Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 631

The Trap Tower is a columnar structure holding the most wicked prisoners, and it is the third pass test originally planned.

In this test, candidates need to find a secret door at the top of the tower, a group of 5 people, to reach the bottom of the tower alive within the time limit of seven hours. On the way, prisoners will come out to delay the time.

These prisoners start at least 100 years, and they are responsible for restraining candidates. Each hour of restraint reduces the sentence by one year.

Therefore, the test of the trap tower was canceled, and the man on the other side of the phone would say that the prisoner was going to cry over the quilt.

Of course, if Netero didn’t explain it, the man wouldn’t have thought that the person who caused this phenomenon was not the examiner of the level 2 test, but a candidate who took the test.

In the room, Netero put away the phone and looked towards Luo sitting on the sofa, then walked over and sat on the opposite sofa.

“You 3 me 7 and give you 800 grams of fish eggs after wiping.” Luo pointed to the pink translucent fish eggs on the table, cooked it a little, then dip it in sauce, and it will become a very delicious top caviar. .

“No way, 810 grams, not even one gram.” Netero’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“Wow, don’t you want to erase it?” Luo was startled.

“What’s the deal? I don’t have Alzheimer’s disease yet,” Netero said.

At this time, there was a knock outside the door.

“Come in.” Netero stared at the bitch roe.

The door was opened and Menqi, Buha, and Satotz came in.

Seeing Luo was also there, all of them, including Buha, were slightly surprised.

“Luo, President, what are you doing?” Bu Ha said said curiously.

“It’s dirty, cough cough,” Netero quickly re-routed: “Negotiating what to eat for dinner tonight.”

Everyone heard that they couldn’t help but looked towards the mule roe on the table, that was not the candidate today …

Then, Menqi didn’t want that many, she walked quickly, and then sat next to Luo with her buttocks.

Luo moved subconsciously to the left, and Menqi calmly leaned forward.

Looks at a small action of 2 people, a few big men can only pretend they haven’t seen it.

In this way, Luo was forced by Men Qi all the way to the edge of the sofa. In desperation, she opened the field and spread a film of air, blocking Men Qi to prevent her from continuing to lean over.

“Well, isn’t your ability to be divided?” Men Qi was not annoyed, and stretched his hands over the air film, said curiously.

“No.” Luo shook his head, thinking about how to make Menqi less enthusiastic.

Menqi looked thoughtful and did not continue to ask questions. After all, Mind Power is a secret that every person who needs to hide.

“I took ten grams.” Netero took the ten grams.

Seeing this, Luo didn’t say much.

Bu Ha 剌 looks at Luo and President are dividing the loot, hesitantly said: “This is not good, after all these are all obtained by the candidates.”

Satotz sat on the edge, looking silent at a few people.

Luo looked towards Buha, said with a smile: “Then how do you deal with these?”

Bu Haji thought for a while, suggested: “Isn’t it time for dinner yet? Can the candidates try the caviar they got, it must be a happy experience.”

“Okay.” After listening to Bu Ha’s suggestion, I just wanted to swindle Luo without the slightest hesitation of ten grams of Netero fish eggs.

Nothing else, just because the person who said this was Buhab, so he would consider Buhab’s feelings.

As a result, at dinner time, each candidate was assigned a plate of cooked caviar.

All of a sudden they recognized that the grain was full, and the clear and clear fish eggs were the raccoon fish eggs obtained in the river today.

“I thought it was swallowed by that person.” Feng Xiaoyu of strong features thought.

There are not many people who have the same idea as her, but when caviar appeared on the plate, they changed one after another, but the amount was at most 50 grams, right?

Forget it, it’s better than nothing.

Leorio had only heard of caviar, and now seeing this golden caviar and shiny caviar, he couldn’t wait to swallow it.

A moment later, his eyes widened, and after swallowing caviar, those wide eyes narrowed again, revealing a happy look.

Seeing Leorio’s expression, Kurapika at the same table left a few beads of sweat.

“I feel like … I tasted love.” Leorio said, clutching his chest, painfully, “but I don’t know why, I feel it hurts.”

Killua faintly said: “Is it because I can’t find my girlfriend?”

“… “

An arrow stuck in Leorio’s forehead.

“Why Leorio couldn’t find his girlfriend? Is it because he’s too old?” Young Gon asked.

Leorio’s body crooked as the second arrow arrived.

Kurapika indifferently said: “It should have nothing to do with age, after all, looks are the flaws.”

The third arrow drew Leorio’s soul and lay unrelentingly on the table.

Each candidate then tasted the caviar.

How could it be so delicious?

If Luo were here, the answer would definitely be given.

Wouldn’t it be delicious if it was cooked by one-star gourmet hunter Men Qi?

Being able to convince Menqi to take a shot, Luo was able to take down some of the caviar, even though he was very comfortable.

As for Menci’s meal, according to Menci, she had to go to Special to prepare some ingredients after the hunter test was over, so let Luo wait.

After dinner, the rest is free time.

Young Gon and Killua set off on an expedition, running around the spaceship.

Luo ran to the top to blow hair, and soon after, Netero came over with a volleyball.

“Come on.” Netero said with a smile.

“No time.” ** Critically refused.

Rejected ruthlessly, Netero showed entanglement **.

Originally Netero was looking for Young Gon and Killua, why did he get involved with him?

Luo thought, diverting water to the east, saying, “Isn’t there 2 suitable recreational objects on board?”

“Which two do you mean?” Netero asked.

“King’s son, and Zeno’s grandson.”

Luo smiled and sold Young Gon and Killua. At the same time, he thought that Netero would use the hunter’s license as a bait to hook Young Gon and Killua. If he tripped Netero halfway, Young Gon and Killua could catch the ball …

It is very interesting to think about it.

Netero didn’t know Luo’s evil Evil Thought head. He left the top floor and found Young Gon and Killua lying in front of the window watching the night view in the corridor.

Netero stood there for a moment, his eyes narrowed and he let out his breath, and then turned to the other side of the corridor with lightning.

Young Gon and Killua were shocked by the breath and moved towards the corridor, where they were empty.

Just then, behind came Netero’s voice: “What are you doing?”

“Huh?” Young Gon wondered.

Killua was staring at Netero, and he concluded that the dangerous breath just now came from Netero.

Netero’s face was calm, and purely from the responses of the two teenagers, Killua was better. After all, he was a child trained by Zoldyck. He was sensitive to the breath like Murderous Aura, and it was normal.

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