Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 340

The mast ship sails on the wind. It is an ancient water transport. It corresponds to those modern ships with full electronic equipment. It is very childish to think of the purpose of this trip.

King set out to prepare for the voyage and did not offer Luo a chance to change the boat.

That look, it seems to be saying: Don’t say anything, get on the ship, or it’s too late.

Feeling helpless, Luo could only take the fishing rod to the boat. Without the will to help, he wandered in this small mast ship.

The boat is a bit small, but at least there is a cabin with everything that should be in it, including a pile of compressed food and purified water.

“Can this ship really reach Alcatraz?”

Luo leaned on the boat and looked at Jin, who was busy, and expressed doubt.

Hearing Luo’s words, Kim was very irresponsible Kaidou: “I don’t know.”

“Can I get off the boat now?” Luo stared at the dead fish.

“That won’t work, the boat is sailing.”

Jin Dayu hesitated, but he had lowered his sails and made the ship slowly leave the port.

Luo reached out and pressed the straw hat on the indenter, shook the head, looking forward to not encountering wind and rain on the road, otherwise I really didn’t know that the boat could not stand it.

The sky was clear and cloudless, with white seagulls circling above the harbor, and the tanned Robust men walking back and forth around the harbor. They were quite busy with a thriving scene.

Many people notice that a mast ship is about to leave the port, but they do not know that the destination of the two people on the ship is difficult to match with the mast ship.

Among the people who were fortunate to notice, including a girl with pink hair, was Men Qi, who was about to leave the town by boat. On boarding the ship, she suddenly found Luo sitting on a mast boat that had just left port.

She was in a position where she could see Luo’s side face immediately, ran out of the ticket gate and ran towards the nearest place.


She yelled at the mast while she ran.

The call immediately caught the attention of Luo and Jin. Looking in the direction of the sound, he saw Men Qi running towards the edge of the port.

Jin glanced at Men Qi, and looked towards Luo again, and said, “So you like Loli.”

“Go on the side!”

Luo waved his hand towards Jin, and immediately looked towards Men Qi running on the harbor, rubbing his eyebrows Kakuzu, not knowing what to respond to.

Menqi ran to the edge of the port and docked the mouth with double-handed, making a trumpet shape, loudly shouted: “Thank you!”

“No thanks, the best food hunter in the future.”

Luo was lying on the edge of the boat, and Men Qi, looking at 100 meters, laughed lazily.

Hearing Luo’s words, Men Qi’s face turned red. Although it was her goal, it was ridiculed when face to face.

Fortunately, I have time to say thank you.

Looks at a mast boat that is getting farther and farther, Menci purse one’s lip.

Thanks aloud is not enough, next time you meet, please invite Luo to eat the most delicious food!

Watching the mast ship turn into a black spot, Menqi turned towards the place where the ship was, and her journey was just beginning.

The departing ship sailed towards the vast sea.

The wind held up the white canvas and pushed the wooden boat forward.

On the deck, Luo and Jin lazily sat on the edge of the boat, and the hot sun fell on their two bodies, like the most suitable sunbathing.

“Who are you, Little Loli?” King Gossip said during the boring voyage.

Does this World also have the word Little Loli …

As everyone knows, there is even a two-dimensional house culture. The word even more how Little Loli should be strange. How does Jin know this? This is the focus.

Luo glanced at Jin, said without thinking: “She, the future 3 star food hunter.”

Jin Wenyan raised an eyebrow. Not at all thought it was a joke, but asked: “What potential stock do you like?”

Among the many professions of hunters, gourmet hunters are relatively unpopular. The number of professional gourmet hunters is not large, and the number of amateur gourmet hunters is also not large. The 3-star gourmet hunters can be counted on one’s fingers.

You know, even Lin Nie is only a 2-star food hunter, which is also related to the star rating mechanism.

Normally, a one-star hunter needs to earn Great Accomplishment in the professional field, a two-star hunter needs to cultivate a one-star junior, and a three-star hunter needs multiple Great Accomplishment in multiple fields.

Generally speaking, hunters are basically specialized in the post. Most of the reason why Lin Nie did not get a Title of 3 stars is that she is only interested in food. Otherwise, with her ability and age, it is not difficult to get 3 stars.

The reason why Jin asked this is because if he wants to become a two-star hunter, he must cultivate an outstanding junior. If Luo’s evaluation of Little Loli is so high, it may be one of the training targets.

As everyone knows, Luo is temporarily not interested in obtaining a hunter license, let alone star rating.

Menqi will become a three-star hunter in the future. Although there is such a possibility, Luo intended to say casually that he did not understand the potential meaning of the problem of Jin, but just shook his head to deny it.

Kim didn’t continue to entangle on this topic, looked up at the sky, the teleportation topic said: “In these 2 days, something is very hot on the Internet.”

“Listening to you, you seem to be surfing the Internet a lot,” Luo said.

King did not deny it, said with a smile: “I was exposed to the Internet as soon as I became a hunter. How to say, that is a place where a lot of information is gathered. I often go up and see that there will always be many good reward.”

“A lot of times, in order to find some information, I have been on the Internet for a long time, and often browse some forums and blogs.”

Paused, Kim continued: “You’re not curious, what’s the hot thing on the Internet I mean?”

Luo said very shamelessly, “Not interested.”

King earnestly said, “It’s about you.”

oh? ”Luo ​​was surprised.

“Want to know?” King put his index finger on.

“tell me the story.”

“Stinger dolphins, starfish, sucker worms.” King said three names.

When Luo heard it, he immediately understood that feelings were happening in the fish market. He thought that method would spread, but didn’t expect it to be so fast, and it was still spread through the Internet.

“You shouldn’t surf the Internet often?” King asked.


Luo nodded. After coming to this world, he basically did not touch the Internet.

“The rotten spider, the doom toad, the happy mushroom.” Jin was not surprised at all, saying three more familiar terms to Luo.

Luo eyebrows, don’t know what Jin wants to express.

“You don’t know yet? On an authoritative forum online, you are already a little famous person.” Jin glanced at Luo and said, “In other words, the density of your information is almost zero. You need to be able to find out something about you through intelligence channels. “

“However, you don’t seem to care much about these things, and you don’t often touch the Internet.”

“In general, according to personal needs, some people want their information to be fermented and spread online to enhance their reputation, and some people will increase the density of information, such as me.”

“Are you reminding me?” Luo asked.

“That’s right,” Jin laughed, earnestly: “You might as well get a license this year. With the convenience of the association, set up a level to prevent your information from being distributed for free, and then put important information on the dedicated channel of intelligence. . “

“In this way, as long as you have enough, someone will be willing to pay for information about you, and you can wait to collect money.”

When Luo heard about it, he thought that the information about Jin in the original work was one-sided, and most of it was absolutely confidential.

“How much money did you make this way?” He asked curiously.

“Very many, the specific amount is confidential.” The golden thief said with a smile.

Luo thought that this method of making money was really good and said, “I’ll think about it.”

“Also things.”

Jin got up, double-handed in his pocket, and the sea breeze came on, blowing his messy hair.

“The issue of Alcatraz Island has not been completely resolved. Through some signs, it is not difficult to reach the conclusion of the” Old Qing Rin team also Yu Dang “, and it is very likely to occupy a high position. Netero should not have explanated this to you.

Kim turned his head at looks at Luo and said, “It’s natural that you can’t hide what happened on Alcatraz Island.”

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