Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1279

The air seemed to be distorted.

A strong sense of crisis, in this brief moment, collided with the consciousness of the infernal beasts.

In the short period of time that even thinking was impossible, every experienced and amazingly large monster had made the same choice.

That sense of crisis never before, let them turn the offensive into defensive in a short time, mobilize all the apparent strength, and protect a solid defense wall in front of them.

They didn’t even see Luo’s attack clearly before they came up with it and implemented it.

Yes, they made the decision to switch offense and defense without seeing Luo’s attack clearly.

The defensive barrier made up of all the apparent qi gives the beasts a little sense of security, and it can be said to dilute that hard to describe crisis.

However, the defensive barrier shattered in the next second.

The dark general cut it in the air, and mercilessly broke through the defensive barriers that the beasts did their best to, without giving the room for reaction, they cut the beasts in half.

A total of fifteen Beasts who were powerful enough to drop dozens of human Mind Power in a single blow were all killed by the dark general’s slash.

At this time, the surrounding towering rocks did not appear damaged at all.

In fact, there is a knife mark on the rock wall near Yanshan that can not be seen without careful look, and runs through the cross section of each rock mountain.

That extremely restrained stab, exhausted 100% of Luo ’s black power, instant killed ten 5 beasts in silence, and even divided the surrounding rocks into two in silence, but the slash was horizontal It’s cut, so from the looks of the rocks, the rock is not affected.

Chopped into two and a half by a sword, the huge body of the infernal beast smashed on the ground with blood rain, making loud noises

The gold entire group and even the foxes in the dark were stunned.

Even teammates who knew about Luo’s strength were stunned by the sword that General White jade had just cut out.

The formidable power is not a dimension at all.

Complaining next to the Energy pillar, Luo gently pats his hands, as if patting off the dust on his hands, as if to prove that he did something just now.

As for the dark general, when it was cut, it had disappeared.

“This is the formidable power to evacuate the Energy slot, but … there should be no second chance.”

Luo looked at the emptied Energy slot in the white smoke font space. As a client, he also thought that the sword with a formidable power was not the same level of strength. With such a split second, he even thought that knife Able to split the space.

But it turns out that the sword just cut off the Yin Beast and the Rock Mountain, not at all cut off the space.

However, the repairer who used to control the soul of life and death had the ability to break the space …

With this reference, Luo’s surprise slowly subsided.

“Maybe, there will be monsters that are more scary than the restorer.”

Luo thought about it in silence, then continued to reach into the Energy column.

Within a short while, the Energy tank that had just been emptied was suddenly full, and unimaginable buried the number of grievances beneath the ground, but unfortunately there was an upper limit on the Energy tank, otherwise Luo could not wait to pack all the grievances away.


Luo shook the head, turned around and glanced at his distant companions.

The Energy tank is full, and it is known that there are only countless corpses underneath the ground, and there is no reason to stay. The only pity is that the black power that can be added is quite limited.

If the upper limit of the Energy slot can jump from 100 to 10000, he will be satisfied. After all, the amount of grievances here is horrible.

However, filling up the Energy tank is difficult in itself, and now he has filled the Energy tank, and he should be content.

Luo was going to pat his ass and walk away, heading towards his teammates.

Behind, several cracks knocked out by Luo have expanded to a small hole. As the grievances pour out, I am afraid that they will continue to expand, and then release the grievances below the ground in a short time.

In the dark, the horror in the fox’s heart slowly subsided, and he turned to look at Yin Qi, who was leaking.

With such leaked Speed, less than a week, the underlying veins will dry up, and the person who is so devastated is …

The fox’s eyes moved to Luo’s body, thinking of the scene just now, his body was trembled slightly, and then speechless.

Above the rocky ground, the temperature is getting lower and lower, and a large amount of blood flowing from within the body of the infernal beast has frozen into ice, and a layer of Frost has formed on the infernal beast.

“The meat must be very good, do you want to pack it in the apartment?”

Praha rubbed his arms and looked at the corpse of the infernal beast that was gradually frozen into an ice lolly.

“No, you can put it in the black cat temporarily.”

“Ah, but the black cat …”

Praha showed hesitation, and he was worried that the black cat would swallow up the rarely seen meat.

“give it to me!”

The black cat swears that he patted his chest and rushed to the corpses of the infernal beasts, one by one, and swallowed all in a while.

Then, the black cat returned to the queue and said seriously: “Everything is closed … oh.”

He hit a burp.

The scene suddenly calmed down.

He opened his mouth and pointed at the black cat, saying nothing.

Luo frowned, and asked, “Did you eat it all?”

“No, stay aside.”

Black cat eyes glittering.


Luo punched the black cat.

Then he comforted Budha.

“Those infernal beasts absorb the grievances after death for years, and it is probably not much better.”


Burha smiled bitterly.

“Come on, let’s leave here directly.”

Luo looked up at the towering rocky mountains around. Since there is nothing good here, he just left the road empty.

Others have no objection to Luo’s decision.

When they were about to leave on an empty road, another huge beast with a snake-like appearance came together.


Luo frowned.

Later, he shot and killed the infernal beast that came together, and then went to the Energy pillar to fill up the Energy.

A moment later, another evil beast was attracted by the leaked resentment.

“…” Luo.

In desperation, ** dropped the ghost animal, and then turned back to mourn the Energy column to add Energy.

In this way, I spent more than an hour, Luo, they have not left the mass grave post.

Although there is no need to hurry, there is no need to waste time like this.

Among the team, the black cat was the happiest, and was able to satiate and devour a dead animal’s body.

Twenty minutes later, Luo had killed another ghost, and then refilled the Energy slot again, ready to leave.

It was just that the black cat had just ascended to heaven, and Luo stopped the black cat.

This time, it wasn’t because the ghost beast struck, but it was Luo Sensor’s movement.

This explanation is not far from them.

“Come,” Luo said.


The black cat was so excited that it almost shook out the Luo entire group standing on its back.

“Is it from the fire tree silver flower?”

“It’s not clear, anyway, just wait for her here.”

Luo looked towards the direction in the Sensor, looking forward slightly.

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