Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 643

Luo knew what Illumi was going to do next. It was just putting psychological pressure on Killua, forcing Killua to concede defeat, and letting Killua go back to the withering hills honestly.

Anticipate what will happen next, and think about how to change it.

In Luo’s mind, the best result was nothing more than Illumi being eliminated and Killua staying, but it seemed unrealistic.

On the court, after the announcement of referee, Killua and Illumi are in a chat situation instead.

Candidates outside the field, including the examiner, are watching the dramatic scene.

The last showdown was actually a battle between brothers.

“A coincidence?” Killua muffled.

“Not exactly.” Illumi asked, “You stabbed mother and Second Brother?”

“Well.” Killua responded without any psychological burden.

“Mother cried. She was very touched and very relieved. She said that you have finally grown up, but you still don’t want to go out alone, so he ordered me to follow you secretly.”

“Coincidentally, I just need a license to facilitate the next mission, but didn’t expect you to be a hunter?”

Illumi explained why the reason here is coincidental, not coincidental.

“I don’t really want to be a hunter, I just want to try.” The sweat on Killua’s face continued to increase.

“Then I can rest assured that you are not suitable to be a hunter. Being a killer is the way you should go in the future. You don’t need anything other than killing people,” Illumi said coldly.

Killua didn’t have the courage to retort, and lowered his head subconsciously, sweat falling on the bricks and stones, and soon they became water.

Later, he couldn’t help looking at the place where moved towards Luo was, and wanted to ask for help, but remembered the attack on Luo that night, and quickly glanced back.

Killua’s reaction was seen by Illumi, and at the same time, Illumi felt that he could not stop watching, and Illumi didn’t care.

This is a housework of the Zoldyck family and outsiders are not eligible to intervene.

For this reason alone, even if Luo meets with the elders of the family, he cannot cross this line.

So, when Illumi bowed her head and said nothing, Illumi greeted Luo’s gaze. Although she didn’t speak, she only perfectly cleared her meaning with her eyes: Killua is my dear younger brother, and you are an outsider.

Luo did feel what Illumi meant.

Illumi looked away, looks at Killua, differently said: “So, you should go home.”

Killua’s body was slightly trembled, and after a moment of silence, he retorted, “I don’t want to go back.”

“Why?” Illumi asked calmly.

“I … have something I want.” Killua gritted his teeth.

“You didn’t,” Illumi said.

“I do!” Killua looked up sharply, looking directly at Illumi.

Illumi still expressed expressionlessly, raising her hand slowly, calmly said: “Oh, what do you want to hear?”

Facing Illumi’s gaze, Killua couldn’t help lowering his head again. He remembered the image of Illumi killing his younger child in his childhood when he was a child.

Just because he wants to play football together, just because he wants a few friends.

But now …

“I’m tired of killing people.”

Killua clenched his fists as if in the dark, with a white shadow in front of him.

“I think … like an ordinary person, there are friends who can play together.”

“No, you can’t have friends, including us. There are only two types of people in your life, one is to kill, and the other is not to kill.” Illumi’s tone could not hear any emotions.

“If you are obsessed, then try to imagine for yourself, sooner or later, you will kill your friends.”

Illumi’s unspoken words made Killua expression startled, reminding him again of the attack on Luo that day in a spaceship.

Looks at Killua’s response, Illumi indifferently said: “Do you understand? It is your nature to kill people, so go home.”

“I …” Young Gon and Luo appeared in Killua’s mind, hesitating.

Illumi waited patiently for 5 seconds, but Killua did not respond.

He stretched out his index finger, leaning against his chin, and thoughtfully said, “Is the friend you want important enough to hinder your decision? Is it the 389? Call Young Gon.”

“Then there is no way, I will help you kill him.”

Killua heard the words, his eyes widened suddenly, his heartbeat beating faster than ever before, his sweat soaked his flustered and painful face.

Illumi really lost his heart, and when he said that, he really released Murderous aura.

At this time, Luo ’s aura was like countless black Changhongs, baring fangs and brandishing claws swept towards Illumi. At the same time, Illumi also released his own aura to resist.


Candidates in the spectator circle, and even a dozen black clothed referees not far away, were forced back several steps by these two collisions.

“These two people …” Hanzo’s calm and composed look no longer exists, looks at Luo and Illumi, as if looking at two monsters.

Even Hanzo’s performance was a bit uncomfortable, let alone a few people who broke the library. Actually, Kurapika was normal, after all, he had already experienced it once.

Tonpa was standing not far from Luo, thinking that this guy was tired of living, so he dared to provoke Luo.

“Is Luo angry?” Bu Haji thought to himself.

“That person?” Menki looked towards Illumi, as if looking at the ingredients on the chopping board.

Netero looks at Luo and Illumi’s confrontation, there is a flash of interesting rays of light in the old eyes.

Luo slowly got up and looked coldly at Illumi.

He meets the Zoldyck family, but also belongs to outsiders.

Such a contradictory relationship is the root cause of being unable to get involved in Killua.

Therefore, he cannot liberate Killua directly, but he also needs to deal with a man as he deals with you, which restricts Illumi from interfering with Killua and Young Gon.

So long as Young Gon is present, Killua will sooner or later get rid of Zoldyck’s control.

Luo and Illumi’s gas fields collided in midair.

On the court, Killua looks at Luo who stood up, his face showing struggle, but he was very clear that Luo would stand up at this moment, in order to give him the confidence to resist.

Illumi sighed in his heart, yes, if Luo was there, he couldn’t move that little ghost named Young Gon.

If Luo could be won, there would not be that many troubles.

Illumi thought to himself, he was retracting the aura and letting Luo ’s aura flush his body.

This behavior is telling Luo that he admits it.

Therefore, to outsiders, Luo’s momentum overwhelmed Illumi.

The message that Illumi wanted to understand the current situation was conveyed, and Luo quietly withdrew the aura.

The two were silent, and completed a private exchange by relying on the collision of the gas field.

Illumi turned to Look towards Killua, indifferently said: “I want you to go home now.”

The preface said that to kill Young Gon, the postscript would be avoided, which is an obvious change.

Killua slowly looked up, and the struggle on his face had disappeared.

Seeing Killua’s response, Illumi’s eyes remained undisturbed, and finally a displeasure appeared, as if understood Killua’s next answer.

“I’ll give in, but I won’t go back.” Killua smiled reluctantly.

Illumi was silent.

It seems that Luo gave Killua confidence.

Although Luo is very familiar without crossing the line, his existence is a constant factor influencing Killua itself.

The main thing is that the chip that can kill Killua was stolen by Luo, which is the key.

Seeing that Killua chose to resist, Luo thought that if Illumi could not be eliminated, it would be a pleasant result.

I was a little worried that Illumi would lose control due to the outbreak of his brother’s control, and then desperately killed Young Gon.

Considering this possibility, after the license is issued, do you want to …

Take his heart?

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