Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 190

The speed at which Luo adjusted his energy for offense and defense was not fast enough to stop An Tongmu’s palm. He adjusted his energy in advance, and it looked as if he knew that An Tongmu would pat his right shoulder with one palm.

Luo didn’t expect it, and An Tongmu had many choices between offense and defense, but the knife that Luo cut out reduced the choice of An Tongmu to the remaining one.

This is where An Tongmu feels wrong, and vaguely feels that the knife is quite strange, but the fighter jet has passed away. He will strike Luo to kill Luo while his posture is unstable when he landed on the ground!

“It hurts …”

With pain on Luo’s face, Luo adjusted his figure in the air, and then reached his feet on the ground. Before the momentum disappeared, his body slipped back.

I have gathered 80% of my apparent strength to defend, but I can still feel the pain, even the injuries that lead to my back, except for pain or pain.

Luo resisted the pain. When he reached the ground, he squatted down with his knees bent, his upper body leaned forward, his left hand fluctuated, and he pressed on the ground.

From a distance, the act of pressing the left hand on the ground as if to brake as soon as possible is actually not the case.

When the body was about to stop, Luo used the power of the hand of God to cut the rock layer under the slab to a particle size and squeeze it slightly to create a hollow.

After doing this secret movement, Luo looked up, and saw that An Tongmu had come to his eyes.

An Tongmu not at all noticed that Luo’s hidden little action, and he had rich experience in combat, should not make such a small mistake.

However, because Luo was too dependent on air mass, it was not surprising that An Tongmu saw Luo decelerate with his left hand wrapped around air mass, even if he noticed that he would not know that Luo ’s thought would vacate the rock formation under the slate. .

“I just want to lie down there!”

Near behind, An Tongmu gathered up his gas and was preparing to slap Luo with a palm. There was a muffled sound under his feet, the slate cracked, and his right foot sank directly into the ground.


An Tongmu startedled, because his right foot sank into the ground, his body lost his balance and tilted forward.

At this time, Luo was ready to cut a knife at An Tongmu’s chest that was crooked.

The amount of energy entangled in the blade body is like Blade Aura, reflected in the surprised eyes of Andomu.


An Tongmu’s left knee flexed violently, and his air surged like a jet of flame, pushing his left leg, and suddenly speeding up. Before Luo’s long sword arrived, his left foot first stepped on the ground. , A gust of wind shook.


A strong amount of energy was injected into the ground, and the slabs of the footsteps were shattered and smashed by the Strength shock. Even Luo was shocked, and the slashed sword was missed.

The slate was cracked and flew into the air.

Luo complexion slightly changed. Seeing that the offensive launched by the potential was broken, he decisively closed the sword, reluctantly stabilized his body, and stepped back, trying to widen the distance as soon as possible.

At the same time, Antongmu looked extremely cold, stood in a weird posture, then waved his palm, and patted on the faceted slate that Zhenfei was in front of.

I saw that the slate was broken into several pieces by one palm, and flew towards Luo who was backing away. There was a deal with a man as he deals with you.

The broken stone was not at all wrapped in energy, but was pushed over by pure Strength, but the impact was not weak.

Seeing this, Luo backed up and unfolded the field. He stopped all the flying stones and wrapped them in air and returned them to Antong.

“I really look down on you.”

An Tongmu’s face was slightly difficult to look at. The number of stones pushed back by the counterattack was too much, and his feet fell into the ground again, and he could only stop them.

He raised his arms and crossed, blocking in front of his face, the apparent energy of the body was distributed in front of him, and forcibly blocked the many stones wrapped with energy, but it did not hurt.

At this time, Luo had pulled the distance to 5 beyond ten meters, and saw his feet stepping into the bottom of the Andong wood, and couldn’t help sighing.

Cover the line of sight with smoke, and then force An Tongmu to dodge with the encirclement of the air. Only then can he make An Tongmu make the counterattack he wants to see, that is, slap him on the right shoulder.

Gathering the air defense in advance is to ensure that you will not be hurt by that palm.

Luo was very sure that when he was able to adjust his shape in mid-air after being hit with a single palm, An Tongmu would never miss the opportunity to chase and attack when he was able to stabilize his shape. .

The previous offensive was organized to wait for this moment.

Using the power of the hand of God, when the oncoming taxi was about to stop, an empty trap was created, and An Tongmu stepped in, and finally lost balance due to the impact.

At that time, it was time for Luo to cut off Andong Mu’s body!

What didn’t expect was that when the plan was about to be successful, Andongmu’s air volume sprayed out, and it actually formed a jet-like effect, instantly accelerating the movement of his limbs, shaking his left foot to break his offensive !!

The main problem is that Luo’s time to create the hollow trap was too short, and with his left hand, he could only create a trap that caused An Tongmu’s right foot to sink into the ground.

If the technique is stronger, even the trap of the left foot range is created, the result may be different.

Without this opportunity, it is even more difficult to recreate …

The surrounding area where Antongmu stands is already full of mess, no traces of slate are visible, revealing the potty rock formations below.

“Nearly succeeded by that little ghost!”

An Tongmu pulled his foot out of the ground and looked ugly when looking towards Luo.

The small insect, who thought he could pinch himself, forced him to use his thoughts and directly consumed 20% of his energy.

If at that time you don’t need to think about the sudden increase of Speed ​​and Strength, you will probably fall miserably in a very easy task if you are cut by that sword.

It’s also because Luo has shown it before, otherwise he won’t take it that seriously.

That knife covered in rust and other stains, it seemed like it would break if it was broken, but An Tongmu had seen formidable power, so he would not despise.

The second brief confrontation in a few rounds caused Bisji, who was watching the battle, to have a direct change in Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

She is a bystander, not an authority, so not at all sees Luo’s weird sword, but just sees Luo’s various actions, and finally brings An Tongmu into the trap.

What a rare operation!

If the strength is equal, this is not a big deal, but the difference in strength between the two sides is extremely obvious. The weak side can bring the strong side into the rhythm, which is extremely difficult to do.

But Luo did it …

“What a pity!”

Bi Siji gritted his teeth slightly, lamenting that Luo’s offensive failed.

When An Tongmu stepped into the ground with his right foot, the victory or defeat should be decided at that moment, but Luo’s physical quality was too poor, leading to the operation in place, but did not get the expected results.

If Luo ’s body coordination is faster, the posture change from squatting to standing can shorten at least 0.5 seconds. If his physical fitness is stronger, the speed of the sword will be faster!

Unfortunately, if not, Luo was slow for a second, and An Tongmu avoided it.

Bissie thinks she’s gone.

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