Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 217

Lying on a half-mountain road, there are grotesquely shaped rocks, and two mill-sized bloated toads squat on one of them.

Around the wind and rain masterpiece, lightning tore the sky, but did not affect the ** hidden inside the toad.

The sound of wind and rain, thunder, is just the music they use most.

Luo had just arrived here at the moment when the male toad came into the battle, and a sudden lightning cut through the sky on the back of the two toads, forming a rather dazzling background.

Luo thought of the mission entrusted to him by Bisji, but didn’t immediately take action against Doom Toad, always felt that it was inappropriate to do so, tentatively wait for them to finish.

Coincidentally, it will encounter the doom toad, and it is still two mating in progress. It is no different from winning the lottery jackpot. If you change to someone else, you will be polite and shoot directly at the doom toad.

Because the number of doomed toads is scarce, the local residents will not take action on the mating doomed toads. They will wait for the male toads to release the life energy, then release the female toads, and then try to catch the male toads.

Luo waited patiently on the side. Ten seconds later, as the male toad trembled, the wind and rain remained, but the air suddenly quieted down.

After a moment, the female toad under her jumped forward, and moved away from the drilled hole without looking back.

The male toad is squatting on a rock without moving, as if thinking about life, and as if remembering the happiness just now.

“What’s the matter?”

Luo scratched his cheek, thinking it was really fast.

He was paused, that is, the male toad on the rock moved towards it, and numerous raindrops of beans fell on his body, as if blocked by a layer of invisible shield, which was not close to Luo’s body.

As if the male toad didn’t notice Luo’s existence, it suddenly moved, wondering where to take out a mushroom, and squatted and ate.

Seeing this scene, Luo had a feeling of smoke afterwards and found it very interesting.

When Luo entered within 5 meters, the toad eating mushrooms kicked suddenly, and suddenly flew towards Luo volley. The sharp blue claw, which was covered with deep blue filaments, was raised high, shattering a large raindrop. .

“Insidious enough.”

Luo slightly smiled, sideways avoiding the doomed toad.

When staggered and obsolete, he fisted with his right hand, his thumb moved towards the doomed toad, and an egg-sized ball shot from the tip of the thumb, sinking into the back of the doomed toad.


The thought ball penetrated the toad’s head. The latter’s body shook, and he suddenly fell to the ground and became silent. The blood flowed out of the hollow in the head and was washed away by the rain.

Luo walked to the body of the doomed toad and lifted it up.

It would be a shame for those who gathered around Mount Talma to see this scene at this time, because live toad is more valuable.

Luo didn’t know the toad, but the white smoke font knew it. When he came in contact with the toad, the relevant information was suddenly stuffed into his head.

After seeing the introduction to Doom Toad, Luo looked slightly weird.

This is a poisonous toad. The sharp claw that resembles a mole claw is covered with fine poisonous glands. If it is slightly scratched, it will die in the body, and the toad that has just been mated contains An aphrodisiac is added to the toxin.

It is highly toxic and cannot be eaten, and even if it is dead, you must be careful. Especially now, if you poison the poison, you will not only die, but you will also die.

Luo picked up the toad’s body and walked towards the rock.

Through continuous glittering lightning, I saw several fist-sized mushrooms growing on the side, and a dark blue copper coin Madara on the umbrella cover, similar to Madara of the doomed toad body.

Just this kind of mushroom that Doom eats just now, Luo picked it up, and a surprise flashed in his eyes. This is a poisonous mushroom that can hallucinate the tongue. After eating, it will be stiff as a stone for half an hour. Then he died.

However, toxins are not the culprit for hallucinations of the tongue.

Luo played with the mushrooms and discarded them after a while.

“Shall I carry the toad and walk in front of that woman?”

Luo glanced at the dead doom toad, Bi Siji’s plan was to get him to do something, but the toad came too simple, as if there was no need to do anything.

Just when he thought so, the moment the thunder light flashed, six arrows burst through the rain, carrying a strong force, and shot at him.

Luo complexion slightly changed. Looking straight at the arrows that came over, the rain and wind did not shake the arrows at all. It can be seen that its Strength is very high.

Facing the arrows from the sneak attack, Luo just stood still and stopped the arrows in front of him.

The hiding intent was not sufficiently hidden, so that he immediately noticed the arrows, and the person who shot the arrows really intended to kill him.

“For this toad?”

Luo extend the hand, took down the arrows hovering in the air, moved the ability, crushed the arrows into a powder, and then carried the toad toward the place where the arrows flew.

Suddenly there was another lightning that illuminated Heaven and Earth. After a while, six arrows came again.

Luo stopped the arrow easily, then dropped to the ground, and continued to move forward.

After walking several dozen meters, he stopped, and in the rain curtain in the dark ahead, there was Six Paths silhouette appear indistinctly.

Hōng lóng lóng !

Thunder light flashed away. Luo saw the true features of the six people, not Mind Power, but strong in shape. From the strength of the arrow, we can see that these six people are hunting experts.

At this point, the six men in the raincoats approached Luo, each holding a machete.

They sneak attacked Luo when the lightning struck the sky. After Between Heaven and Earth went dark, they had to wait for the next lightning to see if Luo had died under the arrow.

Illuminated and darkened, it lasted 2 times. This group of people saw Luo intact and walked towards them, thinking that the arrows had been hidden. They cursed the weather and chose to take the initiative.

In silence, the six people rushed towards Luo suddenly facing the rain curtain.

It was their intention to kill Luo and take away the toad of doom.

The whole process comes to an end, I’m afraid will not care about Luo’s life.

Looks at these rushing gangsters, Luo stared coldly, took out the poison from the doom inside the body, and shot 6 people at his fingertips.

The toxin condensed into marbles passed through the rain curtain and broke into the 6 people’s within the body.


The moment the toxin entered the body, the six people in the gallop trembled, their pace gradually slowed down, and their expression suddenly stunned.

Luo didn’t bother with the six people anymore. He thought about where Ge’er was, and immediately found his direction and headed for it.

Several men who had been invaded by toadskin stiffened in place, making strange noises of gu gu, a thick bloody aura appeared on his face, bloodshot eyes and red eyes.

A few moments later, the people fell to the ground, not at all immediately died, but suffered the pain of burning fire.

The number of doom toads that appeared during thunderstorms was not large. Luo won the prize to get one. Because he didn’t know the value, he easily killed it.

At this time, about 500 people gathered on the mountain for the sake of doom. For example, the 6 dead men who just wanted to kill and overdo the goods, but were prostituted.

In another place, Ge Er expanded his search.

She was unlucky, she didn’t run into Toad, and the people around her were the same.

What Ge Er didn’t know was that someone who was lucky enough to catch the toad was leaning towards her.

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