Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 555

What is going on?

Luo’s eyes had a deep sorrow. The peripheral vision of the fire was reflected on his eyes. Suddenly, a maggot-like shadow was twisting and passing away, but Luo was unaware.

Tonpa and Bruna are sleeping. The black cat sits motionless at the exit, and after Luo wakes up, Bisquit, who continued the previous dream, sends a concern question, like Tonpa, they are sleeping.

Luo bowed her head slightly, looked towards the fire star, and her eyes trembled slightly.

Is it a dream? Still a dream? Why both dreams are remembered so clearly, as part of memory.

Every touch is too real, every detail is too clear, so clear that Luo suddenly realized that there must be something wrong, and then think of the ability of some strange creatures on the dark continent.

The most terrifying feature of the dark continent is the hugeness of living things and the environment. In contrast, humans have become smaller than ants in this area. Therefore, it is difficult for humans to open their homes on the dark continent.

In addition to the gigantic growth of organisms and the harsh environment, there are also many unknowns that are normal in size and even smaller than humans.

Those existences have been described one-sidedly in Dong’s book. Unlike the giant creatures ’destruction, they have strange and incomprehensible abilities and are hailed as disasters by v5. They sound exaggerated metaphors and are actually the closest ones. describe.

The reason why v5 has not been to the dark continent to plunder those known precious resources is to avoid the catastrophic ability that can cause human destruction.

How many humans have died after more than 100 ferry landing operations, only five samples that have been subjected to [disaster] destruction are brought back.

Undead patients who cannot be regarded as human have been self-sufficient for 50 years by consuming their own blood.

Twisted into a hemp-shaped human corpse, crushed into a dry flat human corpse, destroyed by ancient Weapon gold and silver ingots.

The five disaster samples found could not be processed and could only be sealed in a research room below the ground.

How many years, consuming countless manpower and energy, but still have not found a corresponding solution.

That was a near-unsolvable disaster, and an unsolved obstacle for humans to travel to the new Heaven and Earth.

Luo suspected that he should have suffered some kind of disaster in unconsciously, so he was trapped in a dream comparable to reality.

Thinking of this, Luo glanced at his companion suddenly, a deep anxiety emerged from the bottom of his heart. When he couldn’t figure out his current situation, he couldn’t be sure what kind of situation they were in.

He was silent, then looked towards the mouth of the tree, releasing the circle.

People with weak boundaries passing through the tree hole swayed quickly towards all around, and expanded within a blink of 800 meters.

The fluctuation of the circle touched the sharp Bisji, which caused her to wake up from a deep sleep in Neutral.

She looks at the release of Luo, without questioning immediately.

“Nothing … nothing.”

The detected things were all motionless dead things, the same as the scenes of the first dream and the second dream.

So, is it a dream now? Leave from the tree hole and go about 5 kilometers in the same direction. Will there be something strange?

“What’s wrong?” At this point, Bisji said.

“It’s okay. As soon as I woke up, I was full of thoughts and wanted to use a circle to detect the surroundings.” Luo smiled at Bi Siji, but he couldn’t help expressing suspicion.

Is it true or false? Is it true or false?

Thinking of a long talk with Bisji in the second dream, he also made his mind into a ball.

Damn it.

He cursed in his heart. Is this a dream or a reality?

Hearing Luo’s words, Bi Siji said nothing, and glanced at the fire that was about to burn out. Then he reached out and twisted his mind, plucked several wooden blocks containing water from the tree wall, and threw it to Luo.

Luo froze for a moment, but raised his hand to catch the block in time.

This was obviously the next thing he was going to do, but this time Bisji first took off the block and threw it to him.

Luo’s heart was shaking, but her face was calm. She quietly drained the water from the wooden block, cut it into a flammable shape, and finally threw it into the fire to inject a little oxygen to speed up the burning process.

“We came here in a hurry. Until now, we haven’t found out what’s happening nearby. You just used the circle. Did you find anything wrong?” Bisji looks at the flame that rekindled the flame.

“There is no situation, but there are all dead objects within 800 meters. There is not even an insect.” There was a surprise in the depth of Luo’s eyes. Is it because of his use of the circle that the dream process has changed again?

No, from the moment he woke up, it looked like he was back to the starting point. However, there have been changes in some places. For example, he woke up the earliest while Bisji was still asleep.

The only things that are constant are the wind and rain outside, the black cat on alert, and Tonpa and Bruna who have been sleeping all the time.

“Really.” Bi Siji’s face was thoughtful, and after a moan, it was suggested: “If you’re recovering well, it’s best to go out and check. I’m here to guard.”

Luo heard that he clenched his fist subconsciously, then quickly released, said with a slight smile: “I have this intention.”

Bisji nodded, raised the double-handed and stretched, deaf, pulling his eyelids, lazily, “I’m hungry.”

“Uh, can you eat canned fish and sausages?” Luo glanced at the black cat.

“Alright.” Bisji said with a smile.

Luo called the black cat, took 3 days of food from his space, and then left the tree hole.

Going to the tree hole, Luo glanced back at Bisji, who had an open can in his hand.

“Be careful,” Bisji said.


Luo nodded, opened the bark, went outside, and slowly sealed the bark back.

After the only gap in the line of sight went from one line to completely closed, the tree hole’s fire flickered, and a cute face than Sigina’s cute face suddenly flashed a tricky smile. On her forehead, a faint one appeared. Seam.

Luo jumped down and landed on the ground.

The field opened wide and isolated the icy rain.

This time, the black cat not at all urged Luo to quickly find the material, as quiet as wood.

Luo silently looked around all around, a forest of deadness and vitality.

The growth of the trees is full of vitality, and there is no life for a few meters, which is death.

“If this is a dream.”

Luo muttered a sentence in his heart, identified the direction, and used [Instant] one after another, moving at high speed.

It didn’t take long for him to reach about 5 kilometers.

I have encountered 2 strange creatures. What will be this time?

Appearing in front of Luo was a gray mouse about the same size as a human, standing upright, with a chubby figure, a long mouth, and two large front teeth.

Luo glanced over his tail.

At the end of that tail, there was a cloud of black smoke, revealing 2 vertical pupils, and a grinning mouth.

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