Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 392

The 3 oasis nations stand in the desert. The point is connected to the point in the shape of 3 Kakuzu. The most central place is the location of the restricted area. No matter where you go to the restricted area, there is no oasis on the way. There are only many places similar to the rocky area.

That kind of place is, in a sense, the [oasis] of the desert traveler. It can be used as a temporary rest place, and you can also add a lot of food from here, as long as the body carries enough salt, after all, the insect pot is Kendia. One of the characteristics of the desert.

Among the many rocky areas, the Red Rock Canyon is the honor, which is the base of sand robbers and one of the few oasis in the desert.

3 The Great Oasis nations hated gnash the teeth for sand robbers. However, Hongyan Gorge has ample supplies and is an easy place to defend. If it is jointly conducted by soldiers, it is very likely that the burglars have not been wiped out. Dragged to death.

Sand pirates believe that powerhouse is respected. They have a rather deformed concept of competition. They can absorb anyone who is willing to join, but they are not allowed to have weak chickens in the team. Same teammate.

At present, there are more than 5000 elites in the Red Rock Canyon, all of whom are good, and there are nearly 1000 young women living in the depths of the water, and nearly 800 people captured in the dungeon, ranging from 7 8 to 70 to 80 Everyone is a few years old, and there are a few women.

Huge rocks are buried deep in the ground, and the exposed areas are also majestic out of the ordinary. The dungeon is built in the rocks buried in the ground. The dungeon provides faint light.

The materials used to build the dungeon are mostly taken in situ, and rarely used are wood and steel. Basically they are stones. In terms of practicality, there are 100 loopholes. However, there is no possibility of escape for those who are trapped in the dungeon.

There was a sickening stench in a dimly lit cell.

A woman leaned against a wall near a stone railing. Her body was covered with unknown feces, which had long hardened on her skin, but she still had a foul odor.

There were also nearly 40 people in the cell, mostly men, far away from this woman, and almost shrank into Kakuzu on the other side.

This group of people are pale, dull, looks at somewhere dark not say a word, and motionless, like a sculpture.

The woman’s face is coated with a funny face mask with feces. Her spiritual state is different from that of other people in her jaw. Her head is slightly swayed, and through the limited stone railing gap, she looks at the burning oil on the wall. The moment did not give up to escape.

If Luo were here, she could barely recognize the woman, and she was a milia who had worked with Ze Wrath Master.

“I want to escape!”

Millia murmured to herself.

More than half a month ago, she followed a convoy and left from Elba to Otter. On the way, she encountered a burglar unfortunately. Due to the large number of burglars, even if she had a good skill, she would never fight back. The possibility of burglars.

I know that in his own way, it will be miserable to fall into the hands of the sand robber, and even if he is dead, he cannot escape the fate of being ruined.

So, she used a method that was contrary to human nature, took a lot of feces, applied it to the body, then took out the poisonous sac, put it under the tip of her tongue, and waited for death like a fate. Didn’t expect that not only did the robbers not kill She also left around 30 live.

She was a woman, and it was normal not to be killed by sand robbers, but most of the living mouths were men, only a few women.

I do n’t know why the sand robber ’s move was not consistent with the rumors, and he did n’t have time to think about it.

When she woke up again in the evening, she and the three women in the convoy were thrown on a rocky ground. There were several bonfires burning around, and countless eyes were staring at them. The silhouette in the fire, 恍Ghostly chilling ghost shadows.

She heard a few brief conversations.

“Boss, do you want to wash that disgusting mother-in-law with water?”


It was the sound of the palm of your hand pressing hard on the forehead, and then a cold male voice came, “That woman is important to water?”

Then, she saw the three women accompanying her rushed by a group of sand robbers, making a terrible sound, and she was taken to the dungeon by two burglars with horrible faces, and was closed to more than 3 men. Were together.

This was her first visit to Lao Wo, a burglar, and she saw a lot of things different from rumors.

Sand robbers … I don’t know for what purpose, I have imprisoned an unknown number of people, and there are no requirements for the purpose of the imprisonment. Even children and the elderly are not let go.

Twelve days later, she didn’t know what happened to the three women who accompanied her, but she fortunately avoided a robber, but was also deprived of her freedom.

Uh …

A slight, sharp voice sounded rhythmically in the cell. It was the sound of Millia grinding the stones.

Before she was put in the cell, all valuables and weapons were unloaded, including the bun, and the poisonous sac hidden under the tip of her tongue was not found.

The particularity of the dungeon made her find a stone, and she wanted to grind a dagger and put it on the body to protect herself. The hidden poison sac could also be fed on the dagger.

While grinding the stones, Millia was always alert, even if it was not the time to deliver meals, she still kept an eye on the end of the aisle, listening to any footsteps that might suddenly come.

The sound of the millstone stopped abruptly, and there was a slight sound of footsteps in the dead cell, very dense.

There was a look of surprise on Millia’s face. Even at the point of delivering meals, only a few pirates were doing it. Never heard such dense footsteps, there were 50? Or even 100?

Later, she saw gangs of sand robbers rushing into the dungeon like never before, opening the cell with a clear division of labor, and letting younger people come out with a cold tone.

When Melia saw this, she quickly cut off her hair, wrapped her big flat stone in her palm with her hair, and then hid it in the groove on her chest to tighten her clothes.

Not long after, a burglar came to her cell and opened the door, coldly said: “All roll out.”

The people in this cell are youngsters, so no screening is needed.

Hearing the sound of burglars, everyone stood up like a zombie, walked out of the cell, and was driven to stand in a queue of everything in disorder.

Millia was in the crowd, and she was inevitably scanned several times with the guilty look of sand thieves.

The sand robbers drove everyone out of the cell to the ground as if they had driven bastard.

All the people who saw the sun again closed their eyes, and were pushed or pushed into a huge open space by about 600 people.

Malia finally managed to adjust her eyes to the strong light, and slowly opened it, only to see the empty rocky ground. A sand thief with a bloody aura riding on the armored cow listed a huge team and looked at it at a glance. Can’t see how many people are.

A rugged man with a braid is at the forefront of the team, glanced at them coldly, and said, “Give them food and eat on the road.”

Hearing this sentence, as if Melia had entered the ice cellar, looking at the others, a small group of people had a fierce fear reaction.

The burglars were well prepared, took out a lot of abundant food and water, and left them in front of the crowd.

A moment later, the crowd madly grabbed food and water from the ground.

Millia gritted her teeth and threw her food …

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