Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 578

The abrupt tumbling in the abdomen was the familiar feeling, but more fierce and fierce.

Tonpa blocked his butt with double-handed, as if it could slow the speed of the dyke.

Subconsciously he thought of a powerful laxative, and subconsciously looked towards Luo with a skeptical look.

As he looked at, he thought that nothing was wrong during this time, right? Luo should not suddenly give him a laxative.

Taking notice of Tonpa’s eyes, Luo understood, rubbed his forehead, and helpedlessly said, “I’m not that boring, and I’m not like you, I bring laxatives with me.”

“If you’re not bored, why bother me that many times in the Hunter test.” Tonpa murmured a few times.

Luo heard it, pretending not to hear it.

Gu gu !

Tonpa’s belly rattled, his face changed, and he could move without explaining.

He covered his buttocks and, in a weird posture, hurried to the back of a large tree, took off his pants like a lightning, strode down, squatted down, and let the army in the bowel come out of the dam.

Listening to the outrageous voice, Bruna moved subconsciously towards Luo, while Luo and Bisji also stepped back a distance.

“What did this guy eat?” The black cat’s voice came from the back of his hand. The movement was really … exaggerating.

“I don’t know.” Luo shook his head slightly, logically saying that they were eating the same food as Tonpa. Even if it was cold, wouldn’t it be so fierce? This catharsis was stronger than the powerful laxative used by Tonpa.

Just then, a few more calls from Crow came from afar.

Luo and Bisji did not forget the existence of this Crow. When Tonpa ran to the tree and solved it, they each released [Circle] and were alert to the movements in the dense fog, which is not as good as Tonpa’s detection circle.

After 2 minutes, Tonpa murmured like a relief behind the tree, and then said, “Not good, I’m sorry, I feel much better, and I should not pull the second time.”

As he said, he got up and pulled up his pants. Somehow, he stumbled on his feet, his head struck against the tree, and his body bounced back. When he was trying to stabilize his body, his hind heel seemed to step on the banana skin. It slipped and then emptied.


What’s so good is that the back of the head hits a large pool of warm excrement.

Tonpa’s body suddenly froze and froze completely.

Not far from the other end of the tree, Luo and Bisji were silent.

They didn’t see the current situation of Tonpa, but the released Yuan could barely detect what happened to Tonpa.

“Luo, I need your help.” After a while, Tonpa heard a tearless voice behind the tree.

Luo immediately guessed what Tonpa wanted him to do, nothing more than let him use his power to help Tonpa clear those backs …

“I refuse.” Thinking of this, Luo without the slightest hesitation Kaidou.

“I haven’t said what I can do for you!” Tonpa’s voice was bitter. He didn’t know that Luo and Bisji actually knew his situation.

“Yes, but I refuse,” Luo said, taking out the algae, and answering the question: “Are there enough buckets?”

Hearing Luo’s words, Tonpa was suddenly lost in silence.

“ga ga !”

In the distance, Crow’s cry came in a timely manner.

“Okay.” After a while, Tonpa’s weak voice came from behind the tree.

Luo heard the words, urged her mind, used algae to turn it into purified water, and then opened the field, controlling several large water balls that moved slowly towards Tonpa.

Behind the tree, Tonpa got up, wiggle his head hard, glanced at the messy ground, his head filled the miserable back of his head, his mouth Kakuzu jerked.

He looked at the water polo floated over, stepped forward, ready to bury his body directly in the water polo for a big cleansing.

However, he fell unfathomable mystery again, using a magical fall posture, like a drunken man, staggered, and his face was buried in the excrement.

At the moment when the body was out of balance, he was clearly trying to adjust his posture. It was a simple matter to stabilize his body to that extent. It can be seen that the ghost is frequently slipping under his feet. This is the reason for the drunk ghost action.

Tonpa’s hair was cold, and he got up sharply, plucked off the stench from the face with double-handed, rushed straight into the water polo, scrubbing his head and face frantically.


Suddenly, there was a black cat laughing at Luo Cat’s back.

“Shut up.” Luo stopped the black cat immediately.

Making too much noise in the forest can easily attract strange creatures.

“ga ga.”

The black cat just stopped laughing, and Crow screamed in the distance.

Luo brows slightly wrinkle, the sound seemed to come from all around, I couldn’t hear the specific direction.

After a few minutes, Tonpa came out of the polo with a gloomy look, soaking all over, and the cold wind blew slightly, and the temperature of the body dropped sharply.

It’s a hell.

He complained in his heart.

Luo sympathizes with looks at Tonpa, and when he was about to say something, Tonpa’s belly sounded like a drum.

There was a moment of silence on the court.

Tonpa opened his mouth and ran to another tree, but he just took a few steps, tripped under his feet, and fell a dog to eat shit.

Luo and Bisji looks at Tonpa who fell to the ground, I really don’t know what to say.

To be honest, Tonpa’s practice in the past few years has been quite hard, and she has worked hard on physical training, and it will be a miracle to fall.

“Are you … okay?” Luo stepped forward, suddenly hitting a foreign body under his feet, and his body lost balance and leaned forward. Above the landing points of his face and palms, there were short thorns hidden in the weed green plant.


Luo raised a brow, released his mind, stabilized his falling body, then straightened his body, took a step back, but slipped, and his body vacated backwards.

The degree of slippage was weird, as if the ground was covered with slippery liquid.

Luo uses the characteristics of Emitter’s mental power to make the body hover in the air, and a strange expression appears on his face.

Bi Siji saw that Luo nearly fell twice in a row and realized that something was wrong.

Just then, Tonpa’s voice came from the army, and it was quite loud.

It’s in your pants.

Because, when Luo fell twice in a row, Tonpa got behind again and fell directly to the army on the field.

“ga ga.”

Soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed Crow’s cry, in this brief moment, is full of irony.

“What’s going on?” Bisiji looked at Luo suspended in midair.

Luo glanced down at where he left off. There was no Special, frowns saying: “It’s weird.”

As he said, he looked up towards Bisji, suggested: “Would you like to take 2 steps to try?”

2 people in this brief moment seem to ignore Tonpa lying there doubting life.

Hearing Luo’s words, Bi Siji immediately took 2 steps, slipped inexplicably, and fell out.

Bi Siji’s eyes changed slightly, and his body was easily stabilized.

“What does it feel like?” Luo asked.

“It’s weird.” Bi Siji glanced at the place where he was slipping.

“Will it be …” Luo glanced at Tonpa who wanted to walk behind a tree, and looked towards the dense fog all around again.

“ga ga.”

Crow’s voice comes every tens of seconds or minutes.


At this time, both Luo and Bisji had a reaction in the abdomen. The complexion of the two people changed. When they looked at each other, they thought of Tonpa’s misery.

Based on their physical fitness, unless they are poisoned, they will not have diarrhea.

Moreover, if this evil thing happens all the time, it is very dangerous in the forest.

Bruna hovered in the air, strange looks at Luo them.

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