Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 386

Seven days later, Luo entire group came to the country of Golo.

The materials carried by the three armored cows were not enough to make them go all the way, but Prince William knew the desert very well, and found animals and plants that could replenish water from some clues, so as not to make Buha thirsty.

Golo is one of the three major oasis countries. It has high similarities with the other two countries in all aspects. The most important water source is enclosed by the royal palace. Each building has equipment for water storage.

In the desert, water is very precious. However, as long as you have money in the city, you can buy it. If you want, you can spend money to build an underground aquarium.

William had an old friend in Golow and visited with his reluctant Fatima, and seemed to be planning to send Fatima to a friend.

Luo gave Bu Ha a few gold beads, and let him replenish the water, while wearing a human skin mask, he went to a tavern and walked in.

Pubs have always been a good place to check the news. There are many idle alcoholics here. You can pour out a lot of news by asking for 2 glasses of wine. The disadvantage is that its accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

In addition to alcoholics, the barmen and waiters in the tavern are also the objects of inquiry, but the price paid is different. Compared with the former, the accuracy of the latter’s news is more affirmative.

Fatima’s skin mask for Luo is ugly, with a prominent brandy nose and sausage mouth, and a large mole on the upper right of the lip Kakuzu, which is bad enough, but it is still a pair of Mimi eyes.

In Fatima’s words, the men’s leather mask is the one that fits his face, and it fits his style.

Not to mention Fatima deliberately teasing him, it’s really Fatima’s interest in making such an ugly human skin mask.

Without a choice, Luo could only accept it and came to the tavern with a bad face.

The cool-dressed waitresses walked between the tables and chairs holding trays. The men clink glasses and sip, and the liquor splashed on the table, exuding the smell of wine.

Compared to the pub in the Elba slum, the environment of this pub is much better.

Luo glanced at the guests in the tavern, and his eyes suddenly stopped at a Kakuzu. Next moment, he quickly released the entanglement, letting Life Energy escape by itself, and at the same time made a look of color.

“Why is she here …”

Kakuzu had a square wooden table and chair, a black hair woman sitting alone drinking, the seat next to it was empty, and the nearby men were far away from her, seeming to be afraid of her.

The woman’s skin color is very suitable for the desert area, but it is the Geer of the 2 Earthly Branches. She was keenly aware that a gaze came over, and immediately moved towards the direction of the gaze.

Imprinted into the eyes, it was a dark middle age person. The unsettled, sweat-stained hair made Ge Er’s disgust.

Luo came to Golo and didn’t take care of his hair, but instead fit the middle age person mask on his face, with squinting eyes, covering the only flaw of the mask, but did not let Geer recognize it.

Ge Erru glared, Luo cooperated with a look of scary, narrowed his neck and set aside his eyes, and quickly found a seat to squeeze in. When Ge’s eyes moved away, Luo was slightly loose and exaggerated. Acting.

I do n’t know why Ge Er is here, and I do n’t want to know.

It hasn’t been recognized, and the Fatima’s human skin mask is also very useful. If Fatima doesn’t want to give her this technology, it’s OK to ask her for ten 20 human skin masks.

Luo was crowded with a few big men at a table, and the waitress came over to ask, Luo asked for a beer, and then kept quiet, listening to the sounds around him.

After a while, Luo found that the subjects in the tavern were talking about non-nutritive topics. He sat for a while, drank the beer, and walked up to the bar.

The seat in front of the bar was full, and Luo stood on the side and knocked on the table, attracting the attention of the barista.

The barman is a middle age person with a 8-shoulder. After hearing the voice, he walked quickly to Luo and said with a slight smile: “What do you want to come?”

“Ask something,” Luo said, taking a bill from his pocket and pressing it on the table.

Middle age person smiled, took the banknote, quickly adjusted a glass of wine, put it in front of Luo, “Ask.”

Luo glanced at the wine and said directly: “Any message from the Eagles.”

“Hundred thousand Jenny,” said the middle age person.

Luo 2 said nothing and took out the thousand thousand Jenny and put it on the table. His conversation with the barman immediately caught the attention of several men next to him, showing a sense of greed.

Middle age person Shi Shiran took Jenny and dumped the Eagle’s message like a bean.

Luo listened carefully, and when the middle age person finished speaking, the wine didn’t move at all, and he turned towards the door.

He stayed in the tavern for about half an hour, while Ge Er still sat in Kakuzu and seemed to have no plans to leave.

Luo opened the door of the tavern and went out. The six men sitting in front of the bar looked at each other, and after paying the bill, they also went out the door. Before one of the men left, he picked up Luo’s glass of wine and poured it directly. Light.

The middle-aged barman is an experienced and knowledgeable person. Seeing the actions of the six men, how can they not guess what they want to do, but this matter has nothing to do with him, smile and politely bid farewell to the six guests.

Luo got the information about the Eagle Group from the bar members. It is a group that is quite disgusted by the local residents. There are about 100 people in the group. Each member is a rogue, but also has the advantage that the members work. Make money and be hard-working.

The members of the Eagles have one thing in common: they are lonely, and each member wants to go to the restricted area.

The location of the regiment is in a low-rise building area, and more than a dozen houses are adjacent to the eagle regiment. In that area, the local residents will not go, even if the road is a little further away, they do not want to go there.

After learning about the location, Luo did not plan to go directly, but went to the antique market of Golo first.

It is more important to search the market for ideas than to reach out to the Eagles.

“Just buy a message with hunted thousand …”

Not long after leaving the tavern, Luo noticed that behind was following six men, who were sitting at the bar. He wanted to come to see his eyesight, and he followed.

Luo has no intention of cooking these few people for a while, walked to the antique market on foot, and began to search for the antiquities on various stalls. All the highly profitable antiquities were bought.

After walking around the whole circle, it took 2 hours. Luo harvested 2% of the data value, which increased the average value to 64%, which is equivalent to 2 years of hard work. It is also twice the harvest of Vulture Street. As for the antiquities, 2 Pieces, sold for resale, and can get a profit of about 3 million, which is just money from the wind.

If there is no white smoke font, I would like to take 3 profitable Gundam 150 million antiquities from countless real and fake antiquities, like a needle in a haystack.

If you go to the Otter Oasis again, I don’t know how much can be harvested. I have already started that many antiquities. I have to find a time to go to Yorknew in September.

The harvest was gratifying. Luo contentedly closed his hands and headed for the position of the Eagles. The 6 men were really patient and accompanied him on a tour of the antique market. He did not intend to give up.

It is estimated that Luo also bought 3 antiques, and felt that Luo body had a lot of goods, so he was unwilling to give up.

“The barman said, the location of the Eagles is relatively remote, and few people go. Just knock on these guys there.”

Luo thought to himself, and went straight to the direction of the Eagles.

After walking for about an hour, I walked into a low-rise building group, and when I turned around an alley, the black Matatabi emerged and said seriously: “Leave it to me!”

“Get back.”

Luo 2 said nothing, forced the black cat back.

The six men saw Luo walk into the eagle group, all looking happy, followed quickly, and blocked Luo in a dead end covered with curtains to hide most of the sunlight. It was unknown that Luo had deliberately led them in .

“ka ka.”

A man pinched his fists, looked at Luo, said with a sneer: “Take out the money honestly, so as not to suffer from the flesh.”

Luo didn’t speak, and picked up 6 marbles the size of the marble.

At this time, a neutral female voice was uploaded on the Hutong wall: “brother, give me 500,000 and help you to cook these people.”

Luo turned back and looked towards the speaker, a young woman sitting on the wall Kakuzu with a large wrench on his shoulder.

“No need.” He refused.

“Ok, hello, those guys in front, just treat me as transparent.” The woman twisted her arm and put a large wrench on her leg.

The six men’s faces were overcast, unwilling to waste more time, and rushed towards Luo, planning to grab it.

With a wave of Luo’s hand, the six stones hit the foreheads of six men with precision, knocking them out.


On the wall, the woman holding the wrench whistled and then said seriously: “The toll is 500,000.”

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