Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 279

Lin Nie didn’t let Luo pay homage to her, just let Luo follow her for 5-6 years, and then she could learn what countless people like, including the formula of Haizhiyan.

In other words, if Luo agrees, the two will not become a master and disciple relationship, but Luo can enjoy the benefits brought by the discipline.

Facing Lin Nie’s sudden request, Luo didn’t know how to answer.

Speaking frankly, Lin Nie took the initiative to bring this up. For Luo, it was like falling out of a pie, logically speaking, he didn’t need to hesitate at all.

However, a condition attached to Lin Nie was the factor that made him hesitate.

To stay with Lin Nie for at least 5 years and not leave at will, this is equivalent to binding him at least 5 years of free time.

Luo fell into 2 difficulties, and hesitation appeared on his face.

Lin Nie expressionless, the others were silently watching.

After a while, Luo looks at Lin Nie, saying, “Let me think about it.”

Subconsciously, he didn’t want to be tied up in one place for so long, and he couldn’t refuse rashly. The key is that he really had a little trouble.

After hearing Luo’s answer, Lin Nie didn’t care. Slightly nodded, calmly said: “Tomorrow, try my Buddha jumping from the wall.”

Luo heard a look of surprise and said, “Okay.”

He told Lin Nie about the practice, and Lin Nie also looked at him at the side, thinking that he had mastered the method of making the Buddha jumping the wall.

Maha’s slightly opened eyes narrowed again. He had originally planned to return to Kushan Mountain after dinner. At this time, when he heard Lin Nie’s words, he changed his mind.

He also wanted to take another meal. If he could, it would be best to pack a copy and bring it back to Kushan Mountain.

Luo and Machi stayed and went back to Doumenren to mention the room they arranged.

Into the night.

Lin Nie stayed in his room, sitting on a hardwood bed and meditating silently.

Netero came to her and asked, “Are you ready?”

Lin Nie slowly opened his eyes, looked at him, and whispered.

“Luo doesn’t necessarily agree,” Netero said seriously.

“I know,” Lin Nie said.

At this point, both of them were very thorough and clearly understood the reason.

Netero paused, saying, “Maybe 5 years longer.”

“I’m too short,” Lin Nie said.

Netero shook his head slightly, he knew why Lin Nie kept Luo around for a few years, in order to … not have to cook by himself.

If Lin Nie thinks, let alone 5 years, even 1 years may not allow Luo to finish learning things. How long it will take depends entirely on Lin Nie.

“If you don’t relax the conditions, aren’t you afraid that this good seed will slip away?” Netero reminded.

“It doesn’t matter …” Lin Nie said, the opened eyes slowly closed, showing a twilight breath.

looks at Lin Nie’s normal breath, Netero can’t speak.

I am afraid that except for things related to the dark continent, everything else does not matter to Lin Nie.


Human beings have all kinds of talents, and there are differences in Innate Skill.

Some people have an Innate Skill that is different from ordinary people since birth. Over time, there will always be a saying that someone was born for a certain industry.

Lin Nie is such a person, living a long time can not cover up her dazzling rays of light Innate Skill.

She is like a person born for food. Since she became a food hunter, everything, including her thoughts, has become related to food.

Last night, the Buddha’s jumping wall made by Luo was a top-notch delicacy. The characteristic flavors of various high-quality ingredients were volatilized, but there was still a deficiency in Lin Nie’s eyes.

Luo… did not coordinate the relationship between the eighteen ingredients, or put the characteristics of the eighteen ingredients in place.

Regarding this, Lin Nie has no difficulty, just like her ‘sea speech’ is a perfect blend of 101 kinds of ingredients.

Her mind … can do it.

After knowing the method and watching Luo’s production, Lin Nie didn’t need to try many times. For the first time, she sent a Buddha jumping wall to the waiting crowd.

Opening the lid, it is the same fragrance as last night.

“Is there any difference?”

Luo thought, just took a sip of the soup, his eyes changed in vain, and then the soup in the bowl looked silent.

Sitting on his side, Machi also tasted it, first stunned, then quickly swallowed Speed, and after a few mouthfuls, she suddenly looked towards the silent Luo.

Yesterday, she said that Lin Nie’s food is more delicious than Luo’s Buddha jumping wall, which is the truth, and this Buddha jumping wall, although the fragrance is similar to Luo’s, the taste is better.

This difference is not so obvious, but Machi can taste it, let alone Luo.

There is no denying that Lin Nie’s Buddha jumped the wall is more delicious, and … in terms of time, Lin Nie only made it once.

In other words, this is Lin Nie’s first production of a Buddha jumping off the wall, but it is better than him.

Should it be frustrated or frustrated …?

Luo thought silently.

“Lin Nie, I want to pack and take it home.” Maha said to Lin Nie after eating.

Lin Nie refused: “No, the loss of temperature will take away the taste.”

Maha’s mouth opened slightly, and after a moment of silence, he continued, “Give me a chance.”

Then, he looked seriously at Lin Nie. Although his eyes narrowed so little that he could not see any emotions, Lin Nie felt Maha’s insistence.

She was silent for a while, nodded and said: “Only once.”

Maha nodded, although happy in his heart, his face remained stiff and did not show.

Lin Nie turned her eyes and looked towards Luo in silence. The reason why she wanted to jump over the wall of Buddha was to increase the attractiveness of letting Luo follow her.

Now it seems that it should be considered half successful.


Alcatraz Island, swamp area.

In the sparse forest, various dangerous creatures are hidden. The most dangerous swamp mud in the eyes of ordinary people has become the safest place here.

The team members who were defeated by the attack ran away in four places. Due to the loss of the contact function of Wireless Electronics, everyone had no way to gather together after escaping the insect wave attack.

“Di di di …”

The sound of a mobile phone ringing over the swamp. When hearing this sound, all humans hiding in the area chose to ignore it.

That’s the sound of bell flies, and this bell is a sound that only comes out when bell flies want to forage.

In a mud field, five people were covered with mud, and people who could not see their faces were shrunk in a simple pothole made of stones. These five people were the remaining members of the team.

After that bug tide, no one knows how many people successfully ran away.

“Can’t wait any longer, we have to find a way to go back to the port, or go directly to the prison.” Among the five, someone lowered his voice and suggested.

I have been hiding here for 2 days. I have eaten the dry food that I have brought with me. If I continue to hide, it will only result in chronic death.

After hearing this person’s suggestion, the other four people had no opinion. They all knew that sooner or later, they would die. Only by taking risks and trying to take action would they be able to stay away from this ghost place.

Five people agreed, and they did it when they thought of it. They got out of the pit and slowly got up to check the surrounding environment.


At this moment, a subtle and unrecognizable breaking sound came from above.

The five people were unaware, and then one of them suddenly opened a blood hole in the chest, soared out, and poured a lot of blood in the air. Before he landed, he lost his voice.

looks at this scene, the remaining 4 people are scared.

On the top of the tree not far away, a short-haired woman holding a long black bow in her hand showed a dangerous smile. Paulie’s open mouth was a row of human-like fangs.

However, this woman is a humane of geneuine, her name is shark, that is her code name and her name.

After dropping a person with a single arrow, the shark habitually blew out a weird tone, and once again opened its bow and aimed at the remaining target.

She does n’t have all arrows in her hands, because her arrows are qi …

Uh …!

After four rounds of bows and arrows, the five survivors who just came out of the pothole died.


The shark looks at 5 arrows hit, and immediately shook his fist, his face excited.

Perhaps because of excitement, the air field surrounding her gradually faded into black and white, and then two illusory shadows carrying a sheep’s head mask appeared, divided into black and white, standing still on her side.

At the same time, the forest gradually showed silhouettes towards the body, but Wireless Electronics was searched out from the body and then decisively left.

After the people brought by the sharks left, there was a slight movement in a certain part of the swamp, and a pair of dark and bright eyes suddenly opened, looking at the direction the team was going.

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