Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 585

In this cave are hidden gems of immeasurable value.

The size of the stone essence is not large. Most of the body is made of precious stones. The most valuable part is the quail egg-sized stone core.

Luo picked up the second stone spirit and did not have the ability to use the hand of God. After understanding the body structure of stone spirit, he could directly remove the stone heart without wanton cutting.

Then, the scene that surprised Luo and Tonpa happened.

The second stone essence with the stone core removed, the mouse head and the thin foot were separated from the gem. The black foot was as thin as a line drawn by a black pen, and connected with a small and delicate mouse head. Quite funny.

There is no fur on the rat’s head, and the texture looks like granite. After detaching from the gem, it stepped on the thin foot and walked towards the rock gap of the mountain wall.

Luo allowed the rat to get into the crack. All he wanted was the heart of the stone. He didn’t even want another gem body, so there was no need to do anything extra.

Gems have always been more portable than banknotes. Luo didn’t mind taking away all the stone cores in the cave, so he started sweeping the stone essence in the cave.

I don’t know what principle the stone essence was born from, and the slender body and limbs can maintain the normal operation of life.

The squirrel’s head, such as the gecko, had its tail broken, and it fled away without turning back, and it did not resist from beginning to end.

Human beings who know a little about the dark continent, I am afraid that it is impossible to imagine that the dark continent would have such a threat of zero.

Bi Siji was still polishing the stone essence patiently, while Luo and Tonpa had searched a lot of stone hearts.

With Luo’s promise, Tonpa was very active at work, and wished there were more stone spirits in the cave.

As long as the thought of going back to 6 continents will have a lot of splurged wealth, Tonpa’s mouth closes does not raise.

When the stone essence in Bisji’s hand was finally polished, Luo and Tonpa also took over 2 stone hearts in the cave.

Take out the stone core from the gem not polished by Sigi. You can see the stone core with a more pure color from the translucent crystal. It will be more obvious when you take the light.

She stroked the gem and couldn’t help it, as the mouse hadn’t known where to slip.

Luo looks at Bisiji who almost hummed the small song, probably knowing why she is so happy, it is estimated that the mouse head can be separated, so that Bisiji won’t be satisfied.

He tilted his head to look at Tonpa again, holding several stone hearts in his hands, and he couldn’t help closing his mouth.

“The two of them are very, very happy.” Bruna landed on Luo’s shoulder.

The Bru people are very sensitive to the emotions of the living beings, so they used 2 very when talking to Luo.

“Every human being who loves something is like this,” Luo explained.

“Oh.” Bruna seemed complied.

After getting what he wanted, Luo took off the light algae, and the cave fell into darkness.

Whether to leave the cave or follow the tunnel to deepen.

Bisji advocated going further, and Luo decided to enter the tunnel.

The team continued to advance into the narrow tunnel.

If human beings walk in dark and narrow places for a long time, reason will be easily destroyed by the suppressed environment, and companionship can greatly weaken this.

There are light algae and oxygen algae, plus Mind Power, you can enter this seemingly short tunnel without any worry.

I walked slowly for nearly 2 hours before I saw the bright exit.

Instead of rushing out of the tunnel, Luo called out a black cat.

He didn’t even need to tell him. When the black cat came out, he knew what Luo wanted him to do.

oh? ”

The black cat flew in the air, surprised at the sight in front of it.

This is a huge open-air mountain belly, occupying a roughly circular shape, with slightly uneven rock walls and an overall structure similar to a chimney.

The black cat looked up and looked at the sunlight falling from the top of his head, his eyes moved a little down, fixed on the many rocks suspended in the air.

The volume of the group of rocks is about the size of a beetle, with different shapes and a large number, and they are randomly distributed in the air. Each rock has a different color, such as being sprayed with multi-colored paint.

The black cat bowed his head suddenly, silver eyes flickered slightly.

The exit of the tunnel is located at a height of over 100 meters, and the bottom of the open-air mountain is a pot-shaped rocky land, no plants can be seen, only countless life-like stone carvings are randomly scattered on the ground, and many water holes of unknown depth.

Those stone carvings …

The black cat’s face showed thought.

The stone carvings are lifelike. It is difficult to find any signs of artificial carving. These stone carvings, like the rocks suspended in the air, are multi-colored and have been seen for a long time.

With the black cat’s eyesight, I couldn’t see why, so I walked around the mountain for 2 laps, not at all, found what was dangerous, and then returned to the tunnel to tell what was found.

“7 Colored stone carvings, also suspended in the air.”

Luo didn’t hesitate for too long, went straight out of the tunnel, floated in the air, and saw everything in the mountain belly with his own eyes.

Bisji and Tonpa stood on the edge of the tunnel exit, and at their height, they could barely see the color on the suspended rocks.

“Is it magnetic?”

Luo’s attention was attracted by the floating stones. While keeping alert, he stepped on the air, and soon came to the numerous rock piles suspended in the air.

A closer look reveals that the surfaces of these rocks are extremely smooth and dyed in various colors, like candy wrapped in a layer of colored sugar.

Luo reached down and pressed on one of the rocks, the tentacles were cold, but the white smoke font did not respond.

“Can’t identify it? How are these stones suspended?”

Luo thought silently, and then stood on a rock and stomped his feet a little harder, and saw the rock as stable as Mount Tai, as if time was locked in here.

“Magnetism alone cannot achieve this level.”

Luo squeezed his chin. He wanted to step on it harder, but considering that if the rock fell to the ground, some creatures in the mountain belly might be attracted, and he felt hesitant for a while.

It was just that the black cat had already walked around in advance, but nothing was found, and Tonpa hadn’t detected anything, and it didn’t matter if he wanted to come.

Thinking of this, Luo stomped again and made a dull noise, but the rock under his feet was still completely motionless.

At this time, Luo suddenly became interested, but instead of trying to step on the rocks, he fell to the tunnel and wanted to take Tonpa and Bisji directly to the top of the mountain.

Everyone not at all found that in the seemingly not deep puddles at the bottom of the mountain, a series of tiny drops of water emerged.

That can’t be called a water puddle anymore. In terms of water depth, it should be called a Youtan.

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