Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 283

Withering mountains in the Republic of Bartokia.

A ship spaceship flies over the territory of Zoldyck’s home. The ship’s body is marked with a Hunters Association exclusive pattern, and below it is a dense forest.

spaceship crossed the forest and flew towards the withering mountain.

After arriving over the withering mountain, the spaceship slowly landed on top of the mountain.

This is an extinct volcano and is home to Zoldyck’s house.

After the spaceship stopped, two people came out of the spaceship, Luo and Netero.

As soon as Luo hit black clothed, double-handed was still wrapped in white bandages, but the injury was basically cured, and his body was not bad in healing.

Netero wore a robe that was unchanged for 10000 years when he was out, with long sleeved hem and clogs.

After the two people got off the spaceship, they walked towards the gate of Zoldyck Mansion, not far away. It was a Gundam 2 meter stone gate with 3 Chinese dragon reliefs, one left and one right, showing two dragons. image.

Luo’s gaze stayed on the heavy relief for a long time, and then teleportation came to a white-haired robust man body in front of the door.

He recognized the man at a glance.

“Silva, Killua’s father, speaking of which, I don’t know if Killua was born, also Young Gon …”

Luo thought to himself that he was looking towards the side of Netero. This time he came to Zoldyck for the business, but Netero had to come forward.

He … wants to borrow a dragon from Zoldyck’s family.

Silva greeted Netero as a junior. In front of Netero, he was like a child.

“Great-grandfather is already waiting for you.” Silva greeted him.

“Exhausted,” Netero politely said.

“please follow me.”

Silva pushed the door backhand, and as the door opened, you could see a huge mansion with a very unique style at a glance, which is a building rarely seen inside.

Netero’s arms dangled naturally, and his sleeves fluttered as he walked, following Silva behind.

Seeing this, Luo kept up with the silence. After all, he was a complete outsider and had no right to speak, so he would basically remain silent on this trip.

He looks at Silva’s generous back, didn’t expect that he would come to Zoldyck’s house in this situation and come into contact with Killua’s father.

However, since even Netero President and Maha have met, this is not a big deal.

When receiving the text message that day, Luo went directly to Netero. It was almost dawn, and Netero was already up at that time.

Luo told Netero about the incident, and learned the whole sequence of events of the mission from Netero. Later, Luo wanted to use the request that Netero owed and borrowed a ship spaceship to go directly to Alcatraz.

However, Netero didn’t let Luo waste that requirement, because this is also a matter for the Hunters Association.

After understanding the difficulty of the traffic, Luo followed Netero to Zoldyck’s house.

If you want to go to Alcatraz Island, you can only go by sea. It takes too long. If you take a spaceship, you can’t go to Alcatraz Island. Moreover, you have to get approval to go to Alcatraz Island. Even the Association ca n’t jump over.

Regardless of whether it will be approved or not, the reviewer will decide when it can be approved based on the weight of the application reasons, or reject it directly.

In short, it takes a tedious process to get a legitimate island status, and Luo has no such mood to wait.

From Netero’s standpoint, it is necessary to call Alcatraz Prison as an association to inquire about the situation, and then contact the official city of Ambo to agree on the next step.

Either way, the association is an employed party and needs to abide by a variety of rules rather than wantonly.

However, Luo is not a member of the Association. It has nothing to do with him. He just wants to go to Alcatraz to find Sambica.

Under Silva’s leadership, Luo followed into the house of Zoldyck’s house. The ground was very large, but no one could see him along the way, and he became extremely deserted.

Silva took 2 people directly to Maha’s room, and when they were brought in, he turned and left.

Before leaving, he glanced at Luo, his eyes met with Luo briefly, and then left the room without looking back.

Silva didn’t know what kind of relationship Luo was between the great-grandfather and Netero, their age was not contrasted, and what friendship they had.

Of course, this matter has nothing to do with delegation, Silva thinks about it for a while and then stops thinking about it.

However, he did put Luo into his World, and he may meet in the future, and this contact can be used as a future reference.

Luo looks at Silva He walked towards the back of the door, paused for a moment, and then looked back.

This man has a characteristic that does not require careful observation, but can judge his strength.

People who are also members of the Zoldyck family, Maha looks very ordinary, and the momentum and even the mind are restrained, while Silva’s momentum is calm but not restrained, exposed to the outside, giving a sense of oppression on the bright side.

Maha’s room is very large and has very few furniture, all wooden furniture, full of antique look, but an old-fashioned TV and radio are incompatible with the overall environment.

At this point, Maha was sitting on a wooden chair and squinting to watch a funny cartoon on a vintage TV.

Luo and Netero walked over, and Maha glanced back at the two people, picked up the remote control, and calmly turned off the TV to signal the two to sit down.

On the antique table, there are 2 cups of hot tea and a plate of delicate refreshments.


looks at 2 people sit down, Maha asks calmly.

He only returned from the association a few days ago, didn’t expect Netero to suddenly call him and say he would borrow a dragon at home.

Hearing Maha’s words, Netero glanced at Luo, and nodded said, “You need to go immediately.”

Maha followed Netero’s eyes and glanced at Luo, but he didn’t ask much, but said, “After drinking tea, follow me.”

Speaking, it is slowly getting up.

Just after Luo and Netero sat down, they just grabbed a tea cup and drank the tea from it.

A group of 3 people walked out of the room and walked outside the mansion.

Withered Mountain is an extinct volcano, and the dragons of Zoldyck’s family are kept in volcanic crater.

If you need it, you will take the dragon to go to any place, but it is rarely used. After all, the business of the Zoldyck family is basically concentrated in the mainland of Eurubian and Chitoa.

“If you find it tricky, you can entrust Zoldyck to help, and I can give you 7% off,” Maha said suddenly along the way.

Netero just laughed and didn’t talk, let alone say that this is not a pure fight, even if it makes him feel that he needs help, it is very poor.

Moreover, for those who want to step outside the rules, only Luo is willing to do so, and he is the President of the Hunters Association, and there are many things that should not be too obvious.

Living under the 5 powers will always lose a little freedom.

A group of 3 people walked out of the mansion and exited the gate towards the volcanic crater.

When they walked away, a black hair boy, Illumi, came out of the mansion.

He looked at Maha as they went away, touching the chin musingly.

“How can he be here? What is his relationship with Grandpa Gao?”

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