Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 192

Want to cut off the arm, but only cut off 3 hands, can be considered better than nothing. ??

Luo continued to pull away, while using Allah’s blade to cut off the air on the three broken fingers of An Tongmu, as if peeling an apple peel.

As long as An Tongmu maintains his gas output, he can pass these three broken fingers and continuously consume his energy.

Bi Siji used Ning, and he could see that the three broken fingers were surrounded by air volume, and Luo used the rust knife to cut off the air volume on the broken finger, next moment, the broken finger was out of air again.

Even if she was experienced and knowledgeable, she didn’t see it for a while.

As a party, An Tongmu realized the problem, and breaking the hand would not hurt or bleed, and he was obviously cut off the hand, but he could still feel the connection with the broken finger.

He looked at Luo’s act of cutting off the volume of broken fingers, and soon realized that this was Luo’s idea. As long as he maintained the output of broken fingers, Luo would consume the volume in this way.

In the previous battle, assuming that Antong had a total of 1oo points of air volume, he now has only 6o points of air volume, and each time Luo cuts the air volume on his broken finger, he will lose the air volume of o.1 accordingly. .

In 1 second, Luo can cut 1 time, and 1 minute can cut off 6 points of air volume. It only takes 1 minute, and An Tongmu’s air volume will be exhausted.

The premise is that An Tongmu does not know how to choose, plus Luo can support 1o minutes, and the only disadvantage is that the three hands are far worse than one arm.

In order to prolong time, Luo tried to stay away from Andong Mu.

“good, very good.”

When An Tongmu got up, she was extremely angry and smiled. It was a shame to be forced to such an extent by Luo.

When his tone was barely fell, Luo no longer had gas on his broken finger. Apparently, An Tongmu realized the problem and closed the fine pores of the broken finger.

“It’s just three hands, here you are.”

An Tongmu’s eyes widened and the gas field poured out, making the atmosphere in the temple even heavier. He stepped out and attacked Luo again.

At the same time, Luo threw the broken finger into the air, and a book was instantiated on the left hand, and patted towards the 3 broken fingers, like an eraser, to erase the existence of the broken finger.

After doing this, the book disappeared and disappeared, and An Tongmu suddenly splattered blood on the broken finger and felt pain.

He didn’t even look at the finger, just stared at Luo, and didn’t know what method was used, and the bleeding was stopped at the finger.

“not enough.”

Looks at After An Tongmu ’s distinctly different aura, Luo gritted his teeth and re-applied his skills. During the movement, he used feet 6 to create a lot of empty traps, and he remembered all the empty positions.

An Tongmu suffered two losses and was still irritated by his anger.

The space in the palace was large enough, and the ground was paved with slate. In previous battles, two-fifths of the area had been destroyed.

In order to prevent the attack from counterattacking with his feet stepping into the hole again, An Tongmu used brute force to kick the slate along the way.

Without a slate, it would be meaningless to lose cover.

After kicking and flying many slabs along the way, Andongmu fisted furiously, crushing the slabs and blasting them towards Luo.

The many stones that were broken were not at all wrapped with gas, not that An Tongmu would not, but what he didn’t want to do with Strength, there was no need to consume gas.

Seeing An Tongmu’s response, Luo’s eyebrows were deeply locked, his eyes looked at a large area of ​​gravel groups flying, helplessly opened up the field, stopped many gravels in front of him, and also blocked the vision.

After stopping the rubble group, Luo seemed to release a machine gun and shot pieces of rubble in batches towards Antongmu, but Antongmu was like a leather armor thick war chariot, blocking the rubble with **, Come straight.

If the opponents of the same level have long been fooled, the offensive and defensive level of the partial Antongmu is one level higher than that of Luo.

Antongmu ran a path like a cow, sweeping out the empty traps laid by Luo, and then, when he was close to Luo, he cut off a stone pillar as a weapon.

The energy of the body is passed to the stone pillar through double-handed, but it takes a skill week.

Zhou is a technique that covers air force on a weapon to make the weapon stronger while also increasing the destructive force.

The stone pillar was more than 5 meters long, and Andumu waved like a regular stick, showing the strength of terrifying.

In this way, holding the stone pillar, he swept away towards Luo.

Luo stepped back, avoiding the end of the stone pillar. Next moment, the stone pillar has no clumsy potential, and quickly swiveled around. Luo stepped back again, and at the same time, cut his sword towards the end of the stone pillar. o. 3 meters section.

An Tongmu danced stone pillars into a lively style, while Luo was forced to dodge non-stop, and the two were in a deadlock like this.

As a bystander, Bisji immediately saw the motivation of Andong Mu.

“He noticed …” Bisjim thought silently.

Judging from the scene, Andongmu used such a heavy stone pillar as a weapon, and even used it for a week, the gas consumption should be faster than Luo, but in fact, it is Luo that consumes more gas.

Because Luo was brought into the attacking rhythm of An Tongmu. Every time he hid, he had to consume the corresponding amount of energy. This is the disadvantage of over-reliance on Qi.

The offensive created by Andongmu happened to be that Luo had to explode with a continuous increase in gas volume to avoid it, and Antongmu did so intentionally.

After hiding for a while, Luo realized the problem and deeply felt that An Tongmu was forcing him into the desperate situation step by step, just like a stingy man’s revenge.

This is … a cat-and-mouse game to drain his energy, and it’s a revenge against his behavior.

Looking back on the fighting so far, it seems that it has not been slowly forced into the desperate situation, even the first battle of Cook, there is no such experience.

“If I can avoid the attack without the increase in air volume, I don’t need to continuously consume air volume …”

After being dragged into the stalemate of offense and defense, Luo knew that the energy of the inside of the body was rapidly being consumed, plus half of the gas that was eaten by the black cat before, continued this way, and he would be consumed air without doing anything.

Luo thought of this …

The contact time has been less than a year, and the amount of Qi has increased like a rocket. The control of Qi is getting better. In addition, he has never encountered an opponent who is better than him. He has always thought that Qi is the foundation of Strength.

Until now, the revenge offensive that An Tongmu deliberately created has sounded the alarm.

It turns out that the root is the source and the foundation, but Qi is not the root. Only Qi and the body can be called the root.

“I want you to feel what despair is.” An Tongmu roared.

Just then, a rough female voice came.

“Then it’s gone.”

Immediately afterwards, a woman with a figure that could compete with Andong Mu, stepped in halfway, came to Luo’s body, and punched the stone pillar in the correct posture.

Under the astounding gaze of An Tongmu and Luo, the fists with dazzling rays of light hit the stone pillar, bursting out the formidable formidable power, shattering the stone pillar, and spreading the remaining formidable power to An Tongmu flew him out.

This fist is a high-level technique combined with the five techniques of entanglement, perfection, practice, and coagulation.

Not only will the stone pillar that surrounds Zhou be easily smashed, Yu Li will also hurt An Tongmu.

“Muscle girl …”

Looks at the back of a tiger and waist of a bear, and Luo shouted this subconsciously when he was stunned.

The next second, he turned and punched Bisji.

This fist is not hard, it’s just a normal punch. If you use hard, Luo’s head will be Crush instantly. 8

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