Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 615

The chic appearance made most candidates think immediately that Luo was the examiner.

“Is the test about to start?” Young Gon looks at Luo at the elevator door, smiling.

“Probably.” Killua was lazy with a skateboard in his arms.

I haven’t seen Luo for two years.

Leorio squeezed the suitcase and took a deep breath, trying to calm the tension that had just emerged.

“One-armed, will it be the examiner?” Kurapika silently looked at Luo. Although Luo’s debut style was more chic, he couldn’t fix it, and …

Thinking of this, Kurapika glanced around the crowd and found that some candidates muttered a few words, then looked away, not knowing what to say.

On the other side, Tonpa was black-faced, and when he looked closely, he recognized Luo’s identity directly, mainly the broken arm, which added to Tonpa’s confidence.

“You won’t say anything about taking the test, would it be intentional?”

Luo suddenly popped up, leaving Tonpa’s heart very low, for fear that Luo would come to tease him again, but he thought that after all those years of trouble, he wouldn’t come to him again.

Thinking about it this way, he saw Luo moving towards him.

It really is Luo!

Tonpa jumped off the metal pipe.

Luo’s speed of riding a bicycle is not fast, and he hasn’t expressed his position. Most candidates’ gaze moves with him.

Just then, a little dwarf with a weak presence didn’t know where to come out, clapped his palms and made a sound to attract the attention of many candidates.

“Candidates, please come to me to pick up the number plate in order.”


After hearing the words of Doumian, most of the candidates’ attention suddenly passed away, and the crowd slowly moved.

Meanwhile, Luo came to Tonpa and said hello.

Tonpa glanced at the crowd who was going to pick up the number plate, and got close to Luo, whispering, “Luo, I really want to get a license.”

Luo heard it and said seriously: “Me too.”

I believe you have ghosts!

Tonpa flipped Byakugan and begged, “Anyway, don’t fuck me.”

“We’re here, but why are you doing this?” Luo wondered.

“Okay.” Although Tonpa wasn’t sure, when he saw Luo’s position, he felt relieved.

Luo looks at the slightly depressing tunnel, and looked towards the candidates. At once, I saw a lot of vague but familiar candidates, and a hard to describe mood rose in my chest.

Have it been that many years …

Luo laughed in a low voice, and then his eyes became serious, trying to find a silhouette of Hisoka from the crowd.

“En? Not here?”

He saw many familiar people, but he did not see Hisoka alone.

“Did you not take the test this year?”

Luo frowned.

Later, he saw Young Gon and Killua who had grown up, and Leorio wearing a suit, with small sunglasses, as if he was going to a company interview, also wearing Kurta Clan clothes, carrying a wrapped Kurapika.

Seeing that Kurapika had escaped the genocide, Luo wondered whether he should be happy or sad for Kurapika.

Then, his eyes shifted and fell on the strange nail man’s body.

“Click, click …”

The strange nail man shook his head, slowly turned his neck to meet Luo’s gaze, and he could not see what was thinking in the dull eyes.

“Illumi is Illumi. He is here, but Hisoka is not.”

Luo looked at the strange nail man recklessly, and after a moment calmly moved away, looking towards others.

“En? That woman, I remember it was Feng Xiaoyu, why did she come here?”

Luo saw a woman with thick eyebrows and wavy hair, and she was the woman she met on the top of the mountain when she returned to the Tomb of Shiji Ji several years ago.

If you remember correctly, Feng Xiaoyu ’s reading Special is interesting. The treasure house named Ten Two Thieves can establish the relationship between keys and key locks on any object.

“Still something changed.”

Luo staggered his eyes and continued looking towards others.

Baldie Ninja Hanzo from an island country.

Captive female Ponzu capable of driving bees.

Explosive warehouse using poisoned bow and arrow.

Little Fatty, who was carrying a laptop and was eliminated in the first pass.

A charming female sniper wearing sunglasses.

Greta with dark skin and a long nose.

Wrapped in a turban, capable of manipulating the scarp of a poisonous snake.

These faces that were once deep in memory and then quietly blurred are gradually becoming clear.

At this moment, what Luo is thinking about is not this hunter test, but the disaster of Chimera Ants one year later.

“Luo, it’s time to get the number plate.” Tonpa’s voice sounded in his ear.


Luo nodded, riding a bicycle to Doumen.

Doudou people looked at Luo up and down, he was also one of the insiders, glanced at Luo’s broken arm, and immediately recognized Luo’s identity.

Actually came over with a bicycle.

Doudou people felt speechless, and then gave Luo number 405 to Luo.

Luo moved towards Doudou nodded, took the number plate, left without a word, and did not stand with Tonpa anymore, alone occupied a Kakuzu.

“It seems Hisoka will not come this year.”

Luo thought silently, and then glanced at Feng Xiaoyu, which was quite eye-catching in the crowd.

These are not big or small changes, all unexpected.

The time passed quietly, and Luo suddenly noticed that Tonpa was talking with the computer Little Fatty.

As soon as I approached, I heard Little Fatty’s slightly arrogant remarks, and toned out Tonpa’s resume in an orderly manner, and even a little scorn in his words.

Tonpa listened to Little Fatty talking loudly, looking towards Little Fatty’s eyes, as if looking at an idiot.

“Yo, what are you talking about?”

Luo plugged in halfway and interrupted Little Fatty’s words, making Little Fatty a little unhappy.

“It’s bragging,” Tonpa pouted.

Little Fatty heard the words and immediately corrected: “The data is real and will not deceive, please don’t defile the data with bragging!”

“I think so.” Luo echoed a smile, then calmly looked at Little Fatty, and asked, “If you let the name Hisoka be linked to the hunter test, what can you find?”

That calm look flashed with sharpness.

Little Fatty wanted to refuse, her heart trembled, and she said nothing to the laptop keyboard.

A moment later, Little Fatty found information about Hisoka and the Hunter test.

“Is there a result?” Luo smiled.

Little Fatty wiped the sweat from her forehead, nodded and said, “Yes.”

“Tell me.”

“Hisoka, the 283th passer of the Hunter Test. It is said that in the last test, Hisoka killed all the other candidates, so the passer in that session was only him.” Little Fatty explained.

“is it…”

Luo’s eyes changed slightly, and he whispered to himself.

It really has changed, whether it is to join the brigade in advance or pass the test in advance.

Forget it, you will always come across it.

“Bell Bell Bell …”

A harsh bell rang out in the tunnel.

Looking through the sound, I saw a hidden door exposed on the wall above the metal pipe. A man with a 8-shaped beard emerged from the door and stood on the metal pipe.

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