Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 612

Netero was invited to bring more popularity to the forest hut.

The crowd sat around the stone table under the rattan, and the aroma of the monkey’s wine permeated the entire courtyard.

With Fosun Stone brought back by Luo, there is no need to worry about the amount of monkey wine. Netero couldn’t find the north, and he had to pay for his booze.

The person who received the invitation, also Maha of Zoldyck.

Netero has been here for more than a day, and Maha doesn’t know when.

An hour later, a huge sound of the wind came over the forest, attracting everyone’s attention.


Netero lowered the jug and looked up towards the sky.

Not far away, a shadow fell from the sky, covering the forest, and the strong wind carried by it caused a big tree to bend its body.

That shadow was the Demon Beast dragon of Zoldyck’s family, and the Demon Beast dragon that was returned to Zoldyck’s family for Luo after golden domestication.

Maha landed on the open space in front of the house with the Demon Beast dragon, and the people who came with him, also Zeno.

The crowd walked out of the courtyard to welcome Maha and Zeno.

Maha jumped lightly first, and Zeno jumped with a double-handed shoulder.

After the two of them came down, the Demon Beast dragon looked up slightly, and suddenly saw Luo, his body shivered, and the color of fear appeared in his eyes.

Perhaps it was from the instinct of Demon Beast, who felt the threat from Luo body enough to attack the soul.

Waiting for Maha to command, it fluttered suddenly, flew into the air in panic, but fled.

Seeing the Demon Beast dragon lost self-control flying away, Maha and Zeno could not help frowning, and then looked towards Luo.

They are all masters, and judged that Demon Beast’s fear came from Luo.

Luo actually didn’t know it, did Demon Beast Longneng Sensor report the disaster he sealed up, but that was his left arm as the container, which was completely sealed in the book, it should be impossible by the Sensor.

So, is it because of the large number of Demon Beasts he killed on the Dark Continent?

“Don’t look at me, I don’t know what’s going on.”

Facing the eyes of the two Zoldyck bosses, Luo shrugged, a very calm explanation.

I didn’t do anything, I just stood here, and I was scared away by a Demon Beast dragon, and he was a little shy.

Maha didn’t look into it, walked towards Lin Nie, and looked at Zeno, but couldn’t look away.

He had watched Luo’s battle on Sky Competitor on live TV.

After many years, based on his naked eye and experience, he can’t find any trace of strength of Luo now.

Luo didn’t care about Zeno’s observation, holding Machi’s hand and walking towards the courtyard.

When everyone was seated, Lin Nie saw that everyone was all together, and slowly walked into the house. Day Hu followed, and he wanted to fight for Lin Nie.

“Lin Nie said, are the ingredients from the dark continent?” Maha opened her eyes.

Netero frowned, nodded and said, “Yes, Luo brought it back.”

Hearing Netero’s words, Maha and Zeno couldn’t help looking at Luo again, even if they were used to the world, it was hard to hide their surprise at this moment.

Only a few people know the secrets of the dark continent, and the Zoldyck family is one of them. Because of this, it is very clear what the dark continent is like.

Someone actually went there and not only survived but also brought things back.

Luo glanced at Netero silently, and lifted the bottle’s bottle cap to make the wine overflow, and teleportation caught Maha and Zeno’s attention.

Smell the wine, they all know that this is Lin Nie’s monkey wine, and the output is very small. Basically, it is enough to get 2 jugs from Lin Nie a year.

Then they saw Luo pull out 5 pots and put them on the table.

I saw Luo waving his hand and said, “Drink whatever you want.”

Maha and Zeno’s faces shuddered slightly, wondering if they could bring a few pots after going back this time.

They saw that Luo was on the topic of teleportation, and they were very interesting without asking much.

Before the dishes are served, the wine has passed 3 rounds.

“Killua, are you okay?” Luo asked suddenly.

Maha each minding their own business Drinking wine, Zeno saw this and took the conversation Kaidou: “I left home some time ago.”

Luo heard nodded and didn’t say more.

The hunter test is very recent, and it is also the time when Killua is away from home. Later, Killua will go to the hunter test and meet Young Gon.

It means that the cold-blooded values ​​that Killua was honed by the family will start to change after meeting Young Gon.

A stone table sits with 3 Old Man, all of whom are top masters. If you add Lin Nie and Day Hu, you will be 5 old masters of the old era.

Sitting at the same table like this, the weakest Machi looked a little restrained.

The crowd sat like this for more than an hour, and a scent of aroma suddenly came out of the house.

oh? ”

Smell the aroma, everyone could not help but start a spiritual shock.

How energetic.

Maha’s narrowed eyes widened rare, and whispered, “The ingredients of the dark continent, coupled with Lin Nie’s idea of ​​being” integrated “, are really looking forward.”

Everyone is looking forward to what kind of dishes Lin Nie will produce.

The aroma is getting stronger and stronger, and it is drifting away.

I was immersed in this scent, but felt that the hunger in the belly kept crying.

After a while, there was noticeable movement in the forest all around.

This aroma has attracted all the creatures in the forest, to be precise, the life strength it contains.

From Demon Beast to insect, they are attracted.

There are insect snoring sounds, birds flapping their wings, beasts roaring …

“Interesting.” Netero raised an eyebrow and met Lin Nie for so long, and this was the first time he had encountered this situation.

Luo seemed to have anticipated this, and he got up and leapt to the roof.

Such a move made everyone present looked at him.

Luo raised his eyes at the biome from all around the forest. There were eyes lit up in the shadows, and a silhouette like the black tide.

An aura of air emerged from the soles of his feet out of thin air, moving from bottom to top and spinning above the body surface.

Immediately afterwards, the aura was like a firework in full bloom, suddenly expanding all around, passing through all creatures close to the house.

Suddenly, all the noisy sounds disappeared. The birds and insect flying in the air seemed to be frightened. They stopped inciting the wings and landed.

“Can you distinguish the target’s field of intimidation?”

Netero, Maha, and Zeno quietly looked at Luo, including Machi, on the roof, and Lin Nie and Dayu in the house were not affected.

That’s excellent dispatching ability. If you don’t see it with your own eyes, it’s hard to believe that the strength of a youngster can reach this level.

Since Luo returned, Netero has increasingly felt that Luo and Jin belong to the same level.

With Luo’s gas field venting relentlessly, jealous creatures, like touching something of fear, fled.

Soon, the menacing scene came to an abrupt end.

After scaring away the trouble, Luo jumped off the roof and, like an uninvited person, sat back in his original seat.

Just then, Lin Nie came out of the house, while Tian Hu held a large plate of vegetables.

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