Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1302

The 30 companions who were cut off became corpses in less than ten seconds.

In other words, if you want to work in teams, the number of people in a team must be more than 30, otherwise it will be given away.

But the most difficult thing is not the target’s individual combat capabilities, but the [one door] that can pass freely inside the castle!

That’s right, it is the door, a door that regards solid walls, floors, and ceilings as nothing!

In the case of free passage, the mobility is terrifying, which can be said to occupy a good position.

Resfar people who are aware of this are very reconciled. This is clearly their place. Why is it an advantage for intruders?

“That human is not generally strong, and it is not an exaggeration to call him a monster, so we can’t risk it anymore. We must try to avoid meaningless sacrifice and win by quantity.”

Even if Luo’s [round] permeated unbridled, the Risfa people present could not resist doing stupid things.

If you break the ceiling and take shortcuts, you will most likely eat a wave of flames and then be attacked.

Instead of taking shortcuts, the team intercepted the target from the two channels, and was also detected by the human detection method, and then slipped out in advance.

The point of the problem is that the number of squads cannot be less than 30. In this way, with their current number of squads, the number of squads that can be divided is quite limited. The large nets that are interwoven are 100 dense and sparse. I want to intercept or delay The difficulty of living the target can be seen in a Madara.

Therefore, they have to wait for the reinforcements to arrive, wait for the number of teams to increase, and then proceed cautiously to push the goal into the desperate situation step by step. In short, the same mistake cannot be made again.

Resfar people glanced at the companion corpses that had not yet cooled down on the ground, and their hearts were slightly cold.

There is a lesson from them, and they can hold the impulse in their hearts.

On the upper level, [Circle] not at all released by Luo withdrew it, and arrogantly washed back the Resfa people underneath.

This was the provocation of Chiguo, but the Resfa people did not react at all.

“Awaiting reinforcements …”

Luo thought for a while, thinking of the Risfar from the Sensor just now, there are more than 2 people, it is not clear if there is no follow-up.

However, this is the home base of Resfards.

“I don’t know what’s going on with Kim. If things aren’t right, we must retreat decisively.”

Luo looked up at the three gates in front of him. He still liked this place, but now he can’t wait long. When the Resfar soldiers arrive, the benefits of guerrilla warfare will become lower and lower.

“Right now, try to reduce the number of enemies.”

Luo stepped forward a distance, and the round [circle] moved out followed him.

“As long as the tracking Mind Power of the two Ristaffians is still there, you are not afraid that they will not come.”

Luo mouthed Kakuzu slightly and stopped in one place.

“I won’t do nothing until you do something.”

Luo took a few hidden weapon from the black cat space and squeezed it in his hand.

His eyes fell on the floor, as if he could see the prey below.

At this moment, the black cat emerged, worrying: “Luo, as a professional cleaner, I can only look at the pile of garbage under the look at, and then I can do nothing, do you know how sad I am?”

“You’re going down, I won’t stop you.”

“You can’t say that. We are partners and we must advance together.”

“Oh, then I choose to stay here.”

“How can you do this? What about public morals? Will your conscience be painful? The garbage is made by you. So, go down and walk around, and then I take the opportunity to clean up the garbage. It is incumbent on your beast to do something for you! “

The black cat has a righteous sect.

How could Luo not know what the black cat was thinking, and he was too lazy to vomit.

Ignored the black cat, mobilized the black power, wrapped around the stone weapon, and looked directly at the Risfa people under the floor.

Seeing Luo’s move, when the black cat wanted to say something, he was suddenly wary of looking towards a certain obliquely upward direction.



Luo directly withdrew the black mind, in the same direction as the black cat looked towards.

There was an unknown gas field fluctuation and it was very strong.

That direction …

Luo’s eyelids drooped slightly, thinking of the young Resfa man.

Will it be her?

“Speed ​​is fast.”

The black cat’s eyeballs kept moving left and right, followed by the presence of explosive gas fields.

After a moment, his eyes fell and he followed the ground floor.

“That gas field is gone,” the black cat cautioned.

Feeling uncomfortable, that’s what the aura gives the black cat.

Luo didn’t say anything, released [Circle] again and penetrated to the bottom layer, this time, he enlarged the diameter.


The thought circle swept across the master of the aura, and returned immediately.

“Sure enough, it is her, but this aura … it changes a lot.”

Luo was a little surprised, and then thought of something.

“Come on.”

Luo retracted [Circle] and strode towards the 3 doors ahead.

The black cat is unknown, so he follows Luo.

Leaving the hall straight, Luo cut open the corridor floor and reached the ground floor.

At the other end of the corridor is the door to the lobby.

Luo not at all passed away, but released [Yuan], and immediately understood the situation in the hall, and couldn’t help showing a smile.

That young Risfa was confronting the same race.

After a while, the two sides fought suddenly.

In the Sensor, the young Swissman was charging forward, and one person smashed two same races with his bare hands. As if he didn’t know the fear, he rushed into the crowd alone, like a wolf into a flock.

Despite the predominance of that group of Risfars, they were completely unprepared by young Risfars.

Luo retracted [Yuan] and listened to the movement coming from behind the door. After thinking for a moment, she turned decisively.

I didn’t expect the seed that had just been planted so soon.

That young Risfar was indeed very unusual. After the injury was recovered, he could even tear up the adult Risfar.

Although it is not clear why the Risfa people should imprison her and abuse her, but now she has helped a lot to restrain some of the Risfa people.


Luo glanced back at the black cat while walking.


The black cat was reluctant to keep up, and was thinking of a lot of risfah ore behind the door.

Luo doesn’t have a castle map, he can only explore it layer by layer, and there is no pressure.

At the same time, the battle between the gatekeepers and the Rasfas was fierce, with each side suffering casualties.

King and Bisjiji used skills to make up for the apparent gap in energy, not to fight hard, but the killing efficiency was very poor.

In contrast, Emperor Strike’s splashing water-like attack can not only make up for the knife, but also cause interference to Resfarns.

It is worth mentioning that Uvogin and Nobunaga like a fish back in water, which have been strengthened with the spinal fluid, and when the difference in apparent volume is almost non-existent, the killing skills they have trained through year-round fighting and killing in this brief moment finally work. Land of War.

The two people cooperated tacitly and looked after each other, which caused a lot of trouble for the people of Risfa.

Looks at Uvogin and Nobunaga on slaughter all sides, and Kim and Bisji thought to take the spinal fluid as soon as possible.

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