Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 629

The number of hunter test levels in each session is different. Each session takes about 5 rounds, but it will be adjusted based on the number of candidates.

Luo is very clear that if Menqi continues to take the test, I am afraid that it will still be the same as the original. The test will be taken from the valley to get the eggs of the grape spider.

In addition, the quality of the candidates participating in the test this year is significantly better than the original, and the number has doubled.

This may be because of the butterfly effect he produced, or because Tonpa rescued candidates in the Lost Wetlands, or because of the lack of Hisoka ’s killing in the Lost Wetlands.

All in all, there are too many candidates.

100 48, a rough estimate, the number of people who can pass the second level test must be at least more than 2, then, this year, I am afraid to test 100 more levels.

So, it’s okay to slightly increase the difficulty of the test, although the word “slightly” is quite inappropriate here.

It is very difficult to get the eggs of the mackerel!

This point, Men Qi as a food hunter is very clear.

Spaceship arrived at the destination, and everyone disembarked one by one and came to the waterside of the riverside.

According to Netero’s requirements, Menci was also able to participate in the test together as candidates this time. As opposed to actually Luo and Tonpa, as long as they were looking at.

Luo seems to have taken over the identity of the examiner, looks at everyone, said with a smile: “Get the fish eggs and give them to me, even if I complete the exam questions.”

Candidates are silent when they hear what they say. What more can they expect if they get a chance to come again?

They walked to the shore and looked at the river, which was constantly making waves, with grave expression on their faces.

The horror of the current can be judged only from the water potential above the river surface, and the turbulent flow under the river is even more unimaginable.

Menqi took off her boots and started a warm-up action. She reminded her in a timely manner: “Every year, there are 1000 workers drowning in order to pick up the roe fish eggs. There is only one life, but there are tests every year. You, think before you act. “

Upon hearing the kind reminder from Men Qi, many candidates who were unfamiliar with water immediately resigned.

After the test started, no candidate took any action, but the first candidate who quit first appeared.

“I give up.”

The candidate said unwillingly.

With the first exit, there is the second.

Soon, as more and more candidates dropped out, fewer than 100 candidates persisted.

It is a wise choice to retreat when you are difficult, and if you insist on meeting difficulties, you must bear the consequences yourself.

Some candidates were directly dismissed, and Luo also expected that one of the motivations for seizing the right to ask questions was to reduce the number of candidates.

Above the shore, Menqi did a warm-up, then walked slowly along the shore, always observing the water potential in the river.

She is not looking for a weak water position. Instead, she is looking for a rapid water position to find the tadpoles as soon as she can plunge.

Until three hundred meters away, she stopped, and under the watchful eye of the candidates, without the slightest hesitation plunged into the river.

At this point, in addition to Men Qi plunging into the water, the other candidates are watching.

Not far away, Netero came to Luo and said, “You are too messy.”

“Are you there? Then you gave me the license directly, wouldn’t there be no such thing?” Luo curl one’s lip.

“The results of the review were out of order, and naturally we have to deal with them,” Netero explained in a serious manner.

“I know, I have the right to explain in the end.” Luo shook his head slightly, and then asked, “Do you think there is something wrong with this test?”

Netero couldn’t help but glance at the candidates who were standing still on the shore and said, “No problem, but only a few candidates can pass.”

“A few? There are many ways to solve it, depending on how they choose, and it is not limited to being alone.” Luo said indifferently.

“You make a lot of sense, but I want half of the eggs.” Netero indifferently said.

Luo looked blankly at Netero and said, “Did you just say something? I didn’t hear clearly.”

Netero is just coldly smiled.

Luo turned over Byakugan and said, “I’ll give you up to 3.”

“Okay.” Nitt responded crisply.

A transaction is just done casually.

Netero knows that the test by Luo was moderately difficult among previous examiners.

It’s not just everyone’s timing, but also the meaning of teamwork.

It is very difficult for a person to take the roe eggs, but if several people cooperate, the difficulty will be reduced, and the threat will also be reduced.

However, Luo deliberately concealed a message from the mullet, that is, at least 500 grams of eggs per body of the mullet body, so a group of 5 people is the best solution.

Moreover, Luo seems to have taken Men Qi’s style into consideration. Even so, how to make full use of his own advantages is the key to tide over the difficulties.

From Netero’s point of view, this test question issued by Luo is, to a certain extent, more reliable than the food prepared by Menqi, but this pass is over, and the remaining candidates are estimated to be few, so the follow-up Several tests may need to be cancelled.

Aside, Tonpa looked weird, and the conversation between the two did not all deliberately avoid him.

“Tonpa, pick up some wood.” Luo suddenly instructed.

Tonpa 2 said nothing and stormed into the forest.

In the years of the Dark Continent, he has been used to doing this, and efficiency is absolutely nothing to say.

30% of the clock passed, and Men Qi suddenly raised his head above the river and swam towards the shore.

Candidates looked at each other and saw Men Qi go ashore, wet and covered with a ball of pink fish eggs.

Instead of catching the fish, only the amount of fish eggs required for the assessment was taken.

This explanation, getting the fish eggs is not a must to kill the fish, it can be done directly in the water.

Ignoring the eyes of other candidates, Menqi handed the fish eggs to Luo and completed this time test as a candidate.

Luo gently lifted the fish eggs, then raised the fire at the speed of light.

Menqi understood, sitting beside the fire to get rid of the chill, while quietly looking at Luo.

Netero saw that Menci only took 100 grams of fish eggs. If Menqi directly caught the whole catfish during the exemplary participation process, candidates would get “the fish eggs of the catfish body are not less than 500. Grams “.

This is very important information. Luo not only concealed, but also convinced that Menqi would only take 100 grams, no more and no less.


Netero turned his eyes and looked towards the shore. Except for a few candidates forming a team by themselves, the others had no intention of forming a team.

Therefore, less than 5 minutes after the fish eggs were taken ashore from Menqi, three candidates were washed away by 3 meters from the strong current.

In this way, there are not many candidates who can complete the test.

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