Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 576

The location is still the edge of the sea of ​​trees, but it is just a large circle.

A hole was still drilled in the giant tree as a temporary resting place.

During a round-trip raid and battle, Luo’s mental strength and stamina were exhausted, and he slept under the massage of Cookie Miss.

Bisji did not sleep, leaning at the exit of the tree hole, peering into the forest under the night through the vents, and no one knew what kind of danger was hidden under the quiet.

After Cookie had massaged Luo, he walked beside Bisji.

Bi Siji moved towards Cookies Miss slightly nodded, the latter with a lip smile, turned into a little white light, disappeared.

The night was suddenly terrifying, forming a sharp contrast with the noise during the day.

looks at the dark shadow, you will subconsciously think of the dark shadow you saw during the day, there is always a feeling of ghost shadow, if the dark shadow is still, when walking in the night road, it can be described as Crises everywhere.

Bissie suddenly put out a breath, and Luo’s expression came back to his mind.

At that time, in the evening, the light in the forest became darker. The afterglow of the orange red sunset was broken up by the leaves and scattered, and a small piece of light was printed on Luo’s extremely tired face, which made Bisji from the darkness I could barely see something in my eyes.

That may be … very volatile.

At that time, she didn’t ask anything and let Luo rest directly.

She was thinking that after Luo led the Asian race Demon Beast and Shadow, what she should have seen, so the determination of fearless advancement would be shaken.

An hour later, Luo woke up.

The black cat returned to the space silently, while Bruna and Tonpa were still sleeping.

Luo got up and suddenly saw Bisji leaning at the exit, walked lightly and sat on the other side.

With a cookie massage, Luo only slept for an hour, and spiritual and stamina returned to their full state.

Bisji looked towards Luo and asked, “Do you still want to go to World Tree?”

Luo heard a moment of silence and looked at the silent forest outside the vents, saying, “There is a little worry.”

“It’s because of us.” Bissijm silently looked towards Bruna and Tonpa in sleep.

“Of course not.” Luo countered immediately: “I’m not strong enough if …”

“You’re already strong.” Bi Siji interrupted him, said solemnly: “You are afraid of someone falling behind.”

A hit on the nail.

Luo couldn’t help hearing silence.

He is indeed worried about this, although he would like to go to World Tree to see it, but the sea of ​​trees is very likely to also have potential threats such as Black Shadow, Demon Beast, Unknown Slash, etc. As Bisji said, maybe halfway through Someone will be left behind.

The so-called left behind is death.

“In the beginning, President they would choose to give up, maybe it was wise.” Bi Siji sighed and said sincerely: “Here, it is really unreasonable.”

Luo slowly raised his head and looked seriously at Bisji. What he wanted to detect from Bisji’s eyes might be regrets, or something else.

But what he was afraid to see was not found in Bisji’s eyes.

At least no regrets or complaints.

As if Bisji did not pay attention to Luo’s gaze, he suddenly took out the Fosun Stone from his pocket, and the stream-like starlight flowed in his fingertips, reflected in his eyes, a starlight.

“But fortunately I came, otherwise how can I get it, I love it.”

Bi Siji’s cheek was constantly rubbing against Fosun’s stone, with an intoxicated idiot-like smile on his face.

Luo looks at Bisji, purse one’s lip, Kakuzu’s mouth suddenly reveals a smile, and the shadows accumulated in the bottom of my heart during the day quietly disappear.

Humans are indeed social animals.

Luo suddenly thought of Dong Fulishi. If that person is still alive, where did he go? If he walked for 100 years alone, he thought that the enthusiasm of hard to describe would overcome the loneliness that human beings resist.

“Bisji, I’m going to World Tree. I have to go anyway. If I can, I even want to use double-handed feet to measure the height of World Tree in person.” Luo looked slightly, looking towards the forest, and said earnestly : “But if the road ahead is dangerous, I will retreat because you are more important.”

Bissie took down Fosun Stone, and put out a breath, and said, “Smelly little ghost, do you think I would be moved?”

“Uh …” Luo murmured.

“If you want to go, you don’t need to double-handed yourself before you lift your feet.” Bi Siji gently put Fosun back, saying, “Isn’t there only four words in the adventurer’s dictionary? ? “

“No, also withdraw from difficulties.” Luo said with a slight smile.

Bi Siji also laughed, squinting his cheeks, looking out of the forest, suddenly turning around and asking, “What’s the name of the dish?”

Luo hesitated for a moment and quickly reacted, Kaidou: “Cuckoo Chicken.”

“Oh, yes, it’s called Handbag Chicken. It’s a weird name. If I can, I want to try it again.” Bi Siji said.

“It’s okay several times, and there will be more delicious dishes than Handbags, as long as we are still in the dark continent,” Luo promised.

“Well.” Bisji nodded, closed his eyes, and whispered, “I’ll sleep for a while.”

“Okay.” Luo responded, then said a moment later: “Bisji, when we come back from World Tree, we will go to the mountain range to the south, there should be a lot of rare gems.”

Bi Siji’s head moved slightly, and Kakuzu’s mouth showed a slight arc, and she soon fell asleep.

Luo looks at Bi Siji’s sleep, whispered in a mosquito-like voice: “Thank you.”

It’s really nice to meet you.

It’s really nice to be with you on the Dark Continent.

Luo shook his head, gazing at the forest under the night, 10000 things are quiet, but there are numerous Murderous intentions.

Where Kakuzu falls inside the tree hole, Tonpa is lying on his side, facing away from the tree hole. His eyes are buried in the darkness, and a little gloss is flashing.

He woke up and heard a conversation between Luo and Bisji.

He also wanted to try the delicious dish called Handbag Chicken.

Also, to cross the sea of ​​trees, you will die.

Tonpa sighed in his heart. Since it is an unchangeable fact to move forward, can he face it with a more optimistic mood.

“My life …”

Thinking about the hunter test again and again.

What made you want to be a professional hunter at first?

I forgot it …

After the first few failures, I have had no desire to improve, have I?

Therefore, it will become a “famous” new killer.

There was a touch of self-deprecation on Tonpa’s face, and in those dozens of hunter tests, the reason for becoming a professional hunter was lost, and even now I can’t remember how.

“I must go back alive, no matter what, I will get that license.”

In the place where the Asians lived, the large body of skeletons disappeared.

A dark shadow blended with the night, swimming quickly under the giant tree all around, to be precise, near the entrance to the ground dug from the root of the tree.

The movement of the shadow seemed a little impatient.

Until late at night, the shadow may be impatient and left the residence.

I don’t know how long after that, in those tree holes, several pump lights that can be counted on one’s fingers are exposed, all of which are engraved with fear.

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