Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 398

Imperial Capital’s buildings are made of stone and brick, with a large gap. The founder’s style is very different from the buildings in the three major oasis countries. Each building can see the green climbing vines.

3 silhouettes, coming out of the outer 2 storey stone brick house, are 3 middle age persons between forty-fifty years old, with thick beards, simple body made of animal skin Costumes, each holding a weapon.

There are vine bows, stone guns, and a long rusty knife.

“It’s not easy, posterity, I haven’t seen a new person who can cross the ‘death channel’ for more than ten years.” Middle age person looks at Luo who took the bow and sighed: “Unfortunately, as soon as you come in, Just don’t want to go out again. “

With that said, the eyes looked towards Ge Er and Yaya’s body in the team, and the look was not **, it was more like looking at the future daughter-in-law’s eyes.

Ge Er and Yaya were disappointed by the man’s gaze.

“What do you mean?” Ali suppressed the shock in his heart, stepped forward, and walked in front of Yaya, looking at the three strangers who suddenly appeared.

Luo glanced over 3 people and looked at the adjacent 100-storey houses at 3 metres.

The three people with the weapons did not answer Ali. When they noticed that Luo was watching somewhere, he stared at Luo, and the weapon in his hand was raised subconsciously, which is a more convenient attack gesture.

“Not so well hidden,” Luo said frankly, facing the prickly eyes of the three.

The man holding the bow laughed suddenly, raised his hand and waved, and said, “You’ve been spotted by this little baby, come out.”

As soon as he had finished speaking, the people of the Eagle Group saw more than 100 people with bows and arrows popping up from the house at 20 meters, their faces changed, and they raised their weapons together.

“Don’t be nervous, we still welcome newcomers, but basic checks are necessary.” The bow-bearer said indifferently: “Trust us if you believe us.”

Having said that, he ignored the Melee Weapon in front of him, and simply turned around and walked towards the building complex, while the accompanying 2 took a silent look at them and followed the man with the bow.

At the same time, the more than 20 archers ambushing in the house hid in the shadows again.

The Eagles did not follow immediately, and Luo was also the back of the three people who looked at them, with doubts in their eyes.

At this moment, William followed him without a word, and the sadness on his face turned into forbearable expectation.

Luo suddenly understood what William was expecting. According to the man who took the bow, the living people here seemed to be adventurers coming in from the outside, but for some reason, they couldn’t leave from here.

Sandstorm? Mountain road?

Since you can come in, there is no reason why you can’t go out, so what is the reason that prompted the man with the bow to say [don’t want to go out again]?

Is it grassland?

Luo didn’t stop William, and looked back at the grassland outside two hundred meters away. They could see a lot of scattered bones, but they came all the way without natural traps and dangerous creatures.

If you want to figure out something, you can only keep up with this group of people living in ancient city.

“Buha, keep up.”

Luo had a good idea and quickly followed along.

He heard that he took out a large slap-roasted spider from the bag he was carrying and ate while keeping up with Luo.

When the team has already traveled here, there is no need to act together.

Ali took a deep breath, and they reached their destination, but the sudden appearance of people disrupted their original goals, whether it was for wealth or fame, it was difficult at this time.

“Come on.”

After a moment of silence, Ali said so.

The crowd followed the behind of the three middle age persons and walked through the buildings.

On the way, Luo noticed that there was a person hiding at a distance from the shadow of the building. It should not be so cautious because of their arrival, but it was already guarding.

Followed the 3 people for about 20 minutes, and finally stopped at a human settlement.

There are no climbing vines outside the house here, a group of people are busy with the things at hand, and even children are chasing and playing, as if living in a village.

The Eagles were shocked by the scene in front of them, and various questions popped out of their heads.

Here … is it really the rumored 1000-year Imperial Capital?

When a few playful children saw outsiders, they turned a corner and gathered around, looking at Luo with their curious eyes.

The adults also stopped what was at hand, and got up one by one, leaning towards them.


People looked at outsiders who had just arrived, and someone asked.

“Yes, I just came in today. Is Saraling’s big sister at home?” The man with the bow asked.

The person who asked aloud just now heard Kaidou: “No, I ran to the main city again.”

“Then you guys go back to one of Saling’s big sister and head back.” The bowman looked towards the crowd.

“Why don’t I go?” Luo suddenly said.

The man with the bow turned his eyes and looked silently towards Luo. His eyes contained a faint sharpness, his tone calmed down, and asked, “Say your motivation for volunteering.”

“I know a woman named Sarah, although the possibility of having the same name is not ruled out.” Luo admitted frankly.

When hearing the bow man mentioning Sa Ling, Luo was surprised, but not too surprised. When he saw the living person, he expected this possibility.

William’s mood changed significantly when he saw a living person. He wanted to come to his heart with more expectations. After all, he came to the penalty zone to bring back a bone that could be found. Alive.

The man with the bow looked at Luo coldly, judging by his age. This was the biggest failure, but he didn’t take it apart in person, but merely said differently: “The outsider must have the outsider’s consciousness.”

After speaking, let a person set off to the main city and call Saling back.

Before calling back to Ling Ling, the man with the bow asked Luo entire group to sit down on a stone chair, and also offered tea.

Four 4-year-olds circled around Luo. They kept their eyes flickering, revealing undisguised curiosity.

William stared down at the tea and seemed a little restless.

Luo looked at him without asking, and moved towards Bu Hadi beckoned, asking him to bring the parcel filled with worm pot.

Bhajan unloaded the package from the body and handed it to Luo.

Luo took the package, took out a few cooked insects from it, and handed them to the children.

The man holding the bow stood aside, glanced first and was holding a roasted insect and eaten with keen interest pleasure, but did not dissuade the children from taking what the outsider gave.

When children saw the insect, they were not afraid at all. They twitched their noses. After smelling the aroma, they were not afraid of being born. They ran away after taking the insect.

Luo smiled at the children who ran far away, and then observed the situation of the residence and the guards along the way. There were about 350 people here, and only 3 of them were seen by women.

After about 20 minutes, the child who had just run away ran up crying.

One of the watermelon-head boys hugged the man holding the bow and cried, “Dad, Saling old hag grabbed me again!”

Kakuzu with a bowed man’s mouth twitched slightly, helplessly, and touched the boy’s head, then looked towards the silhouette that came not far away, said with a bitter smile: “How do you grab the child’s food from the big sister’s head?” “

“In order to protect their teeth.” Sailing righteous Kaidou came over, then took a big sip of the spider in his hand, eating very imposing.

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