreeable.

I don’t know if it’s the cause of Ghost Fire or the environment here.

Looking at Luo not far away, Nick thought for a while, but chose to remain silent.

He felt that this feeling should be trivial, and that Tonpa was in the team. If there were accidents and dangers, Tonpa could give immediate feedback.

After the weasel fell to the ground, there was still cold smoke on the wide rocky ground, and the air was filled with cold air.

Don’t say it, it’s like a freezer with ingredients in it. It’s really cold after a long time.

Luo looked at the cold smoke around him. He thought that the coldness here was related to the weasel, but it doesn’t seem to be the case now.

“It’s strange, isn’t it?”

Jin came to Luo and watched the chill emanating from the ground.

“Well, compared to the walkways outside, the temperature here is really very uncoordinated.”

“Is the air conditioner coming from the ground?”

Bi Siji ducked away from the hard rocky ground, his eyes flashed slightly.


Lao Bai squatted on the ground, and the body under his neck was suddenly drowned in the cold smoke.

He reached out and stroked the uneven rocky ground, his tentacles cold, as if touching the ice.

Si Yanji looked down at the ground covered by the cold smoke, and the color of doubt appeared in the bottom of her eyes.

The atmosphere here makes her feel comfortable, but in the bones is a bit resistant.

When I stood at the entrance before, this feeling was not so strong, but when I walked inside, the feeling was obviously different.


The word involuntarily jumped out of Sinki’s mind.

Immediately, she wiped it off.

Regarding these words, she has always resisted.

“Since the cold air came from the ground, there must be some mystery underneath, besides, we walked that many places to see this Demon Beast here, and there must be something wrong with the plan, otherwise the Demon Beast is not good. Do you have to lie here? “

Old Bai said very resolutely.

Everyone looked silently at Lao Bai, there was an urge to refute, but they felt that Lao Bai was right.

Luo shook his head with a smile, calmly said: “I want to know what is underneath, just dig it up, maybe there is a treasure like a silkworm bead buried.”

Silkworm beads are spoils of war obtained just after landing on the dark continent. They were previously used to preserve the body of Spears, but they are still placed in the freezer in the 4-dimensional apartment.

To make a decision to dig a rocky ground is to start immediately.

The fox hiding in the dark saw Luo’s actions, and immediately became nervous and hesitated.

But no matter what he thought, there was nothing he could do but look at Luo. They rolled up their sleeves and prepared to dig.

If he had the patience, he wouldn’t sneak into hiding, he would have appeared to beat Luo for a long time.

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