Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 380

With the information, Luo left the tavern and walked towards the street.

Elba regards the deserted area as a taboo and is reluctant to talk about it, let alone find a rough map.

When Saling wanted to go to the restricted area, Elba should not have been so conservative, presumably because of the changes after [something].

Regarding Sa Ling, it is easiest and most direct to ask Sa Ge, but Luo cannot ask, after all, he is a dead relative.

“Is it Golo Oasis …”

Luo walked on the lively street and whispered to himself.

After returning to Sago’s house, I first went to see Lin Nie who was in bed and rested, then ran to the roof, and went on the hot ground, staring a little at the blue sky and white clouds, thinking about the so-called 1000 years Imperial Capital.

After 3 days, Luo finished his daily practice and ran to Vulture Street again.

It is said that there are antique markets similar to Vulture Street in the cities of the other two countries, the scale is not lower than Vulture Street.

Luo touched 60-70 antiquities on Vulture Street, an increase of less than about 1%, which is equivalent to a year of hard training. If you go to Wat and Golo again, maybe it can increase by about 2%. .

However, if you really want to go, the main purpose is to go to the restricted area to look at it, and then search for the antiquities on the way.

Luo lingered in front of the numerous stalls on Vulture Street, and the stall owners who were familiar with him greeted him, and he also responded with a smile after one.

Walking around in a big circle and found nothing.

There are a lot of stalls here, and there are not many antiquities updated every day, and there are not many antiquities that can be carried. I haven’t found the target for several days, plus Luo has picked up enough authentic products, so I didn’t continue to browse. Thoughts.

Turn around and leave Vulture Street, turn into an alley, avoiding most eyes.

The density of the building is high, and there are not many places taken care of by the sun in the roadway, but it is still hot and shady.

Only after coming out of a section of the road, Luo stopped suddenly, his eyes turned slightly, and he observed the situation in the alley.

He often walks in this lane. Many people usually sit side by side in Lane 2 and hide from the poisonous sun. But I didn’t see one today, and it was a little weird.

“No ambush.”

Luo glanced at all around, not at all, so he dropped his vigilance and opened up [circle].

The circle of thoughts not seen by naked eye quickly expanded and penetrated the building, directly covering a range of 8 ten meters in diameter.

The shapes and movements of all the objects in the thought circle are incorporated into Luo’s consciousness. At 20 meters in front, turn to the right of Kakuzu. There is a burly man who is leaning against the wall, and apart from this there is no one else.

Luo glanced at him and looked at the position of the hiding person. He didn’t need to remind him. The hidden person Sensor went to Luo’s [circle] and came out after a while.

“Is there something?”

Look at the man who came out, Luo immediately retracted [Circle], and released his mind to cover his body.

The reason for this caution is that this man is also a Mind Power.

Although this man is not considered to be a threat to himself, respect for each potential enemy is an attitude of goodness and no harm.

The man is about 20 years old, tall and burly, with a turban on his head, and a red belt on his forehead. He has a straight face, but there is a scar on his right eyebrow that runs through his cheek.

He was wearing a standard leather helmet guarding soldiers in the city, with an iron sword and an old-style flintlock on his waist.

Luo doesn’t know this man, but most of the residents in the city of Elba know it. It is Third Prince, the current security patrol Commander, a very shabby post as a prince.

Seeing that Luo immediately entered the state of preparation, Third Prince expression was a bit strange. He was not malicious, nor did he release murderous aura, but Luo’s response was so cautious. It can be seen that this is a very tricky and difficult problem. People.

“If I want to work against you.”

Third Prince first stretched out his index finger to the top, then lifted it down again, pointed to the ground, and said, “It will be surrounded by 100 elite soldiers, not just me.”

“I say this, not to persuade you to put away the battle, just to make you relax and let the atmosphere not feel uncomfortable even after talking.”

Luo looked at the leather helmet of the Third Prince body, slightly aggravated the momentum, and asked, “Who are you?”

“Elba Third Prince, William.”

oh? ”

Luo frowned. It was actually the Third Prince mentioned by the pub Boss, and it was also the entire Al Paulie who wanted to go to the deserted restricted area.

“Is there something?”

After learning the identity of the man, Luo returned to the origin.

“You guys, Wrath, did you?” William expressionless said.

Luo’s eyes were frozen, and she simply said, “No.”

Not that he was afraid of being held accountable, but that the group was killed by the black cat himself. Although the black cat is his soul beast, he didn’t memorize it.

“Are you sure?” William stared at Luo.

“OK.” Kaidou, who had no psychological burden on Luo.

According to the investigation during this period, William is very sure that the murderer is Luo. Generally speaking, he can deny as usual after committing the crime. First, he has a strong mind and strong ability to conceal. 2 is true.

Judging from the survey results, the former should be favored. However, neither of them is inclined at this moment. Due to Luo’s answer, the judgment is placed on Neutral.

Because he was here, it was not originally for accountability. Besides, Wrath’s case had already been closed. It was a sesame matter for him and it was not worth paying attention to.

William Nodded went straight to the subject and asked, “Are you going to the restricted area?”

“I have this intention.” Luo’s eyes were different, and he did not conceal it. Since William pointed out that Zee Wrath, he knew that William had investigated himself, and the reason he pointed out that it might be that William wanted to actively disclose the information.

William heard that Kakuzu raise upwards, calmly said: “Are you interested in partnering?”

Luo didn’t agree directly, but said, “Before going to the restricted area, I would go to Golo first. Since you are the third prince of Elba, I’m afraid it is inconvenient.”

“The three countries in the desert are coexisting, there is no division between ourselves and the enemy, and we maintain a good trade relationship, so your concerns are completely unfounded.” William heard what Luo said, and it was nothing more than thinking he was Elba Third Prince, not suitable for visiting other cities.

Having said that, William paused for a moment and then continued: “The main idea in the desert is to survive. Only by avoiding disputes as far as possible can last long.

“That’s why I think about it, so why did you find me?” Luo asked.

“You are the Mind Power.” Kaidou like William.

Half an hour later, Luo was invited to William’s palace.

On the outward-extended balcony, there is a set of wooden tables and chairs. A large umbrella is suspended above the tables and chairs to block the sun.

Luo was sitting on a chair. In this position, he could see the buildings that stretched out under the balcony.

On the table is a plate of frozen fruit and a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice with ice cubes. These enjoyments are a luxury for most people in the desert.

Third Prince just led Luo, but he was led away by the matter, and I don’t know how long it will take to finish.

Luo picked up the juice and drank it all at once.

At this time, behind came a cat-like footstep.

Luo looked back, but a young woman wearing a tulle was walking towards the morning sun.

Seeing Luo turning to look around, the woman said, “Hey, marry me.”

“… ”

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