Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 251

Luo didn’t know that Bi Siji went to see An Tong Mu Kan a few words. After leaving the meeting place, he met other people at the agreed place and then went back together.

That night, Luo personally cooked and entertained everyone. Because the common ingredients were used, despite the rich color and fragrance, even the threshold of the last Buddha’s jumping wall didn’t touch.

The level of ingredients seems to be a gap that cannot be filled by cooking.

As Uvogin said, Luo is very helpless. The ingredients listed are not available in supermarkets and markets that can be seen everywhere. Even if there are related purchasing channels, they are not immediately available.

It’s like online shopping. When you place an order, the soonest will be the next day.

So Luo thought of the bear’s paw by the shore of Gold Lake and Mind Power in the original apartment in the original.

Store a lot of ingredients and ensure freshness. It may be possible to make good use of the book of the hand of God, but it is quite difficult to operate.

At 5 pm the next day, Luo and Uvogin stood on the platform and the referee stood in the middle.

Today, Luo is ready to take the third win, plus Nobunaga will contribute a win tomorrow, so there are only 3 wins left. If Machi and Buha are willing to fight with him, he would not mind winning another 6 wins quickly .

It was only played yesterday and it turned out immediately today. This phenomenon is very rare in Sky Competitor.

Most of the participants above the 2th floor attach great importance to the 100-day preparation period. During this time, they can keep watching the game and choose the right opponent.

Audiences who are following Luo, but no matter what the consequences of Luo doing this, they just want to see more about Luo.

Above the ring, Luo looks excited at Uvogin looks at 100 meters away.

He is mentally prepared to defeat, but he will not give up any hope and opportunity to win Luo until he falls.

After eating that many defeats in Luo’s hands, he didn’t demand much, so he wanted to win in Luo’s hands!

In this game, Luo does not intend to use the power of the hand of God. He will use pure Taijutsu and Mind Power skills to face Uvogin.

“2 bets on dignity and reputation.”

“So, start!”

The double-handed stretch of referee turned inwards, announcing the start of the game, and backing to the edge of the ring.


Uvogin grinned, his mouth full of white teeth revealed in his silent smile, and he fired directly!


A strong wind appeared inexplicably, spinning around his feet, and then headed for all around.

Audiences can’t see the turbulent volume of Uvogin body, but they can hear the sound of the wind.

They look at Uvogin, for some reason, they always feel that they are looking at a roaring tiger, exuding an incredible look.

“That idiot …”

In the auditorium, Nobunaga pats forehead.

The battle had not yet started, but Uvogin first came to waste the meaningless opening ceremony.

Those who are also Mind Power should be aware of one thing. When fighting against opponents that are stronger than themselves, the mental ability is to use less and less, how can it be so wasteful!

Nobunaga’s idea is correct, but mindpower can be extended to many uses. Uvogin’s way of venting his mindpower before he fights is wasteful, but can create a momentum.

If in the Meteor City training battle, Luo would think that Uvogin is an idiot, but now he doesn’t think so.

However, Luo does not need to build momentum.


Because the opponent is Uvogin, he doesn’t have to do anything to win the game.

If you like melee, come on!

The solid mind covered Luo’s whole body. The next second, he rarely launched the offensive first, heading for Uvogin.


Seeing Luo’s behavior, Uvogin’s excited smile was difficult to restrain. He converged and vented his enthusiasm, entangled his body, and then greeted Luo who was rushing.

not at all Before the battle, how to fight, and there is no agreement that only melee and Mind Power skills can be used to determine the outcome.

But the moment Luo rushed over, Uvogin understood in seconds.

The excitement is really difficult to hide, the blood in the body seems to boil, so that the stable air volume on the body surface fluctuates, following Uvogin’s current state, showing the phenomenon of boiling like boiling water.


Two figures collided together, and a dull noise sounded in the venue.

Fist! Right!

The fists of the two sides exchanged with each other, turning into a fist in the air.

pēng pēng pēng…

When the fists collided, there was a lingering stream of air, and Uvogin laughed loudly in the dense dull sound.

Since the tenth fight, Uvogin realized that he had been suppressed by Luo, and knew that if he continued this waywardly, he would soon lose.

However, he enjoyed this process, he didn’t care about how many times he would fall, and he didn’t even think about how to defend effectively.

Go to the defense of tm!

All he has to do … attack and attack!

With less rear concerns, Uvogin’s offensive became more aggressive and aggressive.

In the auditorium, when they saw such a wonderful hand-to-hand show, the audience also boiled, and they all made excited shouts.

What they want to see is this game!

It has been 30% minutes since the official confrontation. From the beginning to the present, Luo and Uvogin have not stopped their hands. Both of them have not budged in any way, just like two cows madly colliding against each other.

In fact, Luo was able to break Uvogin’s focus on offense regardless of defense when the battle lasted for one minute, but he didn’t do that, but let Uvogin play to his fullest.

The battle that was supposed to end in a short time, instead, Luo was feeding Uvogin.

In this regard, the subject Uvogin did not see it, even the spectators Nobunaga and Machi did not see it. In their eyes, they just felt that Uvogin today is different.

“It’s almost there,” Luo thought silently.

He uses the tricks of the heart, while Uvogin uses the unorthodox that he wants.

For example, two people are stacking blocks, faster than others.

Luo’s path is steadily stacked, while Uvogin’s unorthodox is based on speed and pursues speed.

At first, Uvogin doing this can make the height of the building blocks exceed Luo, but the foundation is unstable and in a precarious situation, and it may collapse at any time.

From the moment Uvogin chose to give up his defense and went all the way to darkness, his failure was doomed.

After fighting for 5 minutes, Luo focused on an opportunity, fiercely cut in, and using the priority generated by the ‘flow’, punched Uvogin’s cheek and knocked his strong body out of the ring.

The formidable power of this fist is enough to stun Uvogin.

Luo withdrew his hand, looking thoughtful.

This battle looks like Luo is feeding Uvogin, but in fact both sides have gained something.

Uvogin was defeated, but he could not plan his strategy.

Is it wrong to give up the defense and go black all the way?

Luo had a thoughtful expression, and he felt that this kind of warfare was also worthwhile, only to use it at the right time.

Antong and Uvogin are both Enhancers, and they share similarities.

If it is steady, can the speed and foundation of stacked blocks exceed that of Antong?

After Uvogin fell, referee ran to look at it and confirmed that Uvogin was still conscious, but almost vague, so the referee started counting until the end of the count, and Uvogin had not stood up.

Seeing this, referee announced Luo’s victory.

As a result, Uvogin had another defeat in Luo’s hands. I don’t know if this Battle Madman can win a victory from Luo in his lifetime.

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