Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 343

Even if your fingertips touch the skin of a corpse through rubber gloves, you can feel the low temperature between cold and cold.

Luo stretched out the left eyelid of the female corpse. Immediately lowering her hand, she also looked at the lower right eye. This lift was also an empty eye socket.

The corpse is quite well preserved, but the eyes are gone, will they be dug out, or will they have no eyes since birth?

After all, the traces left by digging are almost invisible, more like the eyes disappearing out of thin air.

Jin extends the hand by pressing the skin of the female body, and the heart is slightly condensed. The temperature of the body is very low, but the touch is not like the body, it is flexible, and it is more like the touch of a living person.

He glanced up at Luo, who also seemed to him that after the initial contact with the corpse, the two people saw the same points.

“After a person dies, muscle tension is lost, and the muscles in the whole body are loosened and softened. This is the most important and first feature. The relaxed muscles are absolutely different from living people.”

Luo’s eyes moved, and she fell on the female body again. She extended the hand on the flat abdomen, and then wiped it from left to right. When she raised her hand, the palm was covered with dust.

Not to mention muscle relaxation, in addition to the corpse temperature, the phenomenon of late corpse ** did not appear at all.

I just looked at it from a distance last time, and felt that it was weird that the body hadn’t turned into a pile of bones. Now, it is even more weird when we come in close contact.

“Look at the other corpses.” Jin got up and looked up at the corpses scattered around.


Luo nodded, also stood up, and at this moment, the female body was like a discouraged balloon, flattening at a fast speed.

This sudden discovery made Luo and Jin’s complexion slightly changed. At the same time, they focused on their eyes and used [Ning]. However, not at all, when they saw the mind, they did not even have resentment.

The original muscular body turned into a skin in less than 3 seconds.

Luo squatted down, holding a kakuzu in her skin, and slowly lifted it. The animal skin clothing originally worn on the body and some dental accessories were scattered on the ground.

No muscles, no bones, no blood, like a piece of skin that has just been peeled off.

Putting the skin lightly on the ground, Luo walked towards the body of a middle age person nearby.

This male corpse is a big man with bulging muscles like a rock.

Luo reached out and pinched the muscles of the corpse, and confirmed that it had skeleton structure in the corpse. Then he opened the eyelids of the corpse and also had no eyes.

King stood aside, showing a thoughtful expression.

“What do you think?” Luo asked without looking back.

“Illusion, what do you think?” King said.

Luo shook his head slightly, saying, “The touch is too real, it is difficult to believe that it is an illusion, and when the body changes, there are no fluctuations and signs of mentality.”

“It can’t be explained by common sense, and it has nothing to do with thinking. This place may have something to do with the dark continent.” Jin also felt that hypothesis was weak, and glimmering in his eyes.

Judging from King ’s words, his previous claim that the imaginary came from the dark continent is completely acceptable, after all, there is no conclusive evidence.

“Xu, indeed from the dark continent, I can assure you.” Luo stood up and looked down at the bodies of middle-aged men. “But it is not clear whether Xu is related to these corpses.”

Tone barely fell, but saw that the middle-aged male body had followed the footsteps of the previous female body, and in just 3 seconds, it had become a skin.

Luo looks at the skin, after a moment of silence, said, “I’ve confirmed that there is skeleton under the muscle.”

Even the super-powerful Corpse Water needs to dissolve muscles and skeletons within 3 seconds, at least it will leave traces, but apart from leaving a piece of skin, there is not even a little bit of liquid.

Jin didn’t speak, walked towards another well-preserved corpse, then squatted down, opened the eyelids on both sides of the corpse, then stood up and waited for the result.

Luo looks at Kim ’s move, and he stood by and watched.

After a while, the body with Jin’s eyelids open also turned into a skin.

“Is it important to open your eyelids …” Jin said, and went to the next corpse. This time, instead of opening the corpse’s eyelids, he touched the corpse with his hand for a while, then retracted his hand and waited for the result .

Time is little by little, the body has not changed, and the explanation just now is not at all wrong.

If the corpse is a balloon tightly vented, then open your eyelids, and maybe loosen the vent to make the balloon deflate instantly.

Although it was learned that opening the eyelids would turn the corpses into skin packs, this discovery did not at all help the two of them.

Why does the corpse have no eyes, and why does the open eyelid become a skin capsule in a short time, where are all the muscle skeleton?

What causes this phenomenon is related to which kind of dark continent exists? Is it disaster or hope?

“Go look inside,” Luo suggested.

The corpses here are conservatively estimated, there are at least 10000, I am afraid that each corpse is the same. I have n’t known how many years, but it is still intact, but the split second will become a skin.

Jin Xinran agreed, and the two crossed the corpse of the ground and walked towards the old building site.

The area here is large. The layout of the building is a square 4 Kakuzu shape. The surrounding buildings are almost ruins. The buildings near the inside are better preserved, at least with a rough outline.

The place is too big. The two people did not travel together, but spread out in different directions. They collected the information first and then joined the center of the site.

Luo chose the direction to the left, and walked into a building wreck with only one wall left.

The structure of the building wall is a pile of bricks mixed with stone and mud, scattered in the wreckage of all around, and some wooden materials can be seen.

It can be seen that this activity has unknown construction age and ethnic group, and has relatively complete architectural knowledge and skills.

Luo turned around in the wreckage all over the ground, and found some daily necessities, which were basically carved out of stone or wood, such as some bowls and tables.

These things have great archeological value, including the clothing of those corpses and some accessories, which are packaged and sold outside for a huge income.

Luo didn’t let any Kakuzu fall, and when he saw it, he touched it by hand, but the white smoke font was very quiet. Not at all gave the corresponding information.

I walked past the wreckage of each and everyone, except for some graffiti stone carvings, not at all other gains.

Those stone carvings, mostly the humans in this place, described what they saw and heard at that time. They were basically daily stone carvings without any words.

After walking around for more than half a circle, Luo headed towards the center of the residence. When he got there, Jin was already there. He was facing back to Luo. Looks at a building that looks like a temple not far away, and it is relatively well-preserved.


Jintou did not look back, pointed to the temple, and said, “Go there and see, there may be gains.”


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