Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 290

The moment the bear’s chest was pierced, the shark fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth felt scared for the first time.

She realized that this Incursio was not easy. Considering that the pigeon could not take that woman for a while, she could only gather other companions to deal with this Incursio and notify the pigeon as soon as possible.

This is her idea, but when Luo uses remote munitions and shows a speed faster than her, everything will be stunned.

As the distance between the two sides grew closer, she turned around and shot several black or white arrows, all of which were easily crushed by Luo.

When she had no choice but to be overwhelmed by Luo, she could only use the strength of her entire body to make a scream to remind her companions.

At this time, the alarm in the prison kept ringing, which represented an accident, but the old Qing Rin team who was about to leave the prison was indifferent. If it were not for the vibration transmitted to the underground dock, the bear and shark would not have gone to the ground. of.

However, the sudden screams changed the expression of all the members who were ready to go. How could they not know who that voice was?

“problem occurs.”

The pelicans and eagles in the submarine looking after man-made soldiers suddenly looked at each other.

That was the shriek of a shark.

So what exactly happened to make that guy scream? You know the bear is with her.

In the building corridor, Luo knocked down the shark and dug out her heart, holding it in her hand, and didn’t mind the shark letting out her scream.

It doesn’t matter how many people are attracted to it. From the moment he planned to make a fortune, Luo didn’t intend to die.

Luo squeezed his heart hard, and the shark’s screaming to remind his companions suddenly turned into a scream of pain.

The bright red beating heart was pressed and deformed by the fingertips, but how will it not be broken, which brought the pain of hard to describe to the shark.

This pain seemed far more painful than her black arrow.

The pain she had put on other people’s body, and then making fun of it, returned to her body one day.

Luo pinched for 3 seconds, then let go, and the shark’s screams gradually stopped. She lay on the ground, dripping with sweat, curled up into shrimp.

“I’m looking for someone.”

Luo squatted down and looked at the woman whose face was covered by Purple’s short hair. She said, “She’s a bit special, she wears a hat and a mask, only her eyes are exposed.”

After hearing Luo’s brief description, the shark moved slightly, and immediately thought of Sambica, which was valued by pigeons.

Luo kept staring at the shark. The slight changes on his face couldn’t escape his eyes.

“Looks like you know, that’s easy.” Luo asked, “Where is she?”


The shark shook his head with a fluttering hair and suddenly grinned, exposing a sharp tooth.

“You’re talking about that woman? I know, those really good-looking eyes, but it’s a pity.”

Tone barely fell, and the shark was screaming in pain again, because Luo was holding her heart with the largest Strength.

“Ask you again, what about her?” Luo’s heart was full of worries, but his face was as cold as Rin’s in winter.


The shark said with pain.

Luo slowly let go of his heart, taking a deep breath, saying, “Where is the body?”

After the pain, the shark smiled again, indifferently said: “I unloaded 8 pieces of jellyfish in the lake, you can’t find the root hair, haha!”

Luo expressionless stood up and looked down at the shark curled up at his feet. The slightly trembling eyes showed Master’s emotional uneasiness.

The shark tilted its head and said nervous with a smile: “I dug her eyes, removed her nails, broke her hand, and peeled her tendon … Ah!”

Before speaking at a very fast pace, he was interrupted by his own scream.

She was lie, but the pain caused by the black arrow was stronger than the cruel punishment she said.

“You don’t need to be so deliberate.”

Luo pinched his heart almost to deform, and the shark was sore in screaming that his breathing stopped.


Luo stomped the shark’s throat with one kick, and the scream was stopped abruptly.

“If something happens to Zambia, I will bury everyone in this prison.”

To the sharks whose consciousness is gradually blurred, the cold and ruthless words are like the most nutritious threat in the market.

Luo turned to leave, but Strength, which was applied to the heart, was not slightly loose.

He didn’t plan to kill the shark directly. From what the shark just said, he would not let the shark die so happy.

From the corridor here, until the next Mind Power person appears, he will not seal the heart in the book and sanction, and intends to squeeze the heart all the way.

The shark lay on the ground, bearing the pain of hard to describe, and gradually lost the focus of the pupil, reflecting the back of Luo’s gradual disappearance.

“She’s Zambia …”

“If it weren’t for the bear’s stupidity, arrows could stay longer in her within the body.”

“It’s a pity if I knew that woman was the last person to be tortured.”

“Nothing … don’t want to stop there.”

“clang 啷!”

A rough opening door greeted the dazzling rays of light in the dark and damp room.

Two tall silhouettes stood at the door, blocking most of the rays of light.

In the room, the ground made of stone bricks is moist, and a girl about ** years old is hung near the wall. The body is free of any clothing for covering and the thin body exposed to the air is full of new scars Old scar.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, the girl looked up arduously, staring at the two figures in the bright light with her eyes that had not been adapted for a while, her eyes filled with despair and resentment.

The girl had long, slender eyes and short, dirty Purple hair …

“The endurance is far from reaching the standard. Today, Power must be raised to the highest level. If the standard is not reached within 3 days, it will be thrown to the garbage factory for disposal.”


“Hope she’s not even worse than a Little Bai rat.”

One of the two figures left, and then two more people came over.

“Clang 啷.”

The door was closed, and three more people were in the room. Immediately afterwards, they fell into the dark room and flashed a dim yellow light.

Torture the little girl with various cruel penalties to hone the little girl’s endurance. Only when the endurance is up to the standard can she become a test subject.

“clang 啷!”

There was another rough door opening, the light poured in, and a silhouette slowly walked into the room.

I don’t know if it is an illusion, the girl thinks that silhouette is much shorter.

“Hold on, struggling on whilst at death’s door, or live!”

“We … must return to them all the disasters we have suffered!”

A voice filled with anger and hatred whispered in the ear, and the girl was nodded with her only strength

“Hehe, thank you, this is the best enjoyment!”

The grinning fangs caressed a corpse’s cheek, and squinted looks at the black arrows that had been inserted around the corpse’s neck slowly dissipating.

The slender eyes were bent like a fox who stole the chicken, and a contented expression appeared on his not-so-good-looking face.

“So, who’s next?”

The woman shook her head, letting Purple’s hair drift away.

“Hehe … haha!”

Nervous laughter reveals Supreme’s enjoyment

“I don’t want to …”

The light in the shark’s eyes gradually faded, and the endless pain caused her to recall the past.

Before the plan of revenge has officially started, she has to say goodbye to everyone …

She stared at the back going away.

“10000000, succeed!”

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