Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 566

The white smoke was permeating, and the mellow wine tasted with a touch of sourness.

You will feel distressed while you are there.

Especially Tonpa, although his heart was sealed in Luo’s book, he still felt like a twitching heart.

That’s super delicious monkey wine, even if you have confidence, it shouldn’t be so wasteful!

He was distressed, and then saw Luo quickly pick up the second pot after dumping the first pot, and when the temperature of the stone pot was relieved by the liquor, he pushed the second pot of monkey wine along the edge of the stone pot lid Pour out.

The trickling liquid flowing from the mouth of the pot fell vertically on the seemingly closed gap of the stone pot lid.

Some of the monkey wine that was poured down was vaporized, and some of it slowly penetrated into the pot through the gap.

The liquor flows well, and there are always gaps to find, so that it enters the pot.

The first pot of wine almost played a role in short-term cooling, while the second pot of wine was to enhance the flavor of the pouch chicken in the stone pot.

2 The jug of wine goes down until the white smoke vapor dissipates, and the whole tree hole is still dominated by the fragrance of the monkey’s wine.

Luo did not pick up the third pot anymore, but paid attention to the temperature of the fire. At the same time, he raised his hands to release a part of the force, wrapped on the stone pot, forming a sponge-like structure, leaving a lot of air holes, so as not to form a pressure cooker environment.

In slow fire, all that is needed is patience.

“This is the real food hunter.”

No matter how many times I have watched, Tonpa always can’t help expressing emotions in his heart. Special is that after he came into contact with Mind Power, he had deeper insights into various professional hunters.

Not only is it necessary to use the strength of Nian to pursue the ingredients of High Rank, but also to use the strength of Nian to cook food. This is the true interpretation of food hunters.

Most food hunters use this General as the capital of hunting ingredients. Despite their culinary heritage, they are rarely willing to spend energy to develop Mind Power that can be used in cooking.

It takes patience to cook good food, and it takes patience to wait for food.

The closer you get to the stone pot, the more tickles it scratches.

After looking at it for a while, they thought that it was better to stay a little farther than Si Ji, and they were indeed far away from the fire. Only the black cat stayed because Luo needed him for a while.

The high temperature of the stone pot continues, and the turkey inside has high heat resistance, and there is no need to worry about the ingredients in the chicken belly. Even if the heat is not well grasped, the failure rate is very low, which is one of the advantages of higher ingredients.

In Hunter x Hunter World, there is a technique for judging the heat of the fire. You can use the middle finger of the food to point the center of the lid to feel the vibration from the pot, so as to determine the condition of the food in the pot.

Luo was cooking turkey for the first time. Despite the information provided by the white smoke font, he could not avoid the flaws in experience. It was difficult to determine when he could cook.

However, he can combine the characteristics of [Circle] and [Hand of God] to obtain as much information in the pot as possible in the mental package that is continuously released.

This means that before this dish comes out, he will continue to output mental energy, maybe 3 hours, maybe 6 hours or more.

I don’t know if the body has been transformed by the fruit of the previous life. Since the value has exceeded 80%, Luo’s potential gas volume can be maintained for more than 8 hours [Jian], which is more than twice that of Siji.

At this moment, it is a trivial matter to continuously output mental power in the stone pot.

Time passed, ten jugs of monkey wine went down, and the black cat took out ten jugs again.

The firewood continued, and the ashes released let the black cat out.

Whenever the scent of wine in the tree cave was about to dissipate, the 2 jugs of monkey wine went down, and it was full of scent in an instant.

Smelling the continuous scent of wine, the body seemed to react slightly.

Until 2 hours later, an aroma overflowed from the gap in the stone pot, and then it was drilled out of the air holes in Nianli, which directly protruded and replaced the position of wine fragrance.

The scent smelled faintly, but after entering the nose, the pores were slightly relaxed.

“This smell …”

Bi Siji’s eyes narrowed slowly, the aroma was very light, but the sense of presence was higher than the rich wine, and it was received by the body.

Tonpa’s eyes were dull, her mouth was slightly open, and her heart whine “want to eat”.

The black cat stared at the stone pot with a drool of saliva underneath.

It is precisely because of the contrast of the monkey’s wine aroma that it can highlight the special aspect of this faint aroma.

Luo was closest to the stone pot, smelling the aroma and couldn’t help getting excited.

He controlled the dish, knowing that the turkey had been processed, and the tightness could not be said, so the overflowing aroma would be so light.

Thinking about this, you can imagine how much the aroma of the chicken belly will reach.

“Maybe, this will be an aroma bomb.”

Luo silently thought that before cooking, he did n’t expect a variety of rare ingredients to be combined, which would trigger the aroma of being so explosive, then the essence of chicken belly …

He couldn’t imagine it anymore, and this might be the best food he’s made since he came to Hunter x Hunter World.

“When can it be eaten?” The black cat opened his mouth and spit out a crash-bang.

“It will take a while.” Luo Kaidou.

The black cat moaned and resisted the urge to lift the pan.

The ashes of the fire piles were cleaned up one after another, and the monkey’s wine poured more than 40 pots. Each pot was sold to the world’s top rich man, and he could get a lot of money. It was a defeat, but it was also very worthwhile.

After waiting for another hour, Luo suddenly withdrew her mind wrapped in a stone pot.

That move caused others to immediately stand up.

Luo was not afraid of the high temperature at all, and she pressed her hand directly on the pot lid, slowly closed her eyes, calmed the expectation emerging from her heart, and then suddenly lifted the stone pot lid.


Most of the heat locked in the stone pot emerged in a frantic manner with a stronger aroma, which drowned Luo’s body instantly.

The hot smoke was mostly volatilized by the sweet and sour monkey wine, but it was dominated by the aroma of turkey ingredients.

Most of these smoky aromas are locked in the pot. At this time, a brain bursts out. At the same time, the aroma is strong enough to burn the body. However, Luo has burnt fairy grass. He is not afraid of it, but enjoys it. Smoke.

Seeing this, the black cat waved his hand in the wind, letting out the smoke, and then the monkey hung up, looking up into the stone pot.

偌 The big stone pot, there is no trace of liquid left, there is only a whole chicken with a slight yellow in the middle with no scorch. The belly of the chicken is more than doubled before it is put in. The gloss on the epidermis flashes and it is refined at high temperature Chanterelle.

Luo eyes opened, rays of light shining.

He did not lower the stone pot lid, and impatiently transformed the stone pot lid into a peculiar dish and placed it on the stone platform.

Then, under the anticipation of everyone’s anticipation, he took out the whole bulging chicken with double-handed and put it on the dish.

That dish has a two-layer structure with the shadow of a mill.

The top layer is dish-shaped, the edges are raised by a few centimeters of height, leaving a gap, and the bottom is a stone basin, whose role is to catch the chicken soup in the chicken belly.

The crowd gathered around, staring closely at the turkey on the saucer. At first the very light aroma was close at hand, and it smelled more fragrant.

Luo wanted to taste the taste quickly, without reminding Bisji of the explosive aroma that may be contained in their chicken belly, and did not consider whether the aroma would attract forest species.

His 2 words condensed out the air blade, and stroked the chicken belly, a burst of rays of light glowing from the chicken belly, it seemed that the fire rune egg became deeper rays of light.

Xia Guang burst out, the aroma burst, and another burst of heat, like Im Immortal Realm.

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